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macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2015
Kiel, Germany
You're welcome to take this over. Start your own thread. I have other stuff going on right now, and I just don't have the time. Plus, I don't want to go to a lot of trouble just for even more trouble. I'm very sorry.
Sorry, your project didn't succeed.
But could you tell a bit more? - Re-reading this thread I don't get the real clue about the problems and which Clamshell you run? (Color/CPU/RAM/HDD/FireWire?)
With my 466MHz/FireWire/mSata Tiger is no problem at all and both Tiger/Classic and macOS9 make the Clamshell a very usable machine.
I also have an orange and a blueberry one (no FW), but due to their small HDD I didn't think about to run anything else but OS9 to have the "real thing" of 1999/2000. I think, they hadn't been prepared for the OS X big-bang, which came very close after their release (like the iPad1, which was left behind soon after it's release due to the immense development of following processors and iOS).
The G3-Snow is a big leap foreward compared to the early Clamshells. And resolution is higher compared to the late FW-Clamshells. Tiger is no problem and the Edimax miniUSB-WLAN-stick is perfect for latest wifi-encryption. But you will need to hold your breath 'cause the keyboard might smell horrific - so better go with a late iBookG4, even if the acrylic G3-snow looks really great!


Jan 10, 2016
I remember @bunnspecial was more than happy to tell me how easy it is to get Tiger on an unsupported non-FireWire iBook Clamshell... Well obviously he was wrong, as I expected. ;)

Perhaps you can find a later model iBook Clamshell with FireWire or a PowerBook G3 Pismo for the G3 challenge.
I also remember you claiming Ben was faking Leopard on a G3, while that was the early beta version. I proved you wrong that time, and I'm very eager to do it again if you keep up this dickish behaviour towards him. Seriously, lay it off.


macrumors 68040
May 28, 2006
Manchester, UK
I remember @bunnspecial was more than happy to tell me how easy it is to get Tiger on an unsupported non-FireWire iBook Clamshell... Well obviously he was wrong, as I expected. ;)

Perhaps you can find a later model iBook Clamshell with FireWire or a PowerBook G3 Pismo for the G3 challenge.

No need to be like that about it, emoji or otherwise.

It's about 4 Open Firmware commands to temporarily modify the machine identifier to pass the installer check. It's not exactly rocket science.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 25, 2008
Central US
I remember @bunnspecial was more than happy to tell me how easy it is to get Tiger on an unsupported non-FireWire iBook Clamshell... Well obviously he was wrong, as I expected. ;)

Perhaps you can find a later model iBook Clamshell with FireWire or a PowerBook G3 Pismo for the G3 challenge.
I thought it was an indigo clamshell, so its got Firewire.


Sep 3, 2016
No need to like that about it, emoji or otherwise.
It's about 4 Open Firmware commands to temporarily modify the machine identifier to pass the installer check. It's not exactly rocket science.

It is to me (note to the folks here. I am NOT a rocket scientist). How does one do dat? and does this trick work for Intel machines that are spec'd out of the OS too? I'd love to get a newer version of OSX on my 2006 white imac.

Thanks ;)


macrumors 68040
May 28, 2006
Manchester, UK
With the age of most of PowerPC Macs the odds are it's been tried before and documented somewhere.

Lo and behold, my preferred search engine delivers :

It'll work within reason. Apple decided to only support Macs that shipped with Firewire for OS X 10.4. There's a few G3 iBooks, PowerBooks and iMacs that were just pre-firewire but otherwise have hardware that's capable of running OS X 10.4. Try it on a PowerBook 3400 and you might not get anywhere... (although I'm sure Lightbulbfun is probably working on a way round that just because he can!)


macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
I also remember you claiming Ben was faking Leopard on a G3, while that was the early beta version. I proved you wrong that time, and I'm very eager to do it again if you keep up this dickish behaviour towards him. Seriously, lay it off.
No, truthfully you did not prove me wrong; just a few minutes later, before you even sent your reply, I added to my post saying I was only kidding about claiming he faked Leopard. If you have a problem with something I said, please contact me via PM instead of accusing me of "dickish" behavior on a public thread and we'll talk.

