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Isn't it the other way around? iPhone users always kept saying that benchmarks mean nothing in real world use back when Samsungs used to beat iPhone in every benchmark possible.

And now you are saying that benchmarks matter? Wow!

Real world use today is much faster on Nexus 6P than on any iOS device today. Check real world speed comparisons on YouTube or at least try using both phones side by side. I am holding my wife's 6S along side my 6P and 6P feels and runs much faster and is more fluid everywhere.
Samsung got caught CHEATING on synthetic benchmarks .... that's quite different.
Real world benchmarks demonstrates iPhone is basically the best smartphone out there, performance wise...
On YouTube you could find proofs of alien's existence ....

I know this may not be directly about iOS 9's performance, but it deals with the UX as a whole and how it's still not up to Apple's quality standards. Here's a collection of videos with some of the problems I've found since iOS 9 came out, and none of these have been solved as of 9.2 beta 4.

Perceived quality is a major component of the user experience. I'm perceiving some low quality based on what I'm able to do to iOS 9. Because these are concrete bugs and they can't be denied, I get a lot of replies saying they're minor use cases or that I have to try to make them occur, therefore they don't matter.

That is a pure apologist argument. It would be the same as defending the iPhone 6 for being easier to bend. Sure, it didn't bend if you didn't try, but being easier to bend made it more likely to happen by accident and it gave the impression of lower quality. That's why when Apple fixes problems, like making the stronger iPhone 6s body, we get the feeling of a better quality product. Now who is against Apple making a more durable phone? Anyone?

This is why these threads keep getting closed. I don't have time to scroll through your 20,000 posts to prove you've been one of those trying to discredit my criticisms of Apple. You're picking these personal fights.

those videos are a good example of the trash populated YouTube
Real world benchmarks demonstrates iPhone is basically the best smartphone out there, performance wise...

Care to post proof of that statement? You can post a link here
Hint: don't post the benchmark numbers, i already know them and they mean nothing in real world use.

Post proof of launching different apps and comparing the speed to nexus 6p or something like that.
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Care to post proof of that statement? You can post a link here
Hint: don't post the benchmark numbers, i already know them and they mean nothing in real world use.

Post proof of launching different apps and comparing the speed to nexus 6p or something like that.
Think he's referring to the anandtech review, but there are many metrics to be measured.
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I know this may not be directly about iOS 9's performance, but it deals with the UX as a whole and how it's still not up to Apple's quality standards. Here's a collection of videos with some of the problems I've found since iOS 9 came out, and none of these have been solved as of 9.2 beta 4.

Perceived quality is a major component of the user experience. I'm perceiving some low quality based on what I'm able to do to iOS 9. Because these are concrete bugs and they can't be denied, I get a lot of replies saying they're minor use cases or that I have to try to make them occur, therefore they don't matter.

That is a pure apologist argument. It would be the same as defending the iPhone 6 for being easier to bend. Sure, it didn't bend if you didn't try, but being easier to bend made it more likely to happen by accident and it gave the impression of lower quality. That's why when Apple fixes problems, like making the stronger iPhone 6s body, we get the feeling of a better quality product. Now who is against Apple making a more durable phone? Anyone?

This is why these threads keep getting closed. I don't have time to scroll through your 20,000 posts to prove you've been one of those trying to discredit my criticisms of Apple. You're picking these personal fights.
What's striking to me is that iOS 6 runs at smooth 60 fps whereas iOS 9 has much lower framerates.
What's striking to me is that iOS 6 runs at smooth 60 fps whereas iOS 9 has much lower framerates.
On the iPhone 4 that is in one of the videos, it isn't a solid 60 FPS either, but that's because it's an iPhone 4. The 4 on 6.1.3 is about equal in smoothness to the 6s on 9.2 as they both occasionally stutter and drop frames. The difference being that the iPhone 4 was 2.5 years old when 6.1 came out for it while the 6s is only 2 months old.
On the iPhone 4 that is in one of the videos, it isn't a solid 60 FPS either, but that's because it's an iPhone 4. The 4 on 6.1.3 is about equal in smoothness to the 6s on 9.2 as they both occasionally stutter and drop frames. The difference being that the iPhone 4 was 2.5 years old when 6.1 came out for it while the 6s is only 2 months old.
The 6s on 9.1 does not stutter and drop frames except if you are talking about swiping the control panel up from Siri which is an oddball situation.

