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Boo-YA finally got my iMac.
iMac 24" 2.93GHz
640GB HD
ATI 4850 512MB GDDR3

Replacing my 8 year old Dell Dimension 8100. It was more than time to replace the old girl. This will complete my switch to macs.
Should I wait until my wireless network is plugged in before unpacking and starting the iMac for the first time?

Or can I play with it for a bit?
I'm waiting on a homehub/router from BT (phone company) to use the mac wirelessly, so would I be wise to wait until the router arrives before unpacking and starting up the iMac?

Or will I be able to unpack it, start up and have fun? First thing, or one of the first thigns to do, is get all my files, photos etc., off my Iomega 500gb drive onto the mac, or at least copy them over.

:) Happy Days!

Do you have any form of home network at the moment?

I had a router/wireless access point that had four ethernet ports. I grabbed a spare ethernet cable plugged the iMac in using that and powered up. Once it had got the updates from the web I set up the wireless bit. At least then, if anything went wrong I knew I could still connect to the web via ethernet. However it did basically just work - I did have a problem with the WPA key getting dropped occasionally and having to re-enter it but that was probably more down to me doing something wrong than the machine. A bit of fiddling put it right :rolleyes:
If you mean any internet connection, then yes. Using a BT Voyager 100 Broadband modem, connected to laptop (the Dell mentioned in sig.) via big blue cable.

I suppose I could run the BT setup cd from BT (that I've had for donkeys), except obviously for a mac, and have the cable setup, but then if the homehub comes in the post from BT tomorrow, I'l only end up undoing anything already done.

I think I'll wait.

Thanks for now.
Wow you really went all out huh.... We're very alike.. i cannot be happy unless i got it topped off.. lol

Congrats man.. I still love to come in the room and look at my baby.. beautiful computer!


the extra 4GB ram was a killer, i was like :O ... arghh... ill just get it.

Yeah i got alot of money to spend. To be honest. I lived at home for 2 years while i was working full time with 800 after tax each week in my bank so i saved ALOT of money :)

mines used for video editing, hence some of the cameras and helmets :)

here :D


If you mean any internet connection, then yes. Using a BT Voyager 100 Broadband modem, connected to laptop (the Dell mentioned in sig.) via big blue cable.

I suppose I could run the BT setup cd from BT (that I've had for donkeys), except obviously for a mac, and have the cable setup, but then if the homehub comes in the post from BT tomorrow, I'l only end up undoing anything already done.

I think I'll wait.

Thanks for now.

I suspect the big blue cable is ethernet (if it's not USB, it'll be ethernet) in which case you can just plug that into the back of the iMac and you'll be away. You won't need the BT disc (it wouldn't work anyway).
I got it yesterday. Ordered it 3/19/09

My new 24" arrived on Wednesday, 2 days early. I love it and, seeing as I've never used any Apple computer before, I've adjusted to Leopard alot quicker than I expected!

One thing that is bugging me, however, is how damn hot the bezel gets on it- is this normal??
It's normal for them to get quite hot on the top and in general the top half. I think it's designed that way.

I have owned a Mac Pro and a Mac Mini in the past, but there's just something about the iMac, I keep coming back to it.
My new 24" arrived on Wednesday, 2 days early. I love it and, seeing as I've never used any Apple computer before, I've adjusted to Leopard alot quicker than I expected!

One thing that is bugging me, however, is how damn hot the bezel gets on it- is this normal??

My iMac does get really hot sometimes ... but it seems fine? I guess it's okay?
My iMac just arrived a few days ago. It is a brilliant piece of hardware, rather.. relaxing after ten+ years of deathmatch with PC's. Although I have a problem, colors are not consistent. I need color consistency for the work I have done, and my glossy early 2008 iMac is simply too saturated for any color editing, everything on monitor appears to be much more vivid than they actually are. I do not have a colorimeter at the moment, but I am thinking of investing in a good one for personal use. Any recommendations for glossy 24' iMac calibration? is there any way I can make it less saturated?
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