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Yeah. They both turned one a month back. They're not much in the way of criers, it's that you don't exactly expect to be awoken by sharp shrieking at 3 AM, you know. The worst was the teething periods and when they'd caught a minor cold. No sleep was had. They're getting better as the months go by. They managed to sleep about 10 hours over the weekend and woke up shortly after to eat. To date, the only baby food we've bought were teething snacks or cereal like snacks. The one's you'd see at WF. The teething cookies are rather good.. I've had a few with my coffee before. They didn't like this stiff, biscotti like cookie you could wack somebody in the head with and possibly cause a concussion. I ended up sawing off the remaining in half and used them as coffee and tea dunkers.

Any food is made by us or whoever is over looking after them. They get their daily fill of veg and fruit. Just no high fat foods like lamb or marbled red meat. The doctor said their bodies can't digest the high fat content like older kids can. Otherwise it's a great way to introduce kids to veg and fruit without hiccups.
My God! I just finished detailing the Quattroporte; it was about a week of painstaking work, but it was all worth-it. I got my 'Sticky Melting Solution' product in the mail and immediately went to work curing all the stupid rubberized plastics in the car so that they would be down to the bare ABS. It was difficult, though, because the melting on our Maserati wasn't as bad as most people's Maseratis/Ferraris have it, so it made it even more difficult to remove the sticky layer. One would assume that it's worse when the melting is severe; however, advanced stages of melting allow for the cleaner to dissolve and cure the buttons more easily. Unfortunately, 'Sticky Melting Solution' just isn't potent enough to tackle halfway-melted surfaces. Additionally, I had tail bone surgery, so I couldn't sit down in the car and work on the plastics from there - I had to kneel on the ground or stand, and lean over to cure the plastics as they were.

Anyway, I'm proud of my work. It's SO nice to be able to change the speaker volume, skip a song, unlock the doors, etc. - WITHOUT having to plunge a finger onto a surface that's goopy and tacky.

In case anyone would like some reference material, should they have a Maserati/Ferrari - or any other car - with a similar issue, I'll be posting pictures of the finished product (and also some 'before' pictures that I happen to have).
Speaking of false identification I tend to have this problem where people think I'm an employee of whatever place I am in. It can be a medical building, clothing stores, Walgreens. Do I just look like a generic employee? Is it the way I shop? Is it how I dress? Do I just look too comfortable? Or is the general public just that stupid. I don't get it.

I was buying ibuprofen at Walgreens a month ago and this guy comes up to me with two boxes of hair dye "excuse me, do you work here? Could you tell me..." "
There are two possible reasons for this happening to you, IMHO.

1. Most retail stores operate with the least amount of staff as possible that they can get away with. Thus, it's hard to find someone to assist the customers.

2. You have a friendly face
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I've been knocking around blacking out the various emblems, but mostly the front pony - I love how that grill area looks when it's all black.

I pulled my pony off - I can't image removing it with the pins intact, unless you could get at it from below, with some kind of dremel bit, and still not wind up breaking (or even melting) them. So, yeah, I just snapped off the pins (which was expected).

To be honest, it's not _terrible_ with just the emblem removed, it's mostly not noticeable from 10 feet away, it just leaves a pony outline. When you get close though, it does look like something is missing, there's the mounting pin holes, and a little "divet" in the center.

So I figured, I had the pony off, I had a can of black appliance paint, why not paint it? At worst case, I don't use it order a new black emblem, or if the paint didn't work, I could probably even plastidip over it for a 2nd try.

Well, heck, it looks pretty good! I'm going to smooth it out a bit after the first coat is fully dry, apply a second coat, then do something to flush the back out, maybe fill it with some epoxy, and finally use some 3M auto tape to re-secure it.

