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so far i've only had an hour to play with it after setting it up yesterday. i'm so glad that i bought it now instead of waiting for the next refresh next year. best decision i could have possibly made. i tend to usually wait to get new gear, especially if it's first generation.

i'm coming from a Windows OS (Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista) Now the main reason why i'm glad i bought a macbook air 2012 now is that I can familiarize myself and learn how Mac OS works. It's a lot different than what I have been accustomed to all of my life and theres a learning curve. Does anyone know if it will be easy to learn? But really looking forward to learning Mac OS and can't wait to play with it more. I'm typing on my Dell xps laptop right now and this model is perhaps one of best computer line that dell makes, but its nearing 5 years old now.

oh yeah does anyone know if i can pick up ladies with my macbook air 13" if i hung around starbucks or barnes and noble bookstore. i heard ladies dig guys with a macbook. i dont know thats just what i heard.
oh yeah does anyone know if i can pick up ladies with my macbook air 13" if i hung around starbucks or barnes and noble bookstore. i heard ladies dig guys with a macbook. i dont know thats just what i heard.

The downside of Macbooks having become so much more mainstream over the last year is that you will no longer stand out with your MBA. You will have to make it on your other qualities again .... Sorry dude :cool:
The biggest change I foresee are Haswell processors.


Don't you foresee somewhere an IPS display with more resolution, together with killing every cMBP?


oh yeah does anyone know if i can pick up ladies with my macbook air 13" if i hung around starbucks or barnes and noble bookstore. i heard ladies dig guys with a macbook. i dont know thats just what i heard.

You must buy a rMBP 15 for that. Everyone is buying MBA.
i felt the same when i bought my pro, disappointed id never made the jump sooner.
difference is every time i upgrade or mod my pro i love it more, something you sadly cant do with the air :(
How much better battery life are your Ivy Bridge 13" MacBook Airs? I have a Sandy Bridge MBA, and I seem to get a good 7 hours out of it. I really have no complaints. If the next generation looks the same and only has a processor upgrade, I don't think we'll be missing much. ('We' as in current MBA owners)

Also, I think the fact that these machines are so well designed makes them more likeable overall. I've owned my MBA for awhile, but I still feel joy when I look at it, open it up, and use it. The novelty does not wear off with the MBA.
Going to pick one up for my sister, will have it for 1-2 weeks to set it up and tinker with it before I give it to her. I'm worried I will like it a lot and want to replace my 5 year old iMac with one :eek:
If anyone here share the same passion, let us here it!

btw, 2012 MBA i5 8gb

I bought my 2012 macbook air 11" about a few months ago, while working on it last night, I stepped away for a few min and glanced at it. WOW! i found myself staring and appreciating this beautiful piece of machinery, couldnt take my eyes off it, and thought to myself "MAN, I love my air!" true story. Yea I know, i might be going "apple" crazy!
I absolutely love my 11" 2012 MBA. It's just so light, fast and just an overall great computer. I was scared I'd find the 11" to be too small a screen, but it's not at all. I have one of the 24" Playstation displays to hook it up to if I need more screen space, but I rarely do.
I was undecided between a 15" Macbook Pro retina and a refurb Air with I7, 8GB ram, and 512 SSD. Like it much better than the retina MBP due to the cost savings and portability. I don't do any video editing so the MBA was perfect for me. It looks brand new. In my opinion Refurbished is the way to go. Saved $330 and got the same warranty as a new one. 13" is the perfect size and the MBA is the perfect weight for sitting on my lap watching TV or sitting up in bed working on excel spreadsheets. I have a maxed out 2011 Imac for the heavy stuff.

I was sitting in the same boat as you DF and decided too go with the loaded refurb MBA 13". My first Mac purchase (besides the god awful # of iOS devices I own…lol) I paired this up with an ATV3rd gen and I couldn't be any happier. Enjoy !!
Damn you all make me jealous! I got mine but have to send it back because of a small dent on the case. Now I have to wait on the whole replacement process.

