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I have doing just that -- emailing website webmasters when I run acrosss a site that I can't view appropriately or has missing flash graphics. Just to let them know. Hope you all are doing the same.

I have been doing this too.

With local restaurants, this has been very successful when I explain that iPhone users also cannot see their menus on the go, nor most other smartphone users
How to live w/o Flash?

So, as more and more people access websites via iPhones & iPads, as a web developer, what is the best way to create fade-ins and fade-outs, animations etc without Flash? Slideshows etc obviously can be done w/Javascript, but I don't know of any way to create fading slideshows other than Flash.
On a related question, when exactly is HTML 5.0 going to be in use? or is it already?

just wondering....
How to live w/o Flash?

So, as more and more people access websites via iPhones & iPads, as a web developer, what is the best way to create fade-ins and fade-outs, animations etc without Flash? Slideshows etc obviously can be done w/Javascript, but I don't know of any way to create fading slideshows other than Flash.
On a related question, when exactly is HTML 5.0 going to be in use? or is it already?

just wondering....
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I am going to try to squeeze this topic in this year, but definately want to address this when I talk about Technolgy Shifts at the begining of the year.

Today, I wrote the following and already got a response from a national hardware company, Sutherlands:

Yes we can, thank you for saying something. There is now a link to a non-flash version of that page.

> Hello. I appreciate getting your advertisement via email. However, I have been recently switching over to almost 100% access via an Apple iPad. The good news is that I love it. The bad news is a few sites haven't changed their websites dropping the flash...or offering an alternative to the flash based advertisement. SO basically, anybody with an iPhone, iTouch, or the new iPad is not able to view your advertisement.
> If there is anything you can do to help offer a non-flash based application, it would be very helpful!
Why can't you discuss it in the classroom?
Yah! What could go wrong? High school kids would never make funny/rude/sarcastic/vulgar comments about a subject that touches on porn. And what happens in the classroom stays in the classroom, it never gets out to their parents or the drudge report. Yup, sounds like his job is safe to me. I say go for it!
So, as more and more people access websites via iPhones & iPads, as a web developer, what is the best way to create fade-ins and fade-outs, animations etc without Flash? Slideshows etc obviously can be done w/Javascript, but I don't know of any way to create fading slideshows other than Flash.

I don't know about how to code fade-ins and fade-outs, but why do you want these effects in the first place? Personally, I find them a waste of time and annoying when I want to quickly get to the info on a site, and have to wait through such effects before the info displays. They may be fast enough when on a high-speed internet connection, but when getting them through slower connections, and 3G is somewhat slow compared to broadband, they can take forever to load.
So, as more and more people access websites via iPhones & iPads, as a web developer, what is the best way to create fade-ins and fade-outs, animations etc without Flash? Slideshows etc obviously can be done w/Javascript, but I don't know of any way to create fading slideshows other than Flash.
On a related question, when exactly is HTML 5.0 going to be in use? or is it already?

just wondering....

I would suggest that the best way to get started is to use a JavaScript library. jQuery is the current 800lb gorilla in this area and I've found it to be very good in the projects that I've used it in. There are also a huge range of plugins written for jQuery including a number of slideshow plugins. The jQuery Cycle Plugin is one example that could be used to create an animated or fading slideshow without having to touch Flash.

Because many different parties are involved the evolution of web standards is more complicated than just the release of a new version of a software plugin. Parts of HTML5 are already available in current versions of Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. With IE9, Microsoft will bring some HTML5 features to Internet Explorer. So it is possible to use HTML5 right now as long as you take care to cope with older browsers through either Graceful Degradation or Progressive Enhancement. A concrete example of this would be to fallback to a Flash video player if the HTML5 video tag was not available. However it will take a long time before you can assume that 95%+ of your audience have HTML5 features in their browsers; just look at now long IE6 has hung around.
I definitely agree that Apple will in a sense kill flash. Many sites are converting to non-flash because they realize how many people can't view them. If they are a major site and still use flash, then they already have made an app to watch video. It's only a matter of time before most websites have converted. Even if you had support with another phone, its not a very enjoyable experience.

Honestly what is flash really providing? flash games? I'll take my games designed for the iphone/ipad, thanks. flash menus on websites? they suck anyways, i'd rather all websites got rid of that crap, even when using my desktop. flash videos? mlb, youtube, abc, etc... have already created apps to allow you to view their videos. Hulu is currently creating an app... It's only a matter of time before the rest of streaming video market has created an app as well. So what am I missing with flash exactly?
How to live w/o Flash?

I don't know about how to code fade-ins and fade-outs, but why do you want these effects in the first place? Personally, I find them a waste of time and annoying when I want to quickly get to the info on a site, and have to wait through such effects before the info displays. They may be fast enough when on a high-speed internet connection, but when getting them through slower connections, and 3G is somewhat slow compared to broadband, they can take forever to load.

I guess I don't necessarily want fade-ins etc, but some clients do-so thats why.
I agree, those Flash intro pages are really annoying-I always click the "skip intro" button. (except of course on cause I like the song....)
How to live w/o Flash?

I would suggest that the best way to get started is to use a JavaScript library. jQuery is the current 800lb gorilla in this area and I've found it to be very good in the projects that I've used it in. There are also a huge range of plugins written for jQuery including a number of slideshow plugins. The jQuery Cycle Plugin is one example that could be used to create an animated or fading slideshow without having to touch Flash.