Photos upon completion :cool:
My God! I just finished detailing the Quattroporte; it was about a week of painstaking work, but it was all worth-it. I got my 'Sticky Melting Solution' product in the mail and immediately went to work curing all the stupid rubberized plastics in the car so that they would be down to the bare ABS. It was difficult, though, because the melting on our Maserati wasn't as bad as most people's Maseratis/Ferraris have it, so it made it even more difficult to remove the sticky layer. One would assume that it's worse when the melting is severe; however, advanced stages of melting allow for the cleaner to dissolve and cure the buttons more easily. Unfortunately, 'Sticky Melting Solution' just isn't potent enough to tackle halfway-melted surfaces. Additionally, I had tail bone surgery, so I couldn't sit down in the car and work on the plastics from there - I had to kneel on the ground or stand, and lean over to cure the plastics as they were.

Anyway, I'm proud of my work. It's SO nice to be able to change the speaker volume, skip a song, unlock the doors, etc. - WITHOUT having to plunge a finger onto a surface that's goopy and tacky.

In case anyone would like some reference material, should they have a Maserati/Ferrari - or any other car - with a similar issue, I'll be posting pictures of the finished product (and also some 'before' pictures that I happen to have).

Yay for another resident detailing DIYer! Do post pictures! I did the 3er this summer to pretty satisfactory results (first time trying to detail on my own). Perhaps this fall if there's nice weather, if not, then next spring, going to do the MINI. It's a pretty satisfying job once you complete it especially if you get the results.
Yay for another resident detailing DIYer! Do post pictures! I did the 3er this summer to pretty satisfactory results (first time trying to detail on my own). Perhaps this fall if there's nice weather, if not, then next spring, going to do the MINI. It's a pretty satisfying job once you complete it especially if you get the results.

I have to say that once a car has been fully detailed, it's not THAT much work to maintain it if you just do something every day or two. Once the worst(full) job has been done, taking a few minutes in the afternoon to go around and clean your sills(for example) isn't all that daunting of a task.

A full interior/exterior detail is quite a job to behold, though. It amazes me how many people have their car "professionally detailed" and then I see little things like dirt in the gas door or along one of the trunk seals. It's the little things that-IMO-really set apart a good detail job.

I remember being in the college parking lot one day and I had the center console torn apart so that I could get in all the nooks and crannies in it. I don't know how many people stopped to ask me what was wrong, and then were flabbergasted when they saw me with a toothbrush and I said that I was cleaning. A lot of folks never even thing of doing stuff like that.
I have to say that once a car has been fully detailed, it's not THAT much work to maintain it if you just do something every day or two. Once the worst(full) job has been done, taking a few minutes in the afternoon to go around and clean your sills(for example) isn't all that daunting of a task.

A full interior/exterior detail is quite a job to behold, though. It amazes me how many people have their car "professionally detailed" and then I see little things like dirt in the gas door or along one of the trunk seals. It's the little things that-IMO-really set apart a good detail job.

I remember being in the college parking lot one day and I had the center console torn apart so that I could get in all the nooks and crannies in it. I don't know how many people stopped to ask me what was wrong, and then were flabbergasted when they saw me with a toothbrush and I said that I was cleaning. A lot of folks never even thing of doing stuff like that.

Maintaining it definitely isn't hard. I'm a clean freak so I'm cleaning at least once a week so my DIY detail job wasn't that extensive, pretty much paint correction: removing the swirl marks and making the paint shine again (damn Canadian winters!) but if you rarely do any cleaning no matter how clean you think you are, after a few years, it's going to show wear/tear.
Yay for another resident detailing DIYer! Do post pictures! I did the 3er this summer to pretty satisfactory results (first time trying to detail on my own). Perhaps this fall if there's nice weather, if not, then next spring, going to do the MINI. It's a pretty satisfying job once you complete it especially if you get the results.

Yeah, I love detailing my family's cars - it's very satisfying and rewarding work. I still need to clean up the leather a bit, but at least the buttons are now sorted out. Do post pictures of your work as well! I think next up, on my plate, may be our 1996 Landcruiser. We have an abundant supply of scrub pads now, so I'm gonna see if I can fix up the leather seats a bit. Only thing I haven't touched is carpet cleaning... which the '96 definitely needs.

