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I have a 2014 13" MacBook Air and I love it. I was at a Best Buy store near me that is closing, Today is their last day in business. Everything that was open box was an additional 50% off. I found and purchased a 2017 Space Grey TBMBP with 256GB of storage for $700 plus tax without the charger. I was concerned that it was the 2016 model but for that price I couldn't pass it up. It only has one charge cycle on the battery. So far I love it, the touch bar is nice but will take some getting used to. The keyboard is also improved over the 2016 model.
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I've got a too old Mac book air and may well buy a 2017 macbook pro 15", with a GPU. One thing that worries me about the touch bar is that I very use the "F3" key all the time, to switch from application to application - I see all the apps that are open, and I then click on the one I want. I tried a 2017 with touch bar, but there was no way to switch with an "F3" key method ... can someone help me? I may not buy it after all ...
I've got a too old Mac book air and may well buy a 2017 macbook pro 15", with a GPU. One thing that worries me about the touch bar is that I very use the "F3" key all the time, to switch from application to application - I see all the apps that are open, and I then click on the one I want. I tried a 2017 with touch bar, but there was no way to switch with an "F3" key method ... can someone help me? I may not buy it after all ...

You can use a gesture on the trackpad for that. Swipe 4 fingers up. I find that much easier.
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You can use a gesture on the trackpad for that. Swipe 4 fingers up. I find that much easier.
I also found by a search on the net that if I push a key - I forget which one but its either a control or option or command key, then the touch bar turns into the previous function keys. So then I could push F3.

The reason I need to hit F3 a fare bit, is due to my Air nogging down I reckon. My wife keeps telling me to keep backing up!!

I am still tossing up between a 2015 design with a geogeous keyboards and a photo card slot, or spend not much more and get 2017 model with a 4GB 460 screen card. I am not sure how much faster the latest combination would be, compared to the top spec in the 2015 models (I'd for a refurb as I cannot buy a branded new one with a separate GPU).

Funny thing about the reliability issue is, that while the older keyboard is IMO better and foolproof, I am not certain about the GPU being bulletrproof. Perhaps the 460 will be more reliable, as today's cards tend to run cooler. But I know little about such issues ... and maybe its only the very latest and very greatest GPU notebook cards that run comparatively cooler.

I wonder too, does the 2017 macbook pros have decent fans? A GPU version would need a decent fan IMO.

I also have been praising HP's latest keyboard ( on an Elitebook I bought for my wife). But I realised too, its as noisy as the new macbook pro's keyboard. That 2015 one is totally silent ... and feels great.

Happy though that my hands do not clash with the huge touch pad.
I just purchased a MacBook Pro 15" 2012 MID model on amazon to upgrade from my white MacBook of 8-9 can someone tell me if that model is good? its refurb. I do not mind refurb model, I ordered a crucial SSD as well to go along with it.
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I just purchased a MacBook Pro 15" 2012 MID model on amazon to upgrade from my white MacBook of 8-9 can someone tell me if that model is good? its refurb. I do not mind refurb model, I ordered a crucial SSD as well to go along with it.

The 2012 MacBook Pro Non Retina display models are great because they are upgradable. Enjoy your new Mac Book Pro.
2016 15” 512gb 2.7gb quad core i7 16gb ram.... Purchased from b&h photo can was $2099 no tax or shipping. Pretty fantastic price seeing how Apple refurb sells the same model for $200 more + tax.
I got it ! I’m installing El Capitan now. My ssd crucial is coming tomorrow. Can anyone teach me how to clone HD’s to ssd?


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I picked up a 2016 15" TB's great!!

