Just got my iPad - Surprised that it can do so much
I have to admit, I was one of those skeptics in the beginning. And who can blame me...the iPad was touted as "revolutionary". It is anything but that. In the end, it won me over, mostly because I was interested in using it as a reader for my scientific journals. But I got a lot of nice surprises on the way so far.
1. PDF reading - Love. The iPad is able to handle my huge 4500+ page pharmacotherapy handbook with ease. I thought I was going to have to buy goodreader, fastpdf, readdledocs for this - but stanza - a free application has been very good, with a not so cheesy bookcase interface. I am able to categorize and arrange. No annotation, but I am willing to live with that. I am going to very much look forward to reading about beta blockers, ace inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and etc on this thing with all the pictures in all their glory.
2. Document editing - Just got documents to go which I understand just got updated for the iPad. Very nice editing tool for word. Not so much for PPT, but I am just thankful it can read them. It is amazing how I can sync my folders on my mac onto the iPad and have my notes anywhere for me to access. That plus dropbox? googledocs? That is very cool!
3. Pandora - My iPad's new home will be next to my macbook pro on a skadoosh stand, hooked up to a logitech z5300 thx speaker system. I won't have to access my media drive mounted in my optical bay, and I have nice playlists etc on pandora. That is pretty sweet.
4. Netflix, and ABC player. No need to use up space on my little ol' 16gb iPad. Movies are already accessible! Of course my iPad is wifi, so I have some pixar movies on it to pass the time =).
5. Bluetooth connectivity - Who ever thought about this at apple is a genius. Aim is so enjoyable to look at and with my bluetooth keyboard hooked up to the iPad, it's like a laptop.
6. Lexicomp - drug index and medical library - full size on the iPad. Love.
There is more I am sure since I still need to add more apps on this thing. It goes great as a companion to my macbook pro and my iPod touch. Stupid apple. I think I am turning into one of those fangirls.