Closing in on a deal on the Marina.
I can't believe I'm actually going through with it, and I still have to figure out how the best way to get it here.
Hopefully getting it running won't be too big of a deal-if I end up going to get it-which looks likely-I'll probably pull the plugs and get some MMO in the cylinders before I get it home-hopefully a few hundred miles on a trailer will shake and jostle it around enough to get things a bit more free. Once it's home, I can run through a quick tune-up and depending on just how bad the 10-year old gas is might pull the carb down for a cleaning(and of course drain/pump the tank). I suppose it's a consequence of having another car with the same engine, but I can throw a new cap/rotor/points/plugs without having to buy anything

. Worse comes to worse, I even have a spare(Chinese) distributor that I can drop on until the original gets rebuilt. Of course, it will get an oil change too-probably with whatever cheap junk(meaning Wal-Mart Supertech) I can find before filling it up with my preferred but moderately expensive VR-1 20W-50.
Given that the car ran 10 years ago and there's next to nothing that can go seriously wrong with the engine, I can't imagine it taking me more than a few hours of work to have it driving around the block. At the same time, I'm afraid to say too much

Of other note, this will be a BIT of an adventure for me since I can take apart and put together an HS-type carburetor in my sleep but have no experience with HIF type carbs. Fundamentally they work the same, but they're a bit more of a mystery to me since a lot of what you can observe(and diagnose) on an HS is "hidden" inside the HIF. I have a pair of HIF-4s off an MGB sitting in the garage-I'll most likely take one of those apart before I dig into the much more valuable and expensive HIF-6. The good thing about an HIF type carb, though, is that you don't need special tooling to fix throttle shaft wear.
It should be interesting to see what happens...I'm a member of a UK-based forum that prides itself in somewhat bottom of the barrel cars, and
@LightBulbFun is pretty well convinced that I'd "win" at least for a short period of time with a US spec(meaning smog choked) Marina with the comically large US bumpers and an automatic

. I'm tempted to drop in a manual, but was chastised on said forum for that idea...