Because many different parties are involved the evolution of web standards is more complicated than just the release of a new version of a software plugin. Parts of HTML5 are already available in current versions of Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. With IE9, Microsoft will bring some HTML5 features to Internet Explorer. So it is possible to use HTML5 right now as long as you take care to cope with older browsers through either Graceful Degradation or Progressive Enhancement. A concrete example of this would be to fallback to a Flash video player if the HTML5 video tag was not available. However it will take a long time before you can assume that 95%+ of your audience have HTML5 features in their browsers; just look at now long IE6 has hung around.

Thank you SO much for all of this info, very helpful. I went to and checked it out. Not totally sure how it works yet, but I'll spend some time on it and figure it out. Thanks!

I guess I don't necessarily want fade-ins etc, but some clients do-so thats why.
I agree, those Flash intro pages are really annoying-I always click the "skip intro" button. (except of course on cause I like the song....)
I'm twenty six years with my own graphics company and have learned to adapt to the complete spectrum of new technologies. While I don't design websites, lots of my clients ask for my advice regarding websites they have or may be having developed.
My rule of thumb has always been to keep it simple, quick to load regardless of platform. Surely, it's important to educate people now, explaining how many people are using smartphones to view their sites, and that simpler may be better.
All this fading and so on is completely pointless and does little if nothing to impress the end user in my opinion.
Ease of navigation is still the most important but most under rated feature of any website
Ease of navigation is still the most important but most under rated feature of any website

Amen and hallelujah. Good content that is easy to find brings people back. Good content that is hard to navigate is infuriating -- "I know it's there, but how do I find it?" I encounter a number of sites like that, resorting to Google search on the site. Ouch! They should be ashamed! But of course, nothing can make up for a lack of content.
Sample message to send to web contact forms...

[i just sent the following to't barely even get into the site. thought it would be nice to keep up with the sites we are successful in coverting. At the very least, bm this site and copy and paste the following.]

Hello. I am on the new is my wife. We could not view your website. Do you have a non flash website coming soon? I am sure there are other new iPad users out there that will benefit. I know with the iPhone (which I do not have) it was probably no big deal...but I have replaced my laptop and net book with the iPad...and I am sure others are as well. Thanks for your time!
iPad killing flash is more like, say there were two types of fuel being used to run cars, and one auto company came along and declared it is using Type A fuel as opposed to Type B, and it was so influential it ran Type B fuel out of business.

Or maybe more accurately, like everyone was using fuel A and then some company came along and said "We want you to use fuel A and our fuel additive B, because it makes your car run better." After a long while of people getting used to it, they try to convince you that your car won't run at all without additive B.
We'll see who kills what. Most people still don't care about Flash in general, but the DO care if they cannot enjoy the internet as they got used to it. With the iPad and the iPhone, that is a concern.

Flash will be around for years. HTML5 will be not.
We'll see who kills what. Most people still don't care about Flash in general, but the DO care if they cannot enjoy the internet as they got used to it. With the iPad and the iPhone, that is a concern.

Flash will be around for years. HTML5 will be not.

But every iPhoneOS device that Apple sells increases pressure on content providers to switch off Flash and go to standards. That number grows by a lot every day. And what makes you think that HTML (or its successors which, if anything, should be even more capable) won't be around for years?
But every iPhoneOS device that Apple sells increases pressure on content providers to switch off Flash and go to standards. That number grows by a lot every day. And what makes you think that HTML (or its successors which, if anything, should be even more capable) won't be around for years?

Who knows what makes haters think the things they do? It's certainly not logic or reason leading the way.
But every iPhoneOS device that Apple sells increases pressure on content providers to switch off Flash and go to standards. That number grows by a lot every day. And what makes you think that HTML (or its successors which, if anything, should be even more capable) won't be around for years?

I think the motivation was there before the iPad and the iPhone. Marketers are always looking to further their message and it was obvious that smartphones were an up and coming untapped market. Browsers on these devices were absolutely pitiful.

The iPhone blew this market wide open. So by now, most mobile sites don't quite suck as much as they used to. Now that Steve-o threw down the gloves and said no to flash, the market out there decided that if they want to target iPhone/iPad owners (who obviously have money to spend on their shiny toys) they had better get to work on a flash alternative.
Steve Jobs also killed the floppy drive with the first iMac. Worked out okay if you ask me.
You have a point there. I have been to a few store sites and I am obviously put off if I can't view anything. The entire site for the mall of america is flash-mania and useless to me on my iPad.

Sounds like you need a more capable computer. It was well documented what you were getting when you bought the ipad, so you don't have any reason to be complaining now.
Sounds like you need a more capable computer. It was well documented what you were getting when you bought the ipad, so you don't have any reason to be complaining now.

Reality is that some web publishers / site owners are oblivious to the restrictions of mobile devices. As these devices become more mainstream, web sites will have to change their coding to incorporate that "new" market for mobile devices.

No harm in voicing your interest in their website, and your request for them to convert to a mobile friendly code (whatever that may be). The more requests, the better the chances that a change will be made.

From a business standpoint, when the cost of the loss of the mobile customer begins to outweigh the cost outlay to convert your site, then the position of not caring about that segment should change. Opinions raised will help increase the awareness of the financial impact of their omission.
Alternative to flash for a slide show?

Flash provides NOTHING we cannot do in other ways... often times, even better.

Hello. Sorry to drag this back up...but I am looking for how to design my site to be iPad/phone friendly.

I am not that good with webdesign, but want to make the image on my front page to be a slide show:

Can this be done with out flash...or a video?

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