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Sep 3, 2016
Henry had finished his challenge. The g3 ibook he was using could not meet his needs.


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2015
Kiel, Germany
Henry had finished his challenge. The g3 ibook he was using could not meet his needs.
Too bad - he didn't even started!
I doubt a G3 iBook would meet any of our needs
If needs are to make a trip back to the future of 1999 there's nothing better than an iBookG4!
And it will even cope to talk to us via email & webDAV...


Jan 10, 2016
Henry had finished his challenge. The g3 ibook he was using could not meet his needs.
From what I gathered, he couldn't manage to install Tiger, which was required, since that's the only operating system that would allow him to run TFF and get the most out of it.


Sep 3, 2016
From what I gathered, he couldn't manage to install Tiger, which was required, since that's the only operating system that would allow him to run TFF and get the most out of it.

Yeah, such a drag. I wonder if he could modify the installer similar to this process to make it work?



Jan 10, 2016
Yeah, such a drag. I wonder if he could modify the installer similar to this process to make it work?

That wasn't the problem, he just couldn't get the install disc to even boot, again, from what I gathered. The ODDs do sometimes go bad on the Clamshells. My Tangerine is being an absolute bitch trying to boot from a disc, it mostly fails despite the disc being good and booting in the others.


Sep 3, 2016
That wasn't the problem, he just couldn't get the install disc to even boot, again, from what I gathered. The ODDs do sometimes go bad on the Clamshells. My Tangerine is being an absolute bitch trying to boot from a disc, it mostly fails despite the disc being good and booting in the others.

What about a usb stick? These fellows seemed to be able to do it. And he could pick up the image off of macintosh garden.

I wonder if an external CDRW is supported to boot off of?


macrumors newbie
Oct 4, 2016
A lampshade iMac or iBook G4 makes for a sweet virtual desktop. I spun up TSclientX to administer Windows boxes over RDP. I've never tried it on a G3 but it might work - if it does please let me know!

UPDATE: Trying to get the software installed now. Unfortunately, I seem to have terrible luck when it comes to things like this, so I'm getting error messages. But I figured it out before, so there must be a way!

So, I have decided that, starting Tuesday, I am going to try and use my G3 Clamshell for 1 week to see how obsolete it is. Now, for some other stuff, I will be using other computers, but mainly, at my home, I will be using the G3. I'd like to see how obsolete it is. Tomorrow I'll get the necessary software on it (Tiger, Camino, TFF, etc.). And then, starting Wednesday, I'll use the G3 as my only computer (when at home). I'll share my findings here for future reference. I'm very curious to see how this turns out. I've never really tried to use my Clamshell for web browsing or email before, at least not for very long.

What are your predictions? I think that Camino is going to perform pretty well, and many (but not all) websites will be at least useable. I know I'll be able to get email and do word processing just fine.

This may be a very stupid idea. I'm mainly doing this to learn more about PPC software (not very experienced with Tiger), and for your entertainment (see me suffer :p). Also, as I said above, I'll share my findings and experiences which may or (probably) may not be helpful.

If I find anything that I can't do that I need to be able to do, I will quit the challenge. If I end up quitting before the week is up, consider the G3 obsolete.

Well, I hope that you enjoy seeing my findings and suffering over the next week. I'm pretty excited to see how this goes. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and look for updates in the coming week!


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2015
Kiel, Germany
This weekend I had another iMac G3 challenge. To build up a beautiful Tangerine from the scatch to meet current needs...
First standard-installation of os9 from the original disks.
Connect to LAN with manual IP-adress.
Then installation of Classilla to get access to everything else (kudos to MacintoshGarden!!!)
I'm quite impressed, that os9 isn't left behind yet.
So far:
iCloud IMAP-Mail: Classilla
Office: MS Office 2001, AppleWorks6, NisusWriter 4, Acrobat5, Print2PDF,
Music: iTunes for Radio-Stream (sorry, no connection to my other iTunes-libraries)
Graphic: Photoshop7, Elements2
webDAV: Goliath
ScreenSharing: VNCthing
FileSharing: Transmit (Panic)
Windows: VirtualPC5/Win2k
just for the hell of it: iMovie2
Well, I get used to it, finally.
Maybe tomorrow I'm gonna start a trial with this iMac in my Office.
A fat client with VNC-access to my server.
Feels good, to keep it running ... and create a lot of small-talk about that old stuff... ;)
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