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The iPad has changed my computing life ... and I have been using Mac / PC / NeXT / Linux / Newton / Psion / WinCE / Palm / Android / BeOS / OS2 since ... well, since buying myself an Apple ][+ for college 30 years ago!

It is not perfect - no device is! But for me it is a tremendous general purpose computing device that has found its way into just abut every corner of my computing existence.
+1 for this thread.

Bought my 32 GB WiFi iPad on launch date. No scratches, no dead pixels, no dust under the screen, no WiFi issues, no problems.
+1 for this thread.

Bought my 32 GB WiFi iPad on launch date. No scratches, no dead pixels, no dust under the screen, no WiFi issues, no problems.

Hey pelicanflip,

I have read a few of your posts and they are quite sensible and informational so I think you can agree that sometimes it gets a bit annoying to hear the same whiny posts over and over and over. If someone has a genuine problem and needs help, I am all for it but to create an account just to post an annoyance is sometimes to much to see on a daily basis. Especially to members that have been here for a long time and will remain members long after the 2 post wonders are long gone.
Apart from the 5% or so of computer use I have on my media centre the rest is done on my iPad. I love the thing. Massive advantages over a laptop that I really do not need to list.
Hey pelicanflip,

I have read a few of your posts and they are quite sensible and informational so I think you can agree that sometimes it gets a bit annoying to hear the same whiny posts over and over and over. If someone has a genuine problem and needs help, I am all for it but to create an account just to post an annoyance is sometimes to much to see on a daily basis. Especially to members that have been here for a long time and will remain members long after the 2 post wonders are long gone.

Most definitely. The threads on the iPad section of the forums are becoming cluttered with the same complaints on how it's "too heavy" or "lack of RAM" or "doesn't have retina display."

I'll try to post helpful advice on threads where people are genuinely interested or actually need help.

As for those annoying threads...well, trolls will be trolls.
The only real thing I use my PC for is competitive gaming... -_-

I use it to edit and post some articles, but they are all written from my iPad. :p
My iPad does everything I wanted it to do when I bought it and then some. While there are some things I would improve upon, I knew that going into it, so they are annoyances and nothing else...I have much more to rave about than whine about. I use it in place of my MBP about 90% of the time (my wife wants to know "why I spent all that money on a new laptop). I use the MBP to finalize collaborative documents, make sure formatting, etc works between Pages and Word before sending things off, and when I'm at home and need to get hard-core work done.

Otherwise, I don't even carry the MBP with me except on the extremely rare occasion.
Thanks for making this thread lol,there's been much negative threads about iPad.
Its been 2 months since i have mine(64gb Wifi) and i love it,i mostly use my PC for gaming and Photoshop now and do the web surfing,watching movies,reading PDFs on my iPad and its solid :D
The iPad has completely lived up to my expectations and has been able perform the tasks that I originally attempted to do with netbooks (but failed).
This thread is mainly to give a break from the:

"I bought an iPad and now want to complain about it" crowd. As much info that was released about the iPad before, during and after, there should be almost zero buyers remorse but some people register just to come here and make their ill-advised purchase known.

The only thing I wish the iPad could do would be natively print. I want to be able to print to a wireless printer when using an application like Pages.

That's it, and I knew it couldn't do that when I bought it so I am perfectly happy with my iPad!
Had my iPad about 3 or 4 weeks now and I love it. It rarely leaves my side. At work on my lunch break I can do my emails, quickly scan Twitter, read the news, read a book/magazine, listen to tunes watch a TV episode or movie, go on Youtube etc etc.

At night I use it for chat, email, reading, watching, listening, you name it.

I scarcely game on it although that may change with time.

Love the screen, picture quality- no complaints! Just wish I had more time to spare to read/watch/listen to the big chunks of media I have on the thing!

I love my iPad. I had wanted it for months before actually making the purchase. (i used the time to do extensive research on its pros and cons, apps available, etc etc etc)

I basically had a huge hole in my life (dramatization) between using my mac pro at work, my mac book pro at school, and my iphone at home. There was something missing that would allow me to compute with a lot of portability to take care of emails, browse the web, check on twitter feeds, etc etc. (my mac book pro is 17", so it isn't nearly as portable as the iPad.)

Not to mention the fact that I just got the "jesus, do you take that everywhere? put it down for a second" comment from my girlfriend 2 days ago.

ahh, life is good.
I've completely reworked my digital life after getting the iPad, and it's only been for the better. My MBP lies untouched except for syncing/backup purposes, and my travelling has never been easier.

The transition was almost instant and very painless. My first realization of it, was when my mbp prompted me for the Time Machine backup, letting me know it had been 31 days since my last backup... Which says a lot since I used to run it,whenever I used the mbp (daily)

I do my presentations and numbers on it, and while it can at times be tricky to get them to do what I want (Because of old powerpoint and excel habits), I am always 100% satisfied with the outcome, and occasionally impressed to a degree I wasnt with powerpoint. Those two programs really have a lot more power than I initially credited them with.

I have nothing to complain about, what so ever :)
Nice group of comments my fellow non-complainers/non-whiners/non-buyer-remosers/serial-find-something-wrong-with-anythingers.

Like most here the iPad is right at home filling the void between the iPhone (whatever phone), and computer. Everyone can make the iPad whatever they want it to be via the available apps which is what I did.

I installed a printing app and now can print docs when I need them. Once Apple releases a native print app, things will really take off.
Many people for whatever reason - *cough* "iPad's magical" *cough* - simply have otherworldly expectations with Apple. I bet that a lot of the people complaining still think the iPad is an awesome device above and beyond its competition, despite its flaws. I think it's mostly a matter of attitude - it's always possible to concentrate on searching for flaws and be successful in that endeavor, regardless of the overall quality of the device at hand.

That said, once you've acknowledged the iPad's high points of which there are many, I think it's perfectly fine to bring up any flaws or possibilities for improvement that are present in the current incarnation of the device - of which there are naturally also a lot.

It's additionally simply not a device that fits everyone...

I guess, most people enjoy silently (as I do with regard to the iPad which I do enjoy a lot) but complain loudly. :)
Nice group of comments my fellow non-complainers/non-whiners/noin-buyer-remosers/serial-find-something-wrong-with-anythingers.

Like most here the iPad is right at home filling the void between the iPhone (whatever phone), and computer. Everyone can make the iPad whatever they want it to be via the available apps which is what I did.

I installed a printing app and now can print docs when I need them. Once Apple releases a native print app, things will really take off.

Bought mine on the first day and couldn't be happier. MBP is getting dusty, though. And I have never once wished I could print something. I also bought the Apple case and I'm completely happy with that, too. Ditto the camera connection kit.
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