The post was meant to reassure @HFTaylor12 of my thoughts on the difficulty of installing Tiger on unsupported G3 Clamshells. I can see now how it might be interpreted as rude, and that was not my intention at all.


macrumors 68030
Nov 17, 2013
London UK
Try it on a PowerBook 3400 and you might not get anywhere... (although I'm sure Lightbulbfun is probably working on a way round that just because he can!)

need to locate a 128MB RAM card for my 3400c tiger needs at least 91MB of ram to boot :) (got OS X sever 1.2v3 plodding along on it atm with 32MB of ram)

but yeah installing tiger on a first gen Clamshell is really not that hard theres the Open Firmware hack or the Xpostfacto way really not that hard (esp the xpostfacto way as its all behind a nice shiny GUI)


macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
Bad ODD have been the only headache I've had with installing Tiger on unsupported systems, especially late ones like slot load iMacs, Lombards, and Clamshells. Much like with Leopard on an AGP G4, all you really need to do is bypass the installer checks.

Don't forget that these machines share a lot in common architecturally with the B&W G3, which does support Tiger natively. The slot load iMacs really are just a case of Apple making arbitrary cut-offs since the same generation iMac DV with basically the same LoBo supports Tiger.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 22, 2014
But you will need to hold your breath 'cause the keyboard might smell horrific

You are the second person to have said that Snow G3s have smelly keyboards... @iModFrenzy has a Snow G3 that smells as well. I have a 600MHz 12in Snow and it doesn't smell at all. Frankly, I wasn't aware of the smelly keyboard phenomenon prior to both of you saying something about it.


macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
You are the second person to have said that Snow G3s have smelly keyboards... @iModFrenzy has a Snow G3 that smells as well. I have a 600MHz 12in Snow and it doesn't smell at all. Frankly, I wasn't aware of the smelly keyboard phenomenon prior to both of you saying something about it.

Pretty much every one I've had has been terrible with an awful BO-type smell. One of mine did clear up after it sat in my car. I think the only one that didn't smell was my 900mhz.

I've noticed faint traces of the same smell on clamshells, Lombards/Pismos, and first gen TiBooks. The snow G3s are by far and away the worst, and the smell just knocks you in the face when you open them.


macrumors 68020
Apr 22, 2014
If I put my nose right up to the keyboard, I do smell something, but it doesn't smell like BO... smells more like mildew (I think) than anything else.


May 25, 2016
You are the second person to have said that Snow G3s have smelly keyboards... @iModFrenzy has a Snow G3 that smells as well. I have a 600MHz 12in Snow and it doesn't smell at all. Frankly, I wasn't aware of the smelly keyboard phenomenon prior to both of you saying something about it.
I wasn't aware of any issue either. I just smelled mine and it does have a smell to it...a plastic type of smell. Doesn't seem unusual given the material it's made of. Also not something I would notice unless I stick my nose right up to it.


macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
It'll work within reason. Apple decided to only support Macs that shipped with Firewire for OS X 10.4. There's a few G3 iBooks, PowerBooks and iMacs that were just pre-firewire but otherwise have hardware that's capable of running OS X 10.4. Try it on a PowerBook 3400 and you might not get anywhere... (although I'm sure Lightbulbfun is probably working on a way round that just because he can!)

lightbulbfun wrote a kernel that I booted and ran both on an 8600 and 9600. It was slow as molasses on both of them(although it might be better after I went nuts and put 1gbh in the 8600 and 1.5 in the 9600).

In any case, he says it SHOULD also work on a 603. The best candidate I have is my 6500, but I had some issues(not related to the kernel) with getting it to boot. Aside from that, the 603 is mostly found in low-end desktops and a lot of portables, although often times you can run into memory issues with those.
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macrumors regular
May 5, 2016
On the smelly keyboards, it's a common problem, even going up to the first generation MacBooks. From what I hear, it has to do with some kind adhesive that Apple used.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
FYI: My Clamshell is a FireWire model, fully supported by Tiger. But even when something should be easy (like this), I run into problems. I'm not even going to tell you about them. I'll just say my Tiger installation wasn't successful. Plus, I have other stuff going on which makes it hard to do this, and on top of that, there's the Leopard Market. So really I didn't want to do this challenge anyway. But I figured I would. And then I had problems installing. So I abandoned the idea.
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