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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 13, 2017
Is it just me or does anyone else like the notch at the top of the screen where the FaceTime Camera, sensors etc reside? I think it gives the IPhone X a unique look. Also the alternative would be to have a straight bezel at the top which I think would be more ugly and you would also lose the benefit of the additional bit of screen space on either side of the notch.
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Is it just me or does anyone else like the notch at the top of the screen where the FaceTime Camera, sensors etc reside? I think it gives the IPhone X an unique look. Also the alternative would be to have a straight bezel at the top which I think would be more ugly and you would also lose the benefit of the additional bit of screen space on either side of the notch.

It's atrocious in my opinion. If people want to see my receding hairline, they should be looking at my head..not my phone. Then again...maybe the iPhone Notch will distract people from looking at my receding hairline....hmmm...
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It would have been ok if they permanently blacked out the notch areas and just had the status indicators but they chose to go strictly against their own design principles and tried to sell it as a 5.8 inch screen
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I like the notch and I am happy they went with a unique design. I would rather them do that then black out the top status bar on each side because I think the extra screen real estate will be a great experience while using the phone. Makes the screen feel much bigger.
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I honestly assumed the part of the screen with the indicators near the notch would be blacked out during a full screen situation and the screen area would be just smaller next to the notch.

I didn't think it would just be non-rectangled stretched under the notch.

It goes against the basic principles of aesthetics.
It looks daft.

Thing is, this time next year when we get the XI (or whatever) it's still going to be there unless they simple straighten it at the top - but then they can't claim the screen is 'edge to edge'.

Amazed they thought this would look good. Maybe I'm over-reacting but its one of the main reasons I refuse to spend the money on it (along with no touch ID and first gen face ID).

Maybe I'll feel differently after I see some review videos and impressions etc.
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I actually prefer the look of the iPhone X over the Galaxy S8. I'll take a weirdly shaped edge-to-edge (albeit slightly thicker edges) over top/bottom edges. To my eye, it makes the screen look bigger and it has a unique look.
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don't care either way..just want a + version
Hopefully your wish will come true next September?
looking at some hands-on videos, the notch seemed to disappear for me, when i was actually concentrating on the content instead of the phone. i suspect i'll get used to it in no time.
Same here. Although I quite like the notch anyway. I think with time devs will find quirky and cool ways of utilising the notch to make the user experience more fun.
In two months, the computer (née phone) will be in the hands of millions of customers and nobody will care.
I'm going to sell a Notch decal so anybody can get that futuristic, completely bezelless, edge-to-edge screen experience on any iDevice. I expect SE owners such as myself will love this item.
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I don't mind the notch at all. It looks distinctive, and I hardly ever use my phone in landscape mode for the notch to matter. I definitely don't watch movies or TV shows on tiny devices, so it wouldn't matter for those, either, as far as I'm concerned.
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Been watching a lot of hands on videos lately. I do believe it sets it apart and me personally I like it. It serves its purpose. I personally think if it's that bad for you.... Go get a whatever other phone you think may be best for you. Everything about the phone looks good to me and I really am liking the face ID. Also having worked on a phone with gestures it's going to be so much easier. I can't wait! I'm just not getting the hate.
I like the notch better than the waste of space we had for years.


But I'm surprised no one is complaining about the rounded corners. Because that's a big change too.
I don’t love the notch- but it doesn’t bother me either.

I foresee wallpaper apps having the top with a black line to fill the area in around the notch.
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