Time to use Christmas break(I get off a week for work) to clean up some loose odds and ends on the MG.
1. Door cards-mine are terrible, and I've had the replacements for probably 6 months
2. Some rubber seals that are shot
3. I need to pull the steering column apart to replace the wiper stalk-the sprayer switch is seized and I broke it trying to free it. I bought a replacement from-of all places-a Rolls Royce dealer in North Carolina probably in March or so.
4. This is a small thing, but has been bugging me for a while. The caps on the end of the turn signal and wiper stalks are badly rusted. Moss Motors sells stainless steel replacements-I need to take the time to get them ordered and installed.
5. Even though I bled the brakes when I changed the M/C, the pedal is a bit spongy so I'm going to go through and do that again.
6. I have a Smith's vacuum gauge that I want to install. After I find a place, I need to get the take-off on the intake manifold(I have some parts manifolds with an assortment of vacuum fittings-I just need to find the right one).
7. It wants to idle too high-I need to spend some time with the carbs and see if there's a vacuum leak I'm missing.
Nothing terribly exciting, but just some overdue stuff.
I need a new camshaft also and am going to go with a slightly more aggressive than stock grind, but I REALLY don't want to tackle that at the moment.