This thing rocks. Absolutely perfect computer for my amateur/hobbyist uses. The screen is obviously way too small for some activities but once I get my external display and desktop setup going, I can't forsee anything I do being too demanding for the air. And the portability is simply fabulous coming from my 17" laptops that weighs over 6 pounds.
Ordered my 11" after much procrastination. Arrives Wednesday. Have gone base, as its a travel computer - have a fab 2012 Mini with 16GB/i5 for photo editing, which is my most demanding task. Also, I've got one eye on Haswell next year - if the battery boost is significant, I'll likely swap to the new model.

Can't wait for the Air to arrive!

*begins removing 3 years worth of files from MBP :(*

Don't you foresee somewhere an IPS display with more resolution, together with killing every cMBP?

I don't see a retina Air happening anytime soon... They have the retina line of Macbook Pros already, they would be too similar.

Then again, it's only my opinion and I'm not an analyst so take it with a grain of salt.
I don't see a retina Air happening anytime soon... They have the retina line of Macbook Pros already, they would be too similar.

Then again, it's only my opinion and I'm not an analyst so take it with a grain of salt.

Apple has retina display on all its portable devices, apart from MBA and some iPods (e.g. Nano). I believe that it won't be tenable for MBA to remain non-retina, if it is technically possible to achieve that.
Ordered a 13.3" MB AIR 1.8/8GB/128GB yesterday from MacMall! So excited. I think my 2006 1st gen Macbook Core Duo is ready for retirement (or to be given to my mother:)).

Going to probably order a Nifty SD drive adapter and 64 or 128GB micro SD to expand the storage.

Also, probably going to grab a Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter, any recommendations out there for one?
I was undecided between a 15" Macbook Pro retina and a refurb Air with I7, 8GB ram, and 512 SSD. Like it much better than the retina MBP due to the cost savings and portability. I don't do any video editing so the MBA was perfect for me. It looks brand new. In my opinion Refurbished is the way to go. Saved $330 and got the same warranty as a new one. 13" is the perfect size and the MBA is the perfect weight for sitting on my lap watching TV or sitting up in bed working on excel spreadsheets. I have a maxed out 2011 Imac for the heavy stuff.

I have the identical MBA, and just got mine last week refurb from Apple. It's a great machine. I love the speed (vs. late 2008 MBP 15"), portability, and battery life.
A big part of what makes the Air such a pleasure to use is OSX. I've had many Windows laptop prior, and granted I paid a pretty penny premium for the Air, but the Air offers an enhanced simplified user experience that's hard to match.

The Ultrabooks along with Windows 8 may have narrowed that gap, but for someone like myself who simply prefers OSX, and with the ability to bootcamp into Windows, the Air is a much better fit for me. Love the size, the form factor, and the weight.
I am getting really upset with the store I ordered my MBA from.

Even though I was informed that it might take 3-4 weeks, today 3 weeks passed by and I send them an email that if I will not receive my MBA by latest next Sunday I will come to pick up my money for a refund as it is ridiculous that it takes that long.

If I go on the website the MBA even with upgraded RAM is available with feree shiping in max. 1-3 business days!

I want my MBA, now...

OP, I'll come along with you. Just switched from 2011 13" MBP (maxed out) to 2012 13" MBA 1.8 4Gb 256. Don't regret it for a second, don't miss the weight, and for my purposes I don't need the heavier processing power of the MBP. The Air does everything I need, and I love it...awesome piece of kit.

For heavy duty stuff, I have a maxed 2012 iMac with 32 Gigs of RAM, so the Air is the perfect compliment :)
Going to pick one up for my sister, will have it for 1-2 weeks to set it up and tinker with it before I give it to her. I'm worried I will like it a lot and want to replace my 5 year old iMac with one :eek:

You might as well just go ahead and buy yourself one too! I have had mine since late October and love it! It is an amazing piece of technolgy! Next one I get will have the largest SSD I can get and maxed out RAM just in case. I have the base model 13" now!

And to the original poster you have every reason to be excited about your new toy.....I mean productivity tool :) That's what she said!
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