Let me fix that for you.
It isn't intended to replace your desktop/laptop, so it doesn't need to duplicate all the functionality of desktop.
The market for an iPad will break into two groups:
A: People who would never use a computer otherwise (ex my Mom), who won't find anything missing, because they never used anything else.
B: Computer comfortable users who already have a computer and will use this as a secondary device for what it is best at.
Almost everyone could fit into one of those groups and neither really needs desktop functionality in a tablet.
In forums we see the extreme version of group B. Techy geeks who probably have 3 computers and a few gadgets, yet they vociferously complain that the iPad must do everything despite having a house full of other gadgets to already do those more serious activities they complain are missing.
IMO it is preferable to deliver an excellent user experience on a subset of activities, than a mediocre user experience on desktop like range of activities.
If you want that wide ranging mediocre experience (desktop squished into tablet form) there is a growing list of devices to provide that:
As it stands now, the iPad can't be considered a desktop computer squished into tablet form.
It isn't intended to replace your desktop/laptop, so it doesn't need to duplicate all the functionality of desktop.
The market for an iPad will break into two groups:
A: People who would never use a computer otherwise (ex my Mom), who won't find anything missing, because they never used anything else.
B: Computer comfortable users who already have a computer and will use this as a secondary device for what it is best at.
Almost everyone could fit into one of those groups and neither really needs desktop functionality in a tablet.
In forums we see the extreme version of group B. Techy geeks who probably have 3 computers and a few gadgets, yet they vociferously complain that the iPad must do everything despite having a house full of other gadgets to already do those more serious activities they complain are missing.
IMO it is preferable to deliver an excellent user experience on a subset of activities, than a mediocre user experience on desktop like range of activities.
If you want that wide ranging mediocre experience (desktop squished into tablet form) there is a growing list of devices to provide that: