First impressions...??? It's very big and very shiny.

As far as the speed is concerned, I haven't had a chance to do anything w/ the programs yet, but the software update took way longer than it ever did on my old pc. Granted, there was a lot to update, but 9 hours was ridiculous.
"The Look" is very sleek. Might take me a while to type without mis-spelling words, still adjusting to the keyboard. Not a big fan of the mouse yet either, may use my old one for a while.
My ISP is closed until Monday, and Qwest provides the DSL connection. I looked under system preferences > network but didn't feel confident enough to change any of the settings myself. Would rather have my ISP guy on the phone when doing something like that. It configured itself automatically using DHCP (whatever that is), but.... I agree, it should've taken an hour, 2-3 at most to download the updates. Will make a phone call tomorrow after work and see if they can help me.
Here's one question.... I've downloaded Firefox as my browser. How do I get it to permanently stay on the dock? When I close the program using command +Q, it disappears and I have to reopen it from Finder>Downloads. I'd like it to stay on the dock.
Well, off to the extended family's house for Easter Dinner.