Aside from that, I can't recall a BMW or Audi that had interior refinement close to MBZ. I'd say Lexus does, but still falls short in some places. Audi and BMW interiors look dated to me. Even their fans admit to them not changing much in the last 15 or so years or more if you think back to the old 80s and 90s BMWs.
No offense, but I don't understand exactly understand how you can make this claim--- other than the fact looks are subjective. Have you been in any of these other cars? The GL is probably one of the most dated cars in Mercedes lineup, and the GLS isn't much of an improvement. The interior is straight out of 2003, even with the update. In terms of styling, the GL/GLS in my opinion is really 1.5-2 generations behind in their styling phases.
2007 GL interior
2015 GL interior:
2017 GLS interior:

Not a whole lot of improvements to be seen. I see a different steering wheel... And the screen is mounted with a pop up effect out now? How can Mercedes get away in 2016 selling a car with an LCD that small for that much money. Really it's just a cloned GLE interior.
The Competition...
2016 Audi Q7

The pop up center LCD is on the smaller side, but at least its
wide. Keep in mind the entire dashboard is a digital screen too.
The 2016 X5
The 2016 GX 460

The GX tech s a bit dated technology wise at this point, but its not anywhere close to their top seller. I think the interior is pretty sophisticated though, kind of a timeless Art Deco look to it. Obviously a bit more of a rugged look. The exterior of the GX has never been its strong suit.
The 2016 LX 570
Toyota Land Cruiser

Halfway between a GX and an LX... but really just a cheaper LX with a couple less options. Though again going for a more rugged look, even this seems far more modern than the GL.
I'm not saying the GL is a bad car, its a pretty good family car when you put it all together. I just don't see it as the pinnacle of luxury SUV engineering. A number of my coworkers have GL's and I know a few people with GX's as I said before. I'm not quite sure their reliability has been as stellar as yours. I can't find a single forum post about the GX headlight issue. But whatever- anecdotal evidence, everyone has a luck of the draw. I do hold JDP and CR's information to a level of credibility though.
BMW seem to be doing something very cool with their central navigator. You can now write out letters and commands with your finger on a touch-pad. I think that's very cool, but makes me wonder about down the road reliability and loss of sensitivity.
As others have said this technology has been around for some time. Anyone remember PalmOS's graffiti input

? Anyways, you should be made aware the more technologically advanced Mercedes models have touch technology on the COMAND controller on the black shiny part above the scroll wheel.