Please specify what you are changing...EXACTLY.
Lou is reporting that b04 works, without changing anything
Righto, restarting all of these procedures with the system at 14C1514 and with the driver uninstalled via the uninstall tool, so there's no dirty data between attempts.
Install b04 driver
Immediately pops up notification after install that it is incompatible
Notification again (expected)
Checking control panel reports incompatible
Installer reports incompatible version and will not install
Change SystemVersion.plist to 14C1510
Install f03 driver
Immediately pops up notification after install that it is incompatible
Notification again (expected)
Checking control panel reports incompatible
f03 info.plist and kextcache
Installer reports incompatible version and will not install
Change SystemVersion.plist to 14C1510
Install f03 driver
Immediately pops up notification after install that it is incompatible
edit /System/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartup.kext/Contents/Info.plist to set NVDARequiredOS to 14C1514
Execute "sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartup.kext /System/Library/Extensions"
Execute "sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel"
Execute "sudo kextcache -system-caches"
Notification again (expected)
Checking control panel reports incompatible
Change SystemVersion.plist back to 14C1514
Notification again (expected)
Checking control panel reports incompatible
The "sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel" does throw a rather explicit error regarding the nvidia kext
Invalid signature -67030 for kext <OSKext 0x7fd0e624c390 [0x7fff75378cf0]> { URL = "NVDAStartup.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.nvidia.NVDAStartup" }
I have dev mode enabled so other unsigned kexts say they will load just with a warning that dev mode is allowing them, and some say they have no Info.plist of course. This is the only one explicitly called out for invalid signature.