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Apparently many do. If it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean it doesn't affect others. You can differ on opinion but you cannot contest the facts. The fact remains iOS is not the perfect OS it once was. On the metric of smooth user experience, it has taken a long long fall, believe it or not!
The fact remain iOS 9 is the best iOS so far.
And a perfect OS just doesn't exist. There were tons of complaining on every single version of iOS ... every single one.

iOS was never a barometer of perfection, to me anyway. The same pattern and discussion's repeating itself since iOS 5; with people saying exactly the same thing 5 years ago.
actually there were people complaining about iOS since the beginning, before iOS 5 and before it was even named iOS.....
iOS was never a barometer of perfection, to me anyway. The same pattern and discussion's repeating itself since iOS 5; with people saying exactly the same thing 5 years ago.

It may not be however it "feels" like iOS has lost the perceptive usability it once had.
Maybe Apple needs a Hardware vs. Software style development team instead of it all running under one person.
It may not be however it "feels" like iOS has lost the perceptive usability it once had.
Maybe Apple needs a Hardware vs. Software style development team instead of it all running under one person.

I agree. In the past, iOS felt much more fluid and definitely faster than any Android. Now iOS feels like old Android, where my Nexus 6P trumps any iOS device in speed and fluidity
The fact remain iOS 9 is the best iOS so far.
And a perfect OS just doesn't exist. There were tons of complaining on every single version of iOS ... every single one.

actually there were people complaining about iOS since the beginning, before iOS 5 and before it was even named iOS.....
Right. For me the definition of a perfect OS is one that runs smoothly, is efficient, is able to perform & run all the advertised functions & features to near perfection. Just like "your definition of the best iOS", it's all SUBJECTIVE.

However, what's not subjective is the fact that there are stutters every now & then in a large no. places with iOS 9 that were simply not there with iOS 8. No matter what you do, there is only one way to look at it, which is OBJECTIVELY.
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I agree. In the past, iOS felt much more fluid and definitely faster than any Android. Now iOS feels like old Android, where my Nexus 6P trumps any iOS device in speed and fluidity
A Nexus faster than an iPhone ? In which parallel dimension ?

Right. For me the definition of a perfect OS is one that runs smoothly, is efficient, is able to perform & run all the advertised functions & features to near perfection. Just like "your definition of the best iOS", it's all SUBJECTIVE.

However, what's not subjective is the fact that there are stutters every now & then in a large no. places with iOS 9 that were simply not there with iOS 8. No matter what you do, there is only one way to look at it, which is OBJECTIVELY.
Since iOS 9 has more functionalities and more stability there is nothing subjective saying iOS 9 is better than iOS 8.
A Nexus faster than an iPhone ? In which parallel dimension ?

Since iOS 9 has more functionalities and more stability there is nothing subjective saying iOS 9 is better than iOS 8.
Are you even reading these posts? Nobody's saying iOS 9 as an OS overall is worse than iOS 8. It just performs worse in certain areas, and that's factual.

Now consider that Apple is saying it performs better. They say animations are smoother. Surely is that was objectively true, these threads wouldn't exist.
Apparently many do. If it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean it doesn't affect others. You can differ on opinion but you cannot contest the facts. The fact remains iOS is not the perfect OS it once was. On the metric of smooth user experience, it has taken a long long fall, believe it or not!
Technically most of that already happened and has been endlessly discussed since the iOS 7 days years ago.
Are you even reading these posts? Nobody's saying iOS 9 as an OS overall is worse than iOS 8. It just performs worse in certain areas, and that's factual.

Now consider that Apple is saying it performs better. They say animations are smoother. Surely is that was objectively true, these threads wouldn't exist.
Interesting how I've essentially been saying that first part for a good while now, and yet continuously get labeled some sort of an apologist. Funny how that works.
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A Nexus faster than an iPhone ? In which parallel dimension ?

Yes, have you personally tried Nexus 6P? This is 2015 now, I hate to say it but, Nexus 6P is more fluid and faster than iPhone 6S on iOS 9. See youtube comparisons of real world use, not just benchmarks.
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Technically most of that already happened and has been endlessly discussed since the iOS 7 days years ago.
Interesting how I've essentially been saying that first part for a good while now, and yet continuously get labeled some sort of an apologist. Funny how that works.

Don't you know ? Here on MRForums if you don't bash or downplay Apple in every thread you are a blind sheep .....

Yes, have you personally tried Nexus 6P? This is 2015 now, I hate to say it but, Nexus 6P is more fluid and faster than iPhone 6S on iOS 9. See youtube comparisons of real world use, not just benchmarks.

Yes I have, and quite extensively. And no, it isn't any faster nor smoother. And every benchmark could confirm this.
I usually don't care very much about YouTube comparisons since most of them are just biased, subjective or made up following a specific agenda. According to YouTube, for instance, my iPhone 6 MUST be bent since a while .... well, fortunately it didn't see those videos :)
Interesting how I've essentially been saying that first part for a good while now, and yet continuously get labeled some sort of an apologist. Funny how that works.

