As the father of a daughter who is completing her sophomore year at college, I don't get too involved in her day-to-day activities. The only thing I care about are the grades at the end of each semester. It is only if they are bad will I say something to her. So far, it hasn't been an issue.
That said, college ain't cheap. If my child wants to play around and not be successful in the classroom, they can do it on their own dime, not mine.
I agree.
My son has the toys but also knows this is his one and only opportunity for his ticket.
We pay $110 per classroom hour, not per credit hour per classroom hour.
His rent in Boston is $1500 a month, he gets $50 a week cash for food and other expenses. We pick up utilities, cell phone, and cable. Well, I slip him a $100 or more when I swing by and we do lunch or something.
We grabbed his high school diploma from him to make sure it was signed, that's how poorly he performed in high school.
Something clicked between that June and September.
All I ask him is, are you getting your work done and are you having fun.
It's up to him to manage his time.
My wife would rather manage it for him.
However we might grab take advantage of the deal so he has a new laptop.