I'll be posting pics of the Maserati soon.
[doublepost=1473308938][/doublepost]Exactly: I always try to get the finest details possible. If I were lazy, I'd go get my car detailed (mainly for the exterior); but when I am up to the job (which I usually am), I try to go all the way - or however far my existing tools and cleaners will take me.
[doublepost=1473309169][/doublepost]Okay, here are various shots of the Maserati interior. This ONLY concerns the sticky, melted buttons/plastic panels. I simply did that (well, it wasn't simple...) and then gave the carpets a vacuuming. I added in a couple 'before' shots that I found on my computer. You can see how gunky the plastics look in those photos:
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Sorry, couldn't fit all of them. Here are a few of the 'before' pictures. Some plastics were visibly melted, while others were only sticky to the touch and/or dusty. They may not look bad in the pictures, but they definitely were horrible. One could feel his finger stick to any button touched; it just made me cringe every time I would - reluctantly - hit a button in that car. The media controls on the steering wheel were among the worst. I had to use the tip of my finger to change a song, as the face of that control panel was tar-like. Another button (I believe the trunk button seen in one of the 'after' photos) had a visible finger print in it. If Maserati still primarily used this material, I would be sending them a very strong letter.
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It's what happens when you don't get enough sleep and forgo having some form of caffeine. Pop off a few mini Goldbergs and you'll join the club. :)
Oh god I don't think I could handle a bunch of Goldberglings running around. Not for a long long time anyways. Not until I'm at least 30.

Sleep? I am confused and frightened by this word, in my village, we do not have this thing you call sleep.
I would appreciate you not use this word. It may make others including myself jealous ;)

We had the incredible fortune that our little G was a really good sleeper, I mean just amazing, from weeks old through to a few years old.
Oh! G for Goldbergling (defined above) I see how it is. You can just kidnap my children? (But seriously late night play writing, she sounds adorable!)
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Yeah, I love detailing my family's cars - it's very satisfying and rewarding work. I still need to clean up the leather a bit, but at least the buttons are now sorted out. Do post pictures of your work as well! I think next up, on my plate, may be our 1996 Landcruiser. We have an abundant supply of scrub pads now, so I'm gonna see if I can fix up the leather seats a bit. Only thing I haven't touched is carpet cleaning... which the '96 definitely needs.

Too late for the 3er now but I will likely do/post pictures of a detailed MINI sometime this month or in the fall while the weather is still nice out and prepare it for my annual drive up north.
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If someone gave me $80,000 to buy a car... I'm driving off the lot in a CTS-V

And it's hard for any manufacturer to say anything about it except for Porche and Bentley... Then reliability and cost to own comes into to play

CUE 2.5 with CarPlay is great... If you can play Xbox or use and iPhone.. You can use CUE

Edit- I'll take some of what I said back... Audi S8 is fast man, but the caddyhack handles better


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@PowerMac G4 MDD

Nice detail job!

But oh my... that is some awful looking plastic. I can't believe it even "melted"

If someone gave me $80,000 to buy a car... I'm driving off the lot in a CTS-V

I wonder if they're giving away the CTS-V with huge discounts, like the regular CTS :cool:

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@PowerMac G4 MDD

Nice detail job!

But oh my... that is some awful looking plastic. I can't believe it even "melted"


I wonder if they're giving away the CTS-V with huge discounts, like the regular CTS :cool:


I wish they were.... Then again I could get a 2 year old M5 from Carmax with 25k on the clock for $40,000

Carmax has a CLS AMG for less than half... Lol Bargain
I've loved the CTS-V since they came out...

If nothing else, the CTS as a whole, and the CTS-V in particular, is what FoMoCo could have done with my beloved Lincoln LS had they actually targeted the car to the right demographic and pepped it up some.

My one criticism of the current CTS-V is that it's no longer offered with a manual transmission.
Then again I could get a 2 year old M5 from Carmax with 25k on the clock for $40,000

No you can't. There's only 5 F10 M5s nationwide. All over $53,000



Carmax has a CLS AMG for less than half... Lol Bargain

There's only one W218 AMG nationwide (and it's already 5 years old)


Anyways, the comparison made is pretty baseless IMO...