I was really undecided on the new keyboard mechanism because I read about so many people loathing it, and even selling it to get a 2015 model. It took a couple days to get used to, and after the slight learning curve it's great now. Don't see what all the complaints were about really....
I’m getting the ssd today but the hd it cmenwith the 15” i7 had this message on disk Utility “problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting”. If the ssd installed. Would that still be there? Is it not the hd issue but something else ? I’m seeing a Genius Bar appointment later today to make sure. But before I do. Ca anyone tell me what’s going on
I’m getting the ssd today but the hd it cmenwith the 15” i7 had this message on disk Utility “problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting”. If the ssd installed. Would that still be there? Is it not the hd issue but something else ? I’m seeing a Genius Bar appointment later today to make sure. But before I do. Ca anyone tell me what’s going on

If that message is with the old hard rive installed then it is most likely that the old drive is failing. You should be able to get your data off. You shouldn't get any errors with the new drive once its formatted and OS X is installed.
ok you will need to boot your MacBook into recovery mode.

1) In the Apple menu, choose Restart or power on your Mac. 2) As the computer restarts, hold down the Command (⌘) – Option (⌥) – R combination immediately upon hearing the startup chime. Hold the keys until the animated globe appears on the screen.

You will then need to use disk utility to select the hard drive create the partition. You can name it anything you want to but you may want to name it Macintosh HD to be consistent to what its named by Apple.

Once the drive is visible and ready you will need to use a bootable USB with Mac OS or OS X on it to install the OS.

ok you will need to boot your MacBook into recovery mode.

1) In the Apple menu, choose Restart or power on your Mac. 2) As the computer restarts, hold down the Command (⌘) – Option (⌥) – R combination immediately upon hearing the startup chime. Hold the keys until the animated globe appears on the screen.

You will then need to use disk utility to select the hard drive create the partition. You can name it anything you want to but you may want to name it Macintosh HD to be consistent to what its named by Apple.

Once the drive is visible and ready you will need to use a bootable USB with Mac OS or OS X on it to install the OS.


When I did cmd r. okay I have a external hd of Mac OS Sierra. I’ll do it that way :)
Your welcome - I am glad that you got everything setup.

I'm actually waiting for memory ram today, i'm gonna put in 16GB into this beast, bought a new hd cable, got some tools for it...a laptop case..cos since its refurb from amazon, there is a weird dent at the bottom casing. it's not bad but i rathe put a case on it so no more dents will occur. Right now I have only 4GB of memory..I was wondering if i have the crucial ssd 525GB..with 12-16GB of memory ram...will it be alive enough to upgrade to high sierra? or don't waste my time with it and stay with el capitan? Cos i read a lot about not updating to high sierra on forums here.

Current set-up :D


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I'm actually waiting for memory ram today, i'm gonna put in 16GB into this beast, bought a new hd cable, got some tools for it...a laptop case..cos since its refurb from amazon, there is a weird dent at the bottom casing. it's not bad but i rathe put a case on it so no more dents will occur. Right now I have only 4GB of memory..I was wondering if i have the crucial ssd 525GB..with 12-16GB of memory ram...will it be alive enough to upgrade to high sierra? or don't waste my time with it and stay with el capitan? Cos i read a lot about not updating to high sierra on forums here.

I would upgrade to Sierra but wait on High Sierra because there may still be some limitations with the new APFS file system especially with older apps.

El Capitian is still supported and really great as well.
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I would upgrade to Sierra but wait on High Sierra because there may still be some limitations with the new APFS file system especially with older apps.

El Capitian is still supported and really great as well.

I noticed you joined this forum on sept 12, my birthday hahah
I'm a small fish compared to people who update on the regular but I wanted to share: I just pulled the trigger on the 2015 15" MBP, 2.5GHz with the AMD 370. I'd been mulling over whether to get that model from B&H or go for a 2016/2017 and then when they pulled it off B&H for a couple days... my despondency over that "discontinued" told me I really was ready to get a 2015! So when they then came up in the refurb shop, I went for it. It's been a long road, I'm coming from a 2010 15" MBP with a matte screen that's sadly in poor shape and has been sloooowly failing for years. I stupidly knocked out a couple keys on my keyboard with water damage first (the only time I've ever killed anything like that, what a heartbreak) and by now, my audio jack is out, my left fan doesn't run right, my touchpad won't click. It's rather pathetic to see this thing with a bluetooth keyboard, mouse, and external DAC on top while occasionally making a noise like a lawnmower... I should have replaced it years ago but I'm much too stubborn when there isn't yet a fatal flaw. ;)

Making myself outdated from the start had me hesitating but it does appeal to me to get the last of the old design. After living using so many peripherals every day, I couldn't commit to going straight into the dongle life. Hopefully I'm not going to regret too much that I didn't try to wait for the 2018 update but the keyboard was something motivating me to look back too. Thanks to the users of this forum for the unknowing assistance they gave me in finally going for it, I've been lurking here while I considered my options and the repetitive 2015 vs 2016 vs 2017 threads really did help!

