So I was kind of given a Mac Pro and 23" Cinema Display the other day...a family member had it and wasn't using it and asked if I wanted it so they could "get it out of their way". I wasn't sure of the model or specs at the time (they just said "it's big, heavy, silver...has a big screen with it and stuff" and also that it hadn't been hooked up in 2 or 3 years) so I said sure.
Turns out it is, best I can tell, a Mac Pro 1,1 from 2006 or '07 or so - had 10.6.x on it when I booted it up so I did updates to get it to 10.6.8 and now to 10.7.5.
It only has 2GB of RAM in it and the 2 dual-core Intel 2.66GHz Xeon processors. Also has dual graphics cards so 4 DVI connections on the back (I don't remember the model of the cards off hand).
For what it is, it runs pretty well - but, of course, it's several versions out of date so I'm missing some of the features I've grown accustomed to in El Capitan and now Sierra.
I know I can't update to those but what is the latest I
could update to? If I can update it another couple of versions or so that'd be great and I'd look at getting some additional RAM for it and see how it does.
In a brief search I ran across some sellers on eBay selling harddrives (or also SSDs) with some later OSs on them, claiming they are plug and play. Some say the graphics card(s) would have to be updated as the original isn't compatible. (?)
Though I do use my MBP quite a bit (it's a 2010 model so not new either) I'm no expert when it comes to these machines, especially doing upgrades or updates and what's compatible and what isn't, so what advice could you share. Is this thing worth spending some time and money updating/upgrading?
[On a side note, I didn't realize how freaking heavy these Mac Pros are!