Most of the cars you're looking at are quite old and out of warranty. Not to mention, the F10 will be replaced with the G30 in a few months.

My one criticism of the current CTS-V is that it's no longer offered with a manual transmission.

Screw the SS. Go pick up a last-gen CTS-V wagon with the 6MT!

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Nice detailing. Agreed on "melting." Skin oils are a bitch when it comes to ABS plastics and sublimation dyes. I'd be hard pressed to get a Cadillac. I can't see myself driving a plain one and definitely not the -V versions. Too outlandish for my tastes. Though, regardless of my opinion, nothing say badass like a 520+ HP Dad Wagon.

Some dealers in SoCal are offering M5s with up to 15K off MSRP to get them off the lot. Lease deals are also enticing. Porsche can command the prices they lay out. The high price of a mid-range Panamera or even the Turbo variant doesn't deter the customer base here. Or the 911s. They make very well thought out and put together cars.

The upcoming Prius Prime looks interesting. Don't worry, I have no plans on picking up a Prius. It's the 600+ estimated miles per hybrid tank that's interesting if remotely true.
If someone gave me $80,000 to buy a car... I'm driving off the lot in a CTS-V

I've loved the CTS-V since they came out...

If nothing else, the CTS as a whole, and the CTS-V in particular, is what FoMoCo could have done with my beloved Lincoln LS had they actually targeted the car to the right demographic and pepped it up some.

My one criticism of the current CTS-V is that it's no longer offered with a manual transmission.

Yeah, I do really like the CTS-V, I mean, I realize there's some "brand equity" discussions for some folks (in truth, I'm not really a "Cadillac person" either) , but purely objective, it's a stellar piece of engineering, and subjectively, I mostly dig on the the car as a whole in terms of design - black with saffron interior and gold brembos please :D

Screw the SS. Go pick up a last-gen CTS-V wagon with the 6MT!

Now the wagon, I just _love_ :D
Yeah, I do really like the CTS-V, I mean, I realize there's some "brand equity" discussions for some folks (in truth, I'm not really a "Cadillac person" either) , but purely objective, it's a stellar piece of engineering, and subjectively, I mostly dig on the the car as a whole in terms of design - black with saffron interior and gold brembos please :D

Now the wagon, I just _love_ :D

No one cares about brand equity except badge snobs, who just gotta have a foreign car like its retarded...

And be the mains bitching about a recall in an American car but turns around and Buys a BMW (cause German) that craps an oil pump and it's sitting in a shop for more than a month... And for some reason gets stuck with - $6000 repair bill cause warranty was out or said part or labor wasn't covered

And suckers and Sheep would gladly pay it...

I really researched into buying an E92 M3... Just to see what's the hype about about... 1... 1 1/2 hours reading into the forums, scared me away

Okay... I said maybe an F30 328i M sport would be a better DD... A saw a lot of "malfunctioning brakes"... Cars in dealers for months at a time waiting for parts, oil leaks, turbos failing, electricity issues

I mean you think we were talking about a 90s Buick here.... Hey except for the M5... If you like throwing money away.. Buy a BMW with the mainstream TTV8

I'm mean seriously... Pour a cup a coffee and go over to bimmer post

If I end up buying a foreign car... It will end up being a Jag cause they seem to have their **** together, Benz despite the electrical issues, or Genesis... I'm really rooting for those guys
[doublepost=1473428648][/doublepost]Do you guys know that... For any BMW engines that blow because of known issues.. And it's out of warranty... BMW would replace the engine if you sign a Non-Disclosure agreement

Hmmm.... Sounds like a good way to avoid a recall if ask me
No one cares about brand equity except badge snobs, who just gotta have a foreign car like its retarded...

And be the mains bitching about a recall in an American car but turns around and Buys a BMW (cause German) that craps an oil pump and it's sitting in a shop for more than a month... And for some reason gets stuck with - $6000 repair bill cause warranty was out or said part or labor wasn't covered

And suckers and Sheep would gladly pay it...

