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Definitely a sensible policy. Did you still buy the iPad? Guess youll either have to wait a month or use the cards on something else.
If you got it 30 minutes later, then why does the image show an internal lag on Apple's side of nearly exactly 3 hours?
Three hour difference presumably between Eastern and Pacific time zones.

But if anyone really thinks that for a company so large that nobody is working in the office of the top executive on a Saturday, you may want to think again.
Three hour difference presumably between Eastern and Pacific time zones.

But if anyone really thinks that for a company so large that nobody is working in the office of the top executive on a Saturday, you may want to think again.

Nope, The times stay within the same time zone in the headers, at -0700 PDT.

I agree with the second statement.
I doubt that Jobs would waste his time responding to your email.

Regardless, is this legal? Does the gift card say that they can dictate on what it can be used for?

The excuse of 2 ipads per customer is total bull.

I think they just want you to buy the iPad with money that is not already in Apple's possession and then you may be tempted to use your gift card to buy accessories that you may not buy at the Apple store.

Can you imagine the fallout if Wal-Mart or Target or, heaven forbid Microsoft tried something like this?

The attorney general should look into this and file suit against Apple if in fact they are not allowing people to use gift cards for anything they want.

After reading this I know I will NEVER give anyone an Apple gift card.

Isn't the intention of giving a gift card to allow the recipient to be able to buy anything they want in the store?
Gonna go with the majority here and say either that response is fake, or from an assistant.

Yes, i came here just to post that.
These "check out this reply from Steve Jobs!" posts are all shady to me. Anyone can set their mail server's return address to

... and even if it is the real sjobs, 99% of big companies have an assistant who replies from all CEO (higher ups) incoming email FROM the CEO/manager's email address. Nothing to get excited about really. Not trying to burst the OP's bubble... just stating facts.
I think the e-mail is real and OP just disregard what people on this forum say. People are always skeptics and then when they realize someone is telling the truth they end up looking stupid.

Also about the 2 iPad limit i don't have an issue with that.
I think the e-mail is real and OP just disregard what people on this forum say. People are always skeptics and then when they realize someone is telling the truth they end up looking stupid.

Also about the 2 iPad limit i don't have an issue with that.

At this moment, I doubt any of us are qualifies to reach a conclusion.
Nope, The times stay within the same time zone in the headers, at -0700 PDT.
No, they don't. You'll see that the first message was received at 08:16 relative to the time that the computer on which the response was typed was set. In all likelihood, this was Pacific time considering the routing information at the top. The second message states that it was received at 11:43 EDT.

I honestly don't understand why people always just assume the worst of people. Who cares if it was from Jobs himself or an assistant? He got a response and that in and of itself is still pretty cool.
At this moment, I doubt any of us are qualifies to reach a conclusion.

Really? Well that's your opinion which your entitled to. But people on these message boards always accuse people of things that are not true.

I remember people getting accused of lying about getting a tracking number for the ipad. Because certain people didn't see their order status update quickly.

I was simply saying that the OP has no obligation to prove anything to macrumors.
No, they don't. You'll see that the first message was received at 08:16 relative to the time that the computer on which the response was typed was set. In all likelihood, this was Pacific time considering the routing information at the top. The second message states that it was received at 11:43 EDT.

I hate the PDT/EDT system, becuase I can get them mixed up. The times still don't 100% add up, becuase 1 second has effectively gone missing after the final hop has been made. EDT is GMT/UTC -4 isn't it?

Really? Well that's your opinion which your entitled to. But people on these message boards always accuse people of things that are not true.

I remember people getting accused of lying about getting a tracking number for the ipad. Because certain people didn't see their order status update quickly.

I was simply saying that the OP has no obligation to prove anything to macrumors.

I know - I just don't think that everyone should be disapproving and approving, unless they are experts. I can only go so far as to what I can see - it's not particularly difficult to fake headers.
I <3 this thread so much!

OP getting butthurt because a lowly assistant replied to his email instead of the messiah himself.
Maybe if you bothered to read further on, you would have comprehended the issue there.

Obviously you are not akin to others who don't use the systems.

Here is a screen-shot of my desktop with both the original Jobs email and the sent email. Notice the time stamps.

Of course you will just say I spent the last few hours wasting my time photo-shopping it.


  • Picture 1.png
    Picture 1.png
    263.3 KB · Views: 148
Bull. Jobs never says sorry.
My first thought.
So you are calling me a liar?
Not me but I think you're wrong. This seems like something an assistant would write.
I don't think he's implying that. Its just more than likely that one of Steve's assistants sent you the reply.
My thought too.
So you registered today. You link to a website which has the same exact name as your username instead of posting the email directly here.

Yeah, I don't believe you.
This is why some will think this is bogas.

Do you not get banned for multiple accounts?
Yes. OP should email a mod to merge accounts.

so you got an email from someone who works for Apple. I send emails for work on average 15 hours a day 7 days a week. I don't own the company and somehow I manage to send emails even in the wee hours. /shrug

file this under: who gives a **** and move on. It should not matter what we think. It'll be ok.
I just went to the Apple site to learn more about gift cards.

Here is what they say in the fine print Apple reserves the right to change at any time the products you can purchase with gift cards and to limit the use of gift cards in its discretion.

You would have to be a moron to purchase a gift card from such a company. They could, in theory, state that the gift cards are no longer valid for anything. They make the Goldman Sachs gang look like saints!

I love Apple products (and their stock) and I am sure I will buy an iPad. However, when I do, it will be from Best Buy and not from the Apple store, just out of principle. I will never buy an accessory in the Apple store if I can get it anywhere else.

Apple's business practices are horrible. Jobs must have read the Ferengie "Rules of Aquisition". Rule #1: I have your money, you are not getting it back, now go away! :D
I just went to the Apple site to learn more about gift cards.

Here is what they say in the fine print Apple reserves the right to change at any time the products you can purchase with gift cards and to limit the use of gift cards in its discretion.

You would have to be a moron to purchase a gift card from such a company. They could, in theory, state that the gift cards are no longer valid for anything. They make the Goldman Sachs gang look like saints!

I love Apple products (and their stock) and I am sure I will buy an iPad. However, when I do, it will be from Best Buy and not from the Apple store, just out of principle. I will never buy an accessory in the Apple store if I can get it anywhere else.

Apple's business practices are horrible. Jobs must have read the Ferengie "Rules of Aquisition". Rule #1: I have your money, you are not getting it back, now go away! :D

I agree Vintage. I did not buy these Apple gift cards. They were "gifted" to me. After this experience though, I would NEVER recommend anyone buy an Apple gift card. It's totally ridiculous.
I agree Vintage. I did not buy these Apple gift cards. They were "gifted" to me. After this experience though, I would NEVER recommend anyone buy an Apple gift card. It's totally ridiculous.

Tell your friends to gift you Best Buy gift cards instead or good ol' cash.

Until Stevo starts making his own Apple Money he should still take that. :eek:
Here is a screen-shot of my desktop with both the original Jobs email and the sent email. Notice the time stamps.

Of course you will just say I spent the last few hours wasting my time photo-shopping it.

I never said you photoshopped the image. I said it was possible and that it had been done before. I then proceeded to analyse you mail headers. I don't do this on a daily basis, and I missed one letter, therefore leading to an incorrect conclusion regarding the timing issue. In this, I took into account the second-timestep print.
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