"Looks like ours may be in the same shipment. Mine left GUANGZHOU CN at Jun 29, 2009 12:13 AM. I'm in LA waiting for the shipment..."
Mine did the same thing, and the tracking page was just updated with an international shipment release from Anchorage, AK, at 9:52 PM on June 30th. I don't understand what that means, exactly; is that the anticipated time of international shipment release? It's only 2 PM in Alaska right now, and if I'm not mistaken (I've been so out of it lately) Today IS the 30th.
What's that mean?
The expected shipment date was tomorrow morning by 10:30 AM! I live in Florida, so it's got a ways to go. What do you guys think? Will it make it?
*fingers crossed*
I am really surprise by the number of people that end up get a replacement MBP. It's either the screen, a dent, or in my case the RAM. They need to work on their quality control in China, and maybe should just be a little less green and beef up the packaging so that the computers stop getting damaged in transit. What do you guys think?
I agree with you about the QC in China, it's maddening. I'm typing this on my brand new 13" Macbook Pro 2.53/SSD. It's my second one. The first one was shipped to me with a dent on the bottom. I was quite disappointed as mine was a CTO so I had to ship this one back and wait for them to build another one and ship it to me. This one arrived in perfect condition.
Manufacturing defects will happen every now and then which is normal for a big company however my Macbook Air that I bought last year also shipped with a dent and it wobbled, had to get that one replaced too. Apple, work on your China QC, they suck at building your stuff.
Got my replacement 15" 2.8Ghz from Fedex yesterday (first one had a screw stripped out in the bottom). I couldn't be happier. Battery life is unreal on this thing. If you apply a calibrated color profile the screen looks absolutely phenomenal.
Mine has a washed out screenalready setup for repair though