And comparing smoothness instead of performance is well silly, imo.
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The 6s on 9.1 does not stutter and drop frames except if you are talking about swiping the control panel up from Siri which is an oddball situation.

And comparing smoothness instead of performance is well silly, imo.

It would be nice to have a 6s, but I only have a 6. I shouldn't have to upgrade my iPhone yearly to prevent my device from being slow. The iPhone 6 ran great up until 8.3, then the music app in 8.4 sucked... then the entire iOS 9 sucked, so now my year-old iPhone feels 3 years old. Figure that one out.
The 6s on 9.1 does not stutter and drop frames except if you are talking about swiping the control panel up from Siri which is an oddball situation.

And comparing smoothness instead of performance is well silly, imo.
Using the new 3D Touch shortcut feature is not an oddball situation.

You have to be trolling at this point. Now you're saying it never drops except for that one area instead of the typical apologist "Oh, it is only for some people even though it's the same code on the same hardware!!!11!" crap.

Smoothness instead of performance is silly? I deliberately said "smoothness" and even edited the post since it originally said "performance" because someone would have said "Oh, duh, iPhone 6s has a better processor so objectively it performs better in benchmarks!!!!1"
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It would be nice to have a 6s, but I only have a 6. I shouldn't have to upgrade my iPhone yearly to prevent my device from being slow. The iPhone 6 ran great up until 8.3, then the music app in 8.4 sucked... then the entire iOS 9 sucked, so now my year-old iPhone feels 3 years old. Figure that one out.
The 6s is my third phone in 8 years. I don't upgrade my phone yearly.
Here is an interesting article by none other than the veteran Apple and Microsoft enthusiast Chris Pirillo:

It's from a month ago and I'm surprised I didn't know about it. He says essentially the same thing anyone here has been saying about frame rates.


And also:

In the last video he rants about how much better Android is than iOS in terms of smoothness, then when he scrolls on the Nexus 7 he says its, "not super smooth, but smooth enough" or words very close to that.

So, how can he rant about iOS 9 not being smooth but then praise a device that's only "smooth enough". If he's looking for perfection that's not it. Many could say iOS 9 is "smooth enough" for them and it wouldn't be the fluidity people want.

He is spot on though about Apple's attitude toward software, the whole "get it out the door, it's ready, it'll run so release it" mentality. That's 100% spot on, and probably why the public beta program began. We're all now Apple's beta testers.
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Think he's referring to the anandtech review, but there are many metrics to be measured.
Anandtech, Ars Technica ... every serious review.

It would be nice to have a 6s, but I only have a 6. I shouldn't have to upgrade my iPhone yearly to prevent my device from being slow. The iPhone 6 ran great up until 8.3, then the music app in 8.4 sucked... then the entire iOS 9 sucked, so now my year-old iPhone feels 3 years old. Figure that one out.
There is literally NOTHING slow on my iPhone 6....
The 6s on 9.1 does not stutter and drop frames except if you are talking about swiping the control panel up from Siri which is an oddball situation.

And comparing smoothness instead of performance is well silly, imo.
The 6s does stutter and drop frames, it's just you can't see it.

People have been telling you this for like 1000 times and you still won't accept it? Why?
I would suggest people should start ignoring the persons who dont see lag and we should stick to sharing factual videos and our experiences amongst ourselves and try to find a solution
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In the last video he rants about how much better Android is than iOS in terms of smoothness, then when he scrolls on the Nexus 7 he says its, "not super smooth, but smooth enough" or words very close to that.

So, how can he rant about iOS 9 not being smooth but then praise a device that's only "smooth enough". If he's looking for perfection that's not it. Many could say iOS 9 is "smooth enough" for them and it wouldn't be the fluidity people want.

