I guess it all boils down to "Different strokes, for different folks".
I never thought that ten years in, Apple would still keep the overall style and theme of iOS the same since the original iPhone. I thought a few years ago they'd finally revise the UI and freshen it up. But now I'm thinking that may never happen, and the icons from 2013 and overall "App drawer left open look for the home screen" is here to stay for good.
And the top ten Jailbreak tweaks I'd like to see baked into stock stable iOS is just never gonna happen, or maybe over the next ten years.
Just seems Apple moves at a snails pace.
But who am I to say anything critical, obviously Apple is doing something right, selling these phones by the tens of millions at launch. It's no different than the Honda Civic of cars, or the Big Mac hamburger for fast food. The iPhone is for the general public, it's the easy phone to use for grandparents, and trendy phone for the teenagers, it's just a mass produced gadget for the masses, no different than an economy car, or fast food burger.
Apple makes the phone their way, and you cannot have chose to change or tweak to your liking, it's their way or the highway. And that's good for the 95% of the average buying public.