My new 15" MBP
Hi guys, so I ordered and received my new MBP 15" 2.8 ghz last week and in setting it up I thought I'd take some pics and share my experience.
I had ordered a bunch of things including a Moshi Palmguard, Moshi Codex and Moshi Clearguard.
In addition I had ordered a 128gb G.Skill Falcon SSD and a optical bay caddy from the US
Before turning on the MBP for the first time, my first order of business was to rip open the notebook and install the SSD
The innards of the MBP are very impressive, everything is neatly tucked away and ordered!
I then took the stock HDD and mounted it in the optical bay caddy. Instead of buying the overpriced Optibay I opted to purchase one from these folks:
Optical Bay Hard Drive Caddy(p/n OBHD9-SATA-SATA-B) Black, 9.5mm [OBHD9-SATA-SATA-B] - $42.00 : NewmodeUS, Hard Drive Caddys for Notebooks
I then ripped out the Superdrive and replaced it with the afforementioned caddy.
My plan is to use the SSD as the boot drive, and then use the 500gb hdd as storage and TM backup :thumbup:
I also installed the Moshi products. The Clearguard keyboard protector is amazingly thin!
However it is a little bit loose at the top around the function keys
Moving on to the Palmguard, I ordered the 15"er and this is seemingly what I got

But after opening it, it looks like they put the 13" in the 15" package, so I will have to sort it out
Anyway, since I didnt have a Superdrive, I had to create a bootable image of the OSX installation CD onto a USB drive. I then used this to install Leopard onto the SSD.
At first the installation went well (installed in under 10 mins!) and everything seemed fine, but then the frustrating beachballing started. I decided to take the risk and install EFI firmware update 1.7, and wouldnt you know it, the beachballing is gone!
I would like to say that once you go SSD, you wont want to go back! Boot time from press of the button to fully loaded desktop in under 20 seconds!
Well, thats all for now, feel free to ask questions