One note, changing battery is simple as removing cover. Yopu don't need a tech guy to swap it.
I only hate to have the combo in/out audio connector. I'had to buy griffin imic.
Good to hear about the battery changing, I guess it's just like the ones for the 2008 models except it's inside.
Also, do you have any iPhone headphones? I want to know if the microphone on the iPhone headset will work with the MacBook Pro along with the headphones itself.
Here is the US it will say that until it's delivered to you. Usually means it's on the truck, so you probably won't be able to go to the depot for it. So, unless something comes up, sometime today during their operating hours you should get your MBP delivered. Good Luck and Enjoy!
Thanks for the comments, although I think it might mean something different in the UK, I'll do a full post on how the shipping went when it arrives as I have been tracking it constantly!
If its a CTO order then most likely that means its off the K&N flight and in holland. Within a couple of days one of the shipping reference numbers will work with the final delivery company, which is likely to be TNT for the UK, as far as i understand it!
Nope, it was UPS

Which is good because if nobody is there, it's a 5 minute walk from where I live.
Congrats, hopefully you can get plenty of sleep in the next few days and not just stay up thinking of your new MBP arriving...
Haha, I hope so too as I can't wait!
Don't forget to set up Time Machine and get your system and data backed up!
Will Time Machine work with any drive? And I plan on getting/building a Firewire backup drive as all my drives are USB.
^ FYI you can get the right click and forward delete by holding down control or fn.
An update, I just sent back my second MBP. Their sending me a 3rd one, hopefully this one will arrive by next Tuesday/Wednesday, and not have any problems. The new MBP's are great machines, when they don't have bad parts in them.
3rd one?!?? What happened to the other one? Talk about unlucky

thanks for the touchpad info.
I got my 13" 2.53 uMBP with 4 gigs of RAM at the end of June, but it still feels like new. It's so thin, especially where the case is recessed for the keyboard.
I love the backlit keyboard, and the battery life is really fantastic.
Games also look and run great, even without bootcamp. Half-Life 2, Portal, Spore, Call of Duty 4, etc... all smooth.
What's the FPS like? I'm going to play quite a few games on my Mac since I finally have a laptop which has a decent specced graphics card which can play some of my favourites.
I live in NJ. I just checked and the status changed from "Order Proccessing" to "Prepared for Shipment" I bought Vista Business off another member for $30 so Ill use that. Quck question does anyone know if I could buy the upgrade disk for Windows 7 and it will work since I have vista?
Yes it should do. Just wait for Microsoft to give more info on upgrading from XP/Vista.
It's great to see so many new Mac users switching from Windows. I am a convert as of the last 6 months. I am a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer and have written many Windows apps. I am blown away by the Mac OS and can't believe I had not used it before. I have installed VMWare Fusion on my MacBook Pro and Windows XP Pro and am able to run my C++ compiler in Windows XP better than I could on my old HP PC. Now I can start learning Mac programming and do both Mac and Windows programming on the same machine. Wonderful!
My MacBook Pro is the fastest computer I have ever used and it is only the 2.26 ghz model. I installed the 320, 7200 Seagate drive and it is so quite and fast. I can't put my MacBook Pro down!
Yeah, I noticed that a LOT of new people are switching to Macs, including myself which is a good thing and a bad thing. I'll explain why if needs be.
Did you try Paralelles? BootCamp? Before you tried VMWare Fusion? As I'm looking to install XP/7 on a VM as well for using Windows from time to time (Games and software that doesn't work on Mac, mainly). And I think the same, heck I can't put my laptop down at all! Now with me getting a 13" MacBook Pro, it's going to be much smaller so I'll be able to take it with me in bed and lie on my cushion while tapping away
Now, a FULL update on my status:
So my Dad ordered me a 13.3" MacBook Pro on the 30th June. It has the following: 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 4GB RAM, 320GB Hard Disk (5400RPM), nVidia 9400M Graphics Card. I also get a free iPod Touch and a free printer with it, which I plan on selling.
My items shipped on Monday morning (6th July) and then got the "Track this Shipment" link which showed an estimated arrival date of July 15th! I was annoyed. Anyhow, time went on and on Thursday early evening, it said "In Transit - Shipment on Schedule - 10 July". Now that made me think it would come on 10th July but nope, it meant it would ship that day and it did. On Friday evening, I got my Carrier Tracking Name and Number, but it wasn't working and the Carrier name was "UK DISTRIBUTION CENTER", later on, it resolved to UPS with a working tracking number. I checked it and it just told me how much it weighed etc, not where it was. Later on in the night it told me it was in Tamworth and In Transit, they also removed the estimated date arrival

Anyhow, it is still in transit right now and the same status as yesterday.
If you follow my
Twitter account, you'll get up to the minute updates on where it me!
So can't wait! Lastly, I want to say congratulations to all those who have a MacBook

I've also read all the pages of this thread, learnt so much, thanks guys.