AdMop, which is free, is improving daily.
I've sent the dev multiple reports of sites that needed adjustments and ads that needed to be blocked. He responds that he's on it and thanks you for the report. Then he emails you back to tell you it's completed and to download the latest rule set. I check the site to confirm and it's done. Extremely responsive developer.
I had AdMop on my phone at one point and had emailed the dev on numerous occasions on broken sites or ads on some sites. He's quick on fixing the issues and got back to me the next day similar to your experience. But after a while emailing the dev gets old quickly and I was just tired of it.
I think picking a content blocker is very personal - what works for me may not work so well for others. But the good news is that there are a handful of quality free adblockers that people can try before shelling out money.