I really researched into buying an E92 M3... Just to see what's the hype about about... 1... 1 1/2 hours reading into the forums, scared me away

Okay... I said maybe an F30 328i M sport would be a better DD... A saw a lot of "malfunctioning brakes"... Cars in dealers for months at a time waiting for parts, oil leaks, turbos failing, electricity issues

I mean you think we were talking about a 90s Buick here.... Hey except for the M5... If you like throwing money away.. Buy a BMW with the mainstream TTV8

I'm mean seriously... Pour a cup a coffee and go over to bimmer post

If I end up buying a foreign car... It will end up being a Jag cause they seem to have their **** together, Benz despite the electrical issues, or Genesis... I'm really rooting for those guys
[doublepost=1473428648][/doublepost]Do you guys know that... For any BMW engines that blow because of known issues.. And it's out of warranty... BMW would replace the engine if you sign a Non-Disclosure agreement

Hmmm.... Sounds like a good way to avoid a recall if ask me

The forums are the worst place to go if you're looking to buy any car - that's where all the people who have problems go. That's not to say you can't read what's on the forums to make an informed buying decision but all you're going to read are horror stories which represent a small sample relative to the total number of cars sold worldwide.
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No one cares about brand equity except badge snobs, who just gotta have a foreign car like its retarded...


And be the mains bitching about a recall in an American car but turns around and Buys a BMW (cause German) that craps an oil pump and it's sitting in a shop for more than a month... And for some reason gets stuck with - $6000 repair bill cause warranty was out or said part or labor wasn't covered

And suckers and Sheep would gladly pay it...
Quite ironic. Aren't you the same person that wants to overpay for a POS used Durango because of crappy credit? A car that will be worthless in 2 years?

Please point out who the sucker in this situation is...

We're not the ones deluded by some false sense of patriotism towards the domestics.

Okay... I said maybe an F30 328i M sport would be a better DD... A saw a lot of "malfunctioning brakes"... Cars in dealers for months at a time waiting for parts, oil leaks, turbos failing, electricity issues

Not really... The N20 engine in the F30 hasn't had any major problems. You're just making crap up again. Provide proof.

I mean you think we were talking about a 90s Buick here.... Hey except for the M5... If you like throwing money away.. Buy a BMW with the mainstream TTV8

So you're telling me that American cars are bulletproof correct? How about the POS Ford DCT transmissions in the Focus/Fiesta? or the long history of timing chain problems with the Cadillac 3.6 V6?

CR backs me up. Your beloved domestics are mostly bottom dwellers in reliability.


If I end up buying a foreign car... It will end up being a Jag cause they seem to have their **** together

Jaguar? What?

Do you guys know that... For any BMW engines that blow because of known issues.. And it's out of warranty... BMW would replace the engine if you sign a Non-Disclosure agreement

Hmmm.... Sounds like a good way to avoid a recall if ask me

You have no idea what you're talking about.
It's the 600+ estimated miles per hybrid tank that's interesting if remotely true.

I'm pretty sure you can get 600+ miles for range with a diesel GL350 BT. I've gone ~550 miles on a tank of diesel before.
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No one cares about brand equity except badge snobs, who just gotta have a foreign car like its retarded...

And be the mains bitching about a recall in an American car but turns around and Buys a BMW (cause German) that craps an oil pump and it's sitting in a shop for more than a month... And for some reason gets stuck with - $6000 repair bill cause warranty was out or said part or labor wasn't covered

And suckers and Sheep would gladly pay it...

I really researched into buying an E92 M3... Just to see what's the hype about about... 1... 1 1/2 hours reading into the forums, scared me away

Okay... I said maybe an F30 328i M sport would be a better DD... A saw a lot of "malfunctioning brakes"... Cars in dealers for months at a time waiting for parts, oil leaks, turbos failing, electricity issues

I mean you think we were talking about a 90s Buick here.... Hey except for the M5... If you like throwing money away.. Buy a BMW with the mainstream TTV8

I'm mean seriously... Pour a cup a coffee and go over to bimmer post

If I end up buying a foreign car... It will end up being a Jag cause they seem to have their **** together, Benz despite the electrical issues, or Genesis... I'm really rooting for those guys
[doublepost=1473428648][/doublepost]Do you guys know that... For any BMW engines that blow because of known issues.. And it's out of warranty... BMW would replace the engine if you sign a Non-Disclosure agreement

Hmmm.... Sounds like a good way to avoid a recall if ask me

Well I for one can say my '09 535i xDrive now with close to 120,000 miles has never spent months in the shop waiting for parts. I'm still on the original turbo as well (thank god). I don't think BMW would be a viable company if your representation of sitting

TESLA was the auto manufacturer getting all the press having customers sign NDA's in exchange for free repairs.

