Edit all Nvidia web driver installers to pass system checks:
1) Copy the Driver WebDriverXXXX.pkg to 'Downloads'.
2) Start Terminal
3) Terminal: cd downloads
4) Terminal: pkgutil --expand WebDriverXXXX.pkg expanded.pkg
5) Right mouse click expanded.pkg and choose Show Package Contents, right click Distribution file and choose 'Open with TextEdit' or 'Open with TextWrangler'. Then modify the InstallationCheck() method to return always true:
function InstallationCheck()
//if (!validateHardware()) return false;
//if (!validateSoftware()) return false;
return true;
6) Save the Distribution file.
7) Terminal: pkgutil --flatten expanded.pkg flattened.pkg
8) Double mouse click flattened.pkg and install Nvidia web driver.
Exactly what I needed to know thanks!
That got the drivers installed, still had the wrong OS build number even after the 3.0 security update was installed but fixed that with a BBEdit change to the system version plist (no permission fix or touch required), and after a reboot was able to enable the drivers.
Up and running!