Sorry, your project didn't succeed.You're welcome to take this over. Start your own thread. I have other stuff going on right now, and I just don't have the time. Plus, I don't want to go to a lot of trouble just for even more trouble. I'm very sorry.
But could you tell a bit more? - Re-reading this thread I don't get the real clue about the problems and which Clamshell you run? (Color/CPU/RAM/HDD/FireWire?)
With my 466MHz/FireWire/mSata Tiger is no problem at all and both Tiger/Classic and macOS9 make the Clamshell a very usable machine.
I also have an orange and a blueberry one (no FW), but due to their small HDD I didn't think about to run anything else but OS9 to have the "real thing" of 1999/2000. I think, they hadn't been prepared for the OS X big-bang, which came very close after their release (like the iPad1, which was left behind soon after it's release due to the immense development of following processors and iOS).
The G3-Snow is a big leap foreward compared to the early Clamshells. And resolution is higher compared to the late FW-Clamshells. Tiger is no problem and the Edimax miniUSB-WLAN-stick is perfect for latest wifi-encryption. But you will need to hold your breath 'cause the keyboard might smell horrific - so better go with a late iBookG4, even if the acrylic G3-snow looks really great!