You pay a premium to buy European cars. It's also common knowledge you will pay more for repairs. But you can't quite buy an American car with the same features and dynamics as European make.

If you want a Jaguar just know they historically have has had very low rankings in the reliability department, even after the TATA buyout and also as rated as one of the costliest cars to fix (usually tied with Land Rover).

If you're #1 concern is reliability and low cost of ownership, you're not going to buy a European car. Quite frankly my BMW has been more reliable than my previous 03 Jeep. The repairs certainly cost more, but it's not like I had to replace the entire dash removed to fix the HVAC air handed, AC condenser replaced, fuel pump replaced, alternator x2, window regulators x2, have both diff's rebuilt, sunroof leaks, transmission rebuilt, wheel hubs x2, vetc all before or around a comparible Milage to my BMW. Mind you, this Jeep was meticulously maintained and serviced as suggested suggested by a Jeep dealer.
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Jesus Christ... Did I hurt your feelings, you are posting stats, counter arguments, opinions... it's too early to argue with a blind fanboy... Like really...

You make it seem like it's your full time job in this thread to paint some light that foreign cars are better than anything on the road... Some might argue yes some just dont care and buy what they like!... You need to grow up

Someone post about a Honda Civic... You would prolly counter with a 320i... It's annoying

And for your information... The new Dodge Durango is built on a Mercedes Benz Chassis... Same for the Jeep Grand Cherokee... Both have German transmission and the only damned thing about them that's American is interior, engine, and overall design and have an awesome resale value comparing used to MSRP... Since you like numbers.. Check them out

And lastly... and it's screenshoted... I don't have crappy credit, my girl who I was talking about don't have crappy credit... So she had a $100 flu shot bill from two years ago that her insurance didn't cover and we didn't get the memo until her score dropped from 789 to 714... If that crappy credit well damn but crap like that happens in the real world instead of the one you dreaming about a Maserati that has Dodge Durango switch gear and parts also

I would tell you how to remove ones head out of said rectal body part but then I'll get banned

You pay a premium to buy European cars.

If you're #1 concern is reliability and low cost of ownership, you're not going to buy a European car. Quite frankly my BMW has been more reliable than my previous 03 Jeep. The repairs certainly cost more, but it's not like I had to replace the entire dash removed to fix the HVAC air handed, AC condenser replaced, fuel pump replaced, alternator x2, window regulators x2, have both diff's rebuilt, sunroof leaks, transmission rebuilt, wheel hubs x2, vetc all before or around a comparible Milage to my BMW. Mind you, this Jeep was meticulously maintained and serviced as suggested suggested by a Jeep dealer.

I think we all can agree... Aside from the wrangler... Jeeps reliability in the past was highly hit or miss... Emphasis on the miss lol

My whole thing that's turns me into a immature troll is that... And I'm comparing today's American Cars

Is that for example... You would go and Call the New Chevy Malibu a crappy car from the rip without even test driving the car, or not even read not one review but degrade the car because it's a Chevy but turn around and call a Passat a superior car because it German... That's non sense
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Is that for example... You would go and Call the New Chevy Malibu a crappy car from the rip without even test driving the car, or not even read not one review but degrade the car because it's a Chevy but turn around and call a Passat a superior car because it German... That's non sense
(can we get some proper grammar please? holy run-on batman)

Many of us on here have said *many times* that the current Passat is a pile of crap. (FYI, they're actually made in America)

That being said, I have actually driven a new Malibu. It's mediocre. The Mazda6 and Accord are better in many ways.
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