First impressions (after one night and one morning of use):

- I keep getting weirded out that it's not making a sound. I know, I know but I was still living back before SSDs! Silence itself is a feature for me! I've only had the fan kick on once so far... it's unsettling but wonderful.

- The detail of the Retina screen blew me away when I first opened it. Photos on it are just unreal, they look so beautiful. I'm not sure if I have enough in my daily life that takes advantage of it though! Tumblr looks particularly terrible, the text on gifs looks fuzzy as if everyone is optimizing them for a lower resolution, akhfklg. Maybe that's just because it's scaling to 1440 and I'm used to 1680 or something?

- Maybe it's just because I was coming from an antiglare screen that's seven years old but I was actually expecting the screen to look more drastically different than it does? In both a good and a bad way: I've been worried that the reflections and glare would bother me too much but I was surprised that you can't even see any when light browsing. I definitely do need to adjust to reflections when trying to watch something though. I'd also been expecting to get blinded by the screen brightness (from picking up an iPad now and again) but it seems like I am keeping the brightness topped out esp when sitting in a room with natural light? And I guess I just thought the contrast ratio would have come farther. I wasn't expecting an OLED screen (though that's the next standard I can't wait to get to) but... I know that's something that improved with the 2017 pro, maybe that's more important to me than I thought.

- The force touch trackpad is really really nice to use. It feels so sensitive and responsive, though I don't think I'm quite calibrated to it yet! Like, it's great to right click with two fingers but selecting from the menu after that isn't natural yet.

- It's funny, I didn't actually realize how much of a difference it was making to external sound card until now. I didn't get one until my headphone jack stopped working so I never got to compare back and forth directly. Even on this new machine, I think I'd stick with using my DAC every day. Which makes the USB port especially nice to still have, I don't really need a dongle added to the mix too. I'm not sure if it's only psychological but the DAC sounds a bit better here too.

Early conclusions: It's a beautiful machine, I'm almost afraid to use it atm. It feels really good. It's more power than I need currently but I have the tendency towards overkill because I'm thinking I might need at some point in the next seven years. I'm not sure if I might not be better off with something designed for lighter use and with a screen with more contrast. I'm not exactly sure what that would be though? The 2016/2017 pro 13"? I've been hearing good things about the Samsung Galaxy Book from my brother but I'm not sure I could make the OS switch (/switch to a 2-in-1 instead of a full-fledged laptop).
Picked up a 2017 15" MBP TB 512GB from BestBuy for $2300 (out the door incl. tax). I feel like it is a decent deal, but buyers remorse kicking in! Natural feeling after shelling out $$$ on a new laptop and sudden feeling that the old W530 Thinkpad just might still be able to do the job?!
my girlfriend has the touch bar 15" 512gb, i tried it out. not liking the new ones..i like the old ones iwth cd drive or the retina. I got this used refurb on amazon for 700$, it was slow as a snail but upgraded the HD to SSD crucial 525gb, 16gb ram its perfect. oh also did a bootable drive of mac os x sierra now running on my laptop. The laptop i got condition is good, scratches a lil on the bottom casing and a dent on the lower casing on the lower right corner bottom..other wise the laptop is great. I was hesitation to buy this on amazon but glad I did. I'm sure it'll last me 2-3 years.

My girlfriend likes the TB 15", i say try it out? don't best buy have 14 day return/exchange policy? if anything you can always exchange it for the retina 2015 15" model????? you get the glowing apple and USB ports...but otherwise i say enjoy your purchase..dont think so much bout it.
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