So I bought an iPad - Review
Ok guys I bought an iPad. And I thought I would share my thoughts with you guys here. Don't think for a minute that I am writing this to justify the purchase, I am writing this because I want to share my thoughts.
I have had the wifi model of the iPad for the last four days, and I absoulutly love this device. The day I got it I had a meeting to attend to so I took the device, which turned out to be a huge asset as it is so much smaller than a laptop or net book, in such a way that it seem easier to be part of the discussion then if I was using a laptop, to look up notes, Internet, etc. Maybe that doesn't make much sence but it was a new kind of experience, and I can say that for my needs In meetings there is no better device.
Next thing I want to point out is that this thing is fast, extremely fast. I know the os and process are not near as heavy as that on a x86 os. However, it feels faster than any compuer I have ever used, besides my sig rig with an ssd. What I mean is that when I open something, close something it happens instantly and zero hesitation, something I do not experience o any other computer besides my rig with and ssd in it. To give an example of this I have a huge presentation of 359 slides, when I run that on my brothers Mac book it will be so slow It is not usable, however the iPad runs it perfectly. :gotproof:
This device has completely change the way I use computers, it is amazing that I can just lay on the couch and controll all my rigs and computers from the device. And browsing the web, writting emails, updating spreadsheets, watching netflix, reading my huge library of books (you can transfer any epub. Book from your computer); all while being able to interact with family and friends. Something I have long for, for a long time.
To finish this up, the keyboard is very good for a touch screen much much better than an iPhone, I am typing this from it on our porch looking at the beach and waves (may go surfing in a bit). It is a joy, not a pain to type on the kyboard, it is not as fast as a real keyboard, it feels as good as it is ever going to get on a mobile touchscreen device. Also the battery life is givig me 12 hours of straight usage, just amazing keep thinking it is plugged in as the percentage takes forever to move down. And the gaming apps are very good, sure the graphics are not any were near that of a computer, however they are better than on a psp, and funner tha on a ds.
To wrap it up I. Would buy this device over again in a heatbeat, extremely usefull, and it is going to change the table world forever. Aslo this thing is amazing as a photo frame with it's ips display, I can not think of a better photo frMe for $500, also I can not think of a better book reader for $500, and gaming devices sure there are cheaper and better, but when you weight everything you are getting together, I don't think there is a better gaming device.
I hope someone appreciates a 17 year old's thoughts on the iPad.
By the way I am in Costa Rica, and if anyone is international like me and they want to use netflix, pandora, abc, hulu, etc. All you need is to set up a npn and punch that into the ipad's VPN setting pane, works perfectly.
Sorry for bad quality pics, still have an old 3.2 megapixel camera.
Here she is out in the sun: