Well I got my replacement finally today.. i was told that as soon as i shipped my imac they were going to release the replacement right away.. it should've happened thursday but even by monday the replacement had not been shipped..
I called and a very nice lady apologized and went ahead and initiated the process and said she was sorry and gave me a $75 credit back to my card just because of the inconvinience.

i was pretty shocked but somehow i didn't want to get happy cause i had the feeling that my replacement was gonna have stuck pixels as well..
Well i received it today by 3 o'clock and NO STUCK PIXELS.. i am the happiest apple customer right now..
My 24" 2.8ghz refurb it's simply gorgeous..
Overall i'm still very pleased with how apple took care of my not perfect monitor and even thou i would've liked to get this machine to begin with.. it was a more than nice gesture to get some money back from apple.
Costing me $1,195 with tax, and to think that i was going to spend $1,650 just a few months back..