He is spot on though about Apple's attitude toward software, the whole "get it out the door, it's ready, it'll run so release it" mentality. That's 100% spot on, and probably why the public beta program began. We're all now Apple's beta testers.
I think his annoyance is that the Nexus 7 isn't the iPad Air 2 in terms of hardware specs, yet the OS experience (from his perspective) is better on the N7 than on the Air 2.
I would suggest people should start ignoring the persons who dont see lag and we should stick to sharing factual videos and our experiences amongst ourselves and try to find a solution

The only solution is; report the bugs and when Apple gets to it, they'll get to it.
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In the last video he rants about how much better Android is than iOS in terms of smoothness, then when he scrolls on the Nexus 7 he says its, "not super smooth, but smooth enough" or words very close to that.

So, how can he rant about iOS 9 not being smooth but then praise a device that's only "smooth enough". If he's looking for perfection that's not it. Many could say iOS 9 is "smooth enough" for them and it wouldn't be the fluidity people want.

He literally says right afterwards that the difference is the Nexus 7 was $199 at launch and costs about $150 now because it was a budget tablet when it came out while the iPad Air 2 costs $499 and has for the past year, and it's also a year newer and was the most powerful tablet Apple made until the Pro.

Right around 11:00 in the review he says that "The price I paid for this device falls right in line with how it runs." and also that "Android updates are improving the smoothness while iOS is updates are making it worse."

He says pretty explicity that "For some reason, Android's experience on old hardware with new software is better than Apple's on new hardware with new software."

Not to mention he doesn't moan about why iOS 9 isn't "perfect" because actually, nobody is. We're only complaining about the quality collapsing since 2012.

I don't know how you missed this.
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The only solution is; report the bugs and when Apple get to it, they'll get to it.

I have to agree with this.

I'm the owner of an iPhone 6 and hopefully will buy a new iPhone 6S plus in a couple of weeks.

I have tested a 6S plus and was shocked by the stuttering of the 3D touch and peek and pop animations. When i got home I reported this issue in the Apple Bug Reporter.

Crossing fingers that it will be fixed...
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I have to agree with this.

I'm the owner of an iPhone 6 and hopefully will buy a new iPhone 6S plus in a couple of weeks.

I have tested a 6S plus and was shocked by the stuttering of the 3D touch and peek and pop animations. When i got home I reported this issue in the Apple Bug Reporter.

Crossing fingers that it will be fixed...

For some reason, I feel that unless they (Apple) drop Metal, this issue has no easy solution. Unfortunately this means we are not likely to see a decent fix till just prior too or with iOS 10.

I wonder how bad this would be if the iPhone 6S+ had a UHD or 2k screen ...
For some reason, I feel that unless they (Apple) drop Metal, this issue has no easy solution

They will not rewrite the whole code base or drop Metal just to make it run better on old hardware. What they are going to do is leave as it is and release new iPhones from now on with more powerful GPU, just like they do anyway, year after year. This solution will cost Apple nothing, comparing to rewriting the whole codebase for rendering.
They will not rewrite the whole code base or drop Metal just to make it run better on old hardware. What they are going to do is leave as it is and release new iPhones from now on with more powerful GPU, just like they do anyway, year after year. This solution will cost Apple nothing, comparing to rewriting the whole codebase for rendering.

What's the point of metal if they need to release more powerful hardware to run the same effects that the old hardware could handle? Oh, that's right, they need to give you a reason to upgrade.
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They will not rewrite the whole code base or drop Metal just to make it run better on old hardware. What they are going to do is leave as it is and release new iPhones from now on with more powerful GPU, just like they do anyway, year after year. This solution will cost Apple nothing, comparing to rewriting the whole codebase for rendering.

If it was just legacy devices. While maybe not as affected, 6S/6S+/iPad Pro are also affected. Agree they won't rewrite unless no other option - not in Apple mindset. Still, with the power that is in these devices it totally befuddles me why they are having so much issue with these basic functions.
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