You got labeled as an apologist for saying other things than that. I said lag was only in certain areas but I also said seeing lag in those areas on the latest hardware was inexcusable while you were making excuses for it.
You got labeled as an apologist for saying other things than that. I said lag was only in certain areas but I also said seeing lag in those areas on the latest hardware was inexcusable while you were making excuses for it.
Sounds like people haven't actually been reading what I've been saying (as I've also pointed out a number of times) and simply assumed things and basically put their words in my mouth. Not surprising that biases will do that.
Some people just dont like it when facts are pointed out as harsh as they are.Fanboyism is okay but taken to extremes about a company whose primary motive it to earn maximum profits is foolish
Unfortunately we saw which group of people that was, when they simply would start going down the path of pointless labels and name calling and accusations rather than sticking to the issues.
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And every benchmark could confirm this.
I usually don't care very much about YouTube comparisons since most of them are just biased, subjective or made up following a specific agenda

Isn't it the other way around? iPhone users always kept saying that benchmarks mean nothing in real world use back when Samsungs used to beat iPhone in every benchmark possible.

And now you are saying that benchmarks matter? Wow!

Real world use today is much faster on Nexus 6P than on any iOS device today. Check real world speed comparisons on YouTube or at least try using both phones side by side. I am holding my wife's 6S along side my 6P and 6P feels and runs much faster and is more fluid everywhere.
I know this may not be directly about iOS 9's performance, but it deals with the UX as a whole and how it's still not up to Apple's quality standards. Here's a collection of videos with some of the problems I've found since iOS 9 came out, and none of these have been solved as of 9.2 beta 4.

Perceived quality is a major component of the user experience. I'm perceiving some low quality based on what I'm able to do to iOS 9. Because these are concrete bugs and they can't be denied, I get a lot of replies saying they're minor use cases or that I have to try to make them occur, therefore they don't matter.

That is a pure apologist argument. It would be the same as defending the iPhone 6 for being easier to bend. Sure, it didn't bend if you didn't try, but being easier to bend made it more likely to happen by accident and it gave the impression of lower quality. That's why when Apple fixes problems, like making the stronger iPhone 6s body, we get the feeling of a better quality product. Now who is against Apple making a more durable phone? Anyone?

Sounds like people haven't actually been reading what I've been saying (as I've also pointed out a number of times) and simply assumed things and basically put their words in my mouth. Not surprising that biases will do that.

This is why these threads keep getting closed. I don't have time to scroll through your 20,000 posts to prove you've been one of those trying to discredit my criticisms of Apple. You're picking these personal fights.
I know this may not be directly about iOS 9's performance, but it deals with the UX as a whole and how it's still not up to Apple's quality standards. Here's a collection of videos with some of the problems I've found since iOS 9 came out, and none of these have been solved as of 9.2 beta 4.

Perceived quality is a major component of the user experience. I'm perceiving some low quality based on what I'm able to do to iOS 9. Because these are concrete bugs and they can't be denied, I get a lot of replies saying they're minor use cases or that I have to try to make them occur, therefore they don't matter.

That is a pure apologist argument. It would be the same as defending the iPhone 6 for being easier to bend. Sure, it didn't bend if you didn't try, but being easier to bend made it more likely to happen by accident and it gave the impression of lower quality. That's why when Apple fixes problems, like making the stronger iPhone 6s body, we get the feeling of a better quality product. Now who is against Apple making a more durable phone? Anyone?

This is why these threads keep getting closed. I don't have time to scroll through your 20,000 posts to prove you've been one of those trying to discredit my criticisms of Apple. You're picking these personal fights.
The keyword is perceived. I don't care what a bunch of anonymous videos show; I have to use my phone day to day. Labeling a group of people is essentially a straw man and invalidates any point you might have been trying to make.
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The keyword is perceived. I don't care what a bunch of anonymous videos show; I have to use my phone day to day. Labeling a group of people is essentially a straw man and invalidates any point you might have been trying to make.
Answer this question:

Should Apple be trying to fix the issues show in the videos?

You're pulling this "straw man" card as if I'm assuming you're fine with Apple ignoring them, but you're telling me you don't care about the videos. You're ignoring them.
Unfortunately it's pretty clear that a torch-and-pitchfork mob mentality on the part of a few have mostly taken over derailing these threads with what are mostly pointless personal attacks. It's no wonder that things don't go anywhere and threads get closed down.
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So are you saying what is a "fact" is some random poster on youtube? Or is the fact, you have complained about your device and therefore this affects every device. Or if you see the artifact in siri while swiping up on the control center the whole product is a mess? I'm trying to understand your "facts" with a sprinkle of a generic statement that has no bearing on the price of grapes in Sonoma.
By facts I mean actual fps shown by Xcode,benchmark times etc all of which prove my point.Videos and my own experience merely support these facts
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On the contrary I use benchmarks from that very link in the other thread.If you actually read it iOS 8 is trumping iOS 9 in the majority of the app launch tests and the author straight up admits iOS 7 is faster than both 8 and 9
And that's not taking into account the animation stutters which Xcode shows

iOS 8 is faster than iOS 9 on four year old hardware opening a few apps by a fraction of a second. I'm sure the average person will totally notice. /s
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By facts I mean actual fps shown by Xcode,benchmark times etc all of which prove my point.
Can anyone do some tests in Xcode, or posts some links if they were previously posted online ? Curious to see how much the frame drops occur and for how much.
Can anyone do some tests in Xcode, or posts some links if they were previously posted online ? Curious to see how much the frame drops occur and for how much.
IOS 8 vs IOS 9 would be nice, along with a visual of the actual displays to gauge the affect of the measured framerates.
Answer this question:

Should Apple be trying to fix the issues show in the videos?

You're pulling this "straw man" card as if I'm assuming you're fine with Apple ignoring them, but you're telling me you don't care about the videos. You're ignoring them.
If the question is should apple try to fix what is really broke, yes. That goes without saying. Because my 6s is smooth with and without animations and transparency doesn't mean the whole thing is mess, on every device on every platform; which is what I've been saying.
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