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hank moody

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 18, 2015

One year ago, Apple indroduced Content Blocking apps in iOS.
This year we have Call Blocking apps supported in iOS10. Thank you Apple.

Let's share the best apps to do it.
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macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
Have any been released yet? I've applied to the Hiya 3.0 beta and Im waiting to be added to TestFlight.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
What's so special in these apps? iOS already allows you to block numbers.
They can lookup information on numbers as the calls come in and block known spammers before the call makes it to you (and you decide to manually and individually block that number). There might potentially be something there to deal with calls that don't show their number.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
What's so special in these apps? iOS already allows you to block numbers.

This is the email that I got for the new Hiya, outlining its new features:

• New Sign-Up Mechanism: Hiya 3.0 will work in all countries around the world.
• Support for iOS 10 CallKit Directory Extension: Enable Hiya by going to Settings->Phone->Call Blocking and Identification.
• Integrated Spam Identification: Robocalls and telemarketers will now be identified when your phone rings.
• Auto-Blocking Spam and Robocalls: Hiya 3.0 will give you the ability to automatically block all nuisance calls.
• Personal Blocklist: For the first time on iPhone, you can now create your custom blocklist. Add any number or contact to this list and Hiya will block it.
• Caller ID: Search for any number and Hiya will show you the caller ID and spam details (if any) for that number.
Integrated Dialer: Start making calls from Hiya instead of your phone dialer and it will warn you of any outgoing calls that could be possible scam or spam numbers. The more you use the Hiya dialer, the better your live caller ID experience will be.

Most of this is new, thanks to Apple's API. Previously, the app was limited to the manual caller ID/marking certain calls as Spam (and they would still come through, just marked with a slash.)

Really stoked for the auto-blocking!
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macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
What's so special in these apps? iOS already allows you to block numbers.

i have about 70 blocked numbers so far. they still call every day from a different number. sometimes it even shows a local area code. One time the phone number they called from was 1 number off of my phone number. i answered thinking it was someone but nope, same telemarketer call.


macrumors 6502
Nov 12, 2014
Lakewood, CO
I'm interested in this, too, I have one set of SPAM callers that are from "US Pharmacy" and want me to reorder my Cialis prescription (I never had one), and they call with numbers from all over the States. The other calls I get, nobody answers. And then lately I got some calls saying they were from Russia and Germany--I didn't pick up on those, as I think I read somewhere that if you even answer, they have some way to make money off of you... Sure wish we could get these guys prosecuted!
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macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
I like the guy from the middle east who says i have a virus on my "windows" computer. I toyed with him for a while and asking how did he know i have a windows computer, i told him all i have a macs. he didn't seem to know what i was talking about and proceeding to go through the steps on removing the virus. had him on the phone for a few minutes, it was pretty funny. oh, and his name was "greg"...yeah sure.
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macrumors member
Sep 14, 2015
I like the guy from the middle east who says i have a virus on my "windows" computer. I toyed with him for a while and asking how did he know i have a windows computer, i told him all i have a macs. he didn't seem to know what i was talking about and proceeding to go through the steps on removing the virus. had him on the phone for a few minutes, it was pretty funny. oh, and his name was "greg"...yeah sure.

I love the ones that say they are "calling from Windows".
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macrumors 6502
Sep 10, 2011
Hiya is saying there's some issues with CallKit that Apple need to fix, which for now means your personal block list might not work. Looks like a promising app though. TBH I didn't even know this was a thing in iOS 10 until I saw this thread!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2016
Hiya is saying there's some issues with CallKit that Apple need to fix, which for now means your personal block list might not work. Looks like a promising app though. TBH I didn't even know this was a thing in iOS 10 until I saw this thread!

I've also been having issues with their widget since the update. It acts like it's gonna search the number then goes blank but if you open the app the search is there so it's working.


macrumors member
Jul 27, 2009
I've also been having issues with their widget since the update. It acts like it's gonna search the number then goes blank but if you open the app the search is there so it's working.

I think it happens for numbers you have already searched in Hiya.


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2008
Oslo, Norway
Hiya seems like a great app but their lookup support is very regionally dependant. Its ability to look up anything where I live is pretty limited. Its successfully ID'ed 3 out of 20 calls so far.

Im gonna keep using it to block international spam calls but I hope local lookup is improved vastly.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2009
Nomorobo is also working on an app. I signed up for the beta. It is $5/month though so better be worth it
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