I thought the $24.99 version was way too high for an App that wouldn't be used but very infrequently by most.
I have been using VNC Lite, for FREE
Well, I purchased the $.99 Teleport Lite, and the only words that I can think of is RIP-OFF compared to Mocha VNC Lite.
The ONLY thing the mouse does is allow you to move the screen around on your iPhone. You can't use any mouse clicks, switch Application windows on your computer, or open new ones. You DO need to be able to maneuver the screen with the mouse because you can Zoom to enlarge your screen, but you can't get the screen zoom in to get it to fit the iPhone screen. So, you need the mouse to be able to move around the screen to look at it.
Absolutely USELESS. But I was the DUMB one because I gave them $.99 for something that does nothing. At least with the FREE Mocha VNC Lite, you can actually do a lot.
But, I guess is someone can sell a useless App for $999, then this company can sell one for $.99
I'm not going to spend the $24.99 after they ripped me off of $.99.
Anyway, I was told by the coder, that after Apple gets the updated version of Mocha VNC in the Store, he is going to start adding features. And, he said he's keeping the low price.
Too bad Teleport coders aren't observing.