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i wish i could say i have nothing to complain about. but since i haven't seen it since my wife got her hands on it, i have a lot to complain about. nicest device i have ever used, and i don't get to use it.

but after i get a second one i will have no complaints.
I've had one since launch day and I still love it!!! I too know what it is meant for and I love it for that and can't wait to get back to school where it's even more useful to me. I use it slightly less now that I have my iPhone 4, but as soon as the new wears off of that it will balance itself out.
Actually, I used to be one of those skeptics. Once the iPad was announced I went "Damn you Apple! Why did you make it like a giant iPod and not like a tiny Mac? What the heck are people gonna do with this??". So I didn't get it on release day and waited to see reviews etc. Late May I went by chance in an apple store and got one of the display ipads on my hands. That was it. I was sold. Got one soon after and loving it ever since.

So at this point I'd like to say a huge thank you to all the amazing developers building absolutely awesome apps!!! If it were not for the great apps the iPad wouldn't be as successful.
Actually, I used to be one of those skeptics. Once the iPad was announced I went "Damn you Apple! Why did you make it like a giant iPod and not like a tiny Mac? What the heck are people gonna do with this??". So I didn't get it on release day and waited to see reviews etc. Late May I went by chance in an apple store and got one of the display ipads on my hands. That was it. I was sold. Got one soon after and loving it ever since.

So at this point I'd like to say a huge thank you to all the amazing developers building absolutely awesome apps!!! If it were not for the great apps the iPad wouldn't be as successful.

Awesome story!!! I'm glad you found the light at the end of the iPad tunnel, it truly is an amazing device. Though I wouldn't mind an OS X tablet.
I love my 64GB 3G, and now I have the camera connection kit it now ticks all my boxes. I know it will never beat Photoshop on a desktop, but a bit of simple editing can be done on the fly and then upload direct to Flickr. All I use my desktop for at home is iTunes (and post-processing and archiving all those RAW files that I keep but never use :))

My only complaint is that I can't get it back off my girlfriend so now I need another ;)
I just noticed that the usual trolling posters have stayed away. Must be that anti-trolling defense (common sense) that I deployed when I created this thread. :)

Lets hope so

had one since soon after launch, no issues, just enjoyment.
Changed my computer workflow (sold my MacBook Air travelling companion)

Really is excellent
64G wifi, loving it and evangelising about it.

Looking forward to each incremental improvement - had the iPod Touch from 1G too, and am looking forward to a similar evolution of the iPad.

Whiners often don't think about the adaptability and scope for improvement the pad offers.
Piggie said:
I'm glad to see that people here can find no fault or issue with their current iPad and hence have absolutely no desire for it to do anything else than it currently does.

It totally does everything they ever need in it's V1 form, which is great.

I also fully expect than none of these people will be buying the next model, as in doing so you would be admitting that the 1st model did not do all you wanted.

Enjoy your Mk1 for eternity ;)

That's a non sequitur. Of course we'd go for more options and improvements. We're saying that our machines are made well with no problems and that they work as well or better than advertised.

Make an iPad that's twice as fast with a camera, flash, blah, blah, blah and I'm there! Until then, my iPad is an ingenious device with no hardware faults.
That's a non sequitur. Of course we'd go for more options and improvements. We're saying that our machines are made well with no problems and that they work as well or better than advertised.

Make an iPad that's twice as fast with a camera, flash, blah, blah, blah and I'm there! Until then, my iPad is an ingenious device with no hardware faults.

I think you misunderstood. We are talking about people who have nothing more in their lives that to be serial complainers. If anyone buys an iPad now and then suddenly complains about it not doing this or that, or being bored with it, or it not having native printing, or needing a Retina Display, or any of the crappy whiny topics being floated in this forum, then this person rightfully earns the title of troll, or in some cases: functional illiterate.
I can honestly say that I only use my Laptop now to sync with iTunes and run backups. All else is the iPad.

The thing really does sell itself. I have had several people tell me 'Thanks, now I have to go buy one. Apple should be paying you commission.' All I did was turn the thing on and answered questions (but I'd be glad to freelance on that commission thing).

Not perfect, but the most useful device I have ever owned.
Got my 16 gig Wifi model on launch day - used it pretty intensely for the first month or so, then started to see where it fit in my computing life.

I still use my desktop probably 75% of the time, and I don't have a laptop, so I tend to use the iPad when I don't *need* to be in front of the computer.

I use it a lot to browse around online, read ebooks (iBooks/iBookstore FTW), and even edit the occasional shot from the iPhone in Photogene. (Most of my serious editing obviously still goes through Photoshop.)

The iPad fills the mobile computing need for me very well, and I couldn't be happier. Well...yes, I could. I need my multitasking iOS 4, so hurry Apple! :D
Another happy camper here :)

I was initially underwhelmed with the iPad until I started reading the forum, and then made my way to an Apple retail store for some face time with the device. I was blown away, and would have bought one immediately if any were in stock.

I knew exactly how the iPad would fit into my computing life, and it has not disappointed. I have no complaints, and the three, now four people as of today, whom I have recommended the iPad to have been extremely happy with theirs.

sapporobaby said:
I think you misunderstood. We are talking about people who have nothing more in their lives that to be serial complainers. If anyone buys an iPad now and then suddenly complains about it not doing this or that, or being bored with it, or it not having native printing, or needing a Retina Display, or any of the crappy whiny topics being floated in this forum, then this person rightfully earns the title of troll, or in some cases: functional illiterate.

No, I think I understood the last few lines of Piggie's post perfectly well and that's what I was replying to. :)
Only been using mine for a few days. Parents brought it back from the US, asked for a 32gig but they got me a 64 as I did well with final university degree.
Jailbroke it on the first evening and started to fill with apps that's I'd been researching before like IM+, iCab, Pages,etc. But last night I restored and updated getting rid of the jailbreak because IM+ sends notifications while I surf and for the time being that's all I really need from multitasking, I'm happy to wait for iOS4.0
But I absolutely love using it, only used my laptop for syncing and converting videos in the passed few days, once all up and running with the ipad I think the pc will rarely be used. Love it
I can proudly proclaim "I have nothing to whine or complain about regarding my iPad"!

Its the portal to my home media centre setup, providing remote desktop and remote trackpad to my mac mini that is hooked up to the TV, as well as being my sole internet/mail/calendar etc device.

Its completely changed the way I browse the internet and I can't image going back to life surfing the net on a laptop.
I can proudly proclaim "I have nothing to whine or complain about regarding my iPad"!

Its the portal to my home media centre setup, providing remote desktop and remote trackpad to my mac mini that is hooked up to the TV, as well as being my sole internet/mail/calendar etc device.

Its completely changed the way I browse the internet and I can't image going back to life surfing the net on a laptop.

Go forth my son and prosper. Most of all don't become like the other serial whiners and complainers. Use the force for good. :)
Didn't need it (macbook+iphone) but bought the cheapest one and love it so much that next time (gen2 or 3) i'll be buying the most expensive one. :)
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