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Which colour iPhone should I get?

  • Black

    Votes: 71 44.9%
  • White

    Votes: 87 55.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 24, 2005
So after 4 years of iPhone use (1st Gen and 3GS) I'm opting for the 4GS update. Trouble is I can't decide on colour, I love Apple's (now nearly extinct) white look, but I can't feels a bit feminine to me somehow? Am I just being daft or not...but it'll be a nice change after 4 years of black front facings.

So men of Macrumors - help me decide, black or white iPhone 4GS?
White Iphone

Ive had every iphone all in black; I got my first white one in July and everyone thinks its cool... Definatley white. getting the new 4S and it will be in white as well!
Pretty much every phone in the US is gray or black. If I buy Iphone I always get a white one. Wish I could have had the white Evo.
It doesn't matter if you're a guy or girl. It's a phone, white is not the new pink
Oh God!

Here we go again!

Another dopey thread about whether white is too femme for all those butch guys out there. Another "white is girlie"..."no it's not" thread . More insecurity about whether the color of your phone will cause others to think you're not a real man (read:gay).

Buy whatever ****ing phone you like and stop worrying about what others think.

Sorry, I guess i've just read too many of these threads. And, yes, when someone posts "if you don't like it, don't read it" - you're absolutely right. :eek:

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My wife and I gave our iPhone 3G phones to my parents. They wondered why I got the white one and my wife got the black one. "That was the color we wanted." My parents, of course, chose the gender-specific colors: Mom got white, dad got black.

This from parents who wouldn't allow me to wear black shirts as a kid, because black is the devil's color. :eek:
My wife and I gave our iPhone 3G phones to my parents. They wondered why I got the white one and my wife got the black one. "That was the color we wanted." My parents, of course, chose the gender-specific colors: Mom got white, dad got black.

This from parents who wouldn't allow me to wear black shirts as a kid, because black is the devil's color. :eek:

lol the last comment reminded me of Sheldon Copper on Big Bang Theory, then I looked to left and saw Dallas, Texas
[sarcasm]Real Men don't care about what color a phone is[/sarcasm]

Haha true - I think I want the white but I keep drawing towards black y'know? lol. I guess I'm just looking for others views really. For the record? If there was a blue I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Oh God!

Sorry, I guess i've just read too many of these threads. And, yes, when someone posts "if you don't like it, don't read it" - you're absolutely right. :eek:


Haha don't worry, I expected at least one 'rant' yeah, I know what you mean I'm discussion provoking I guess. More interested in trying to tip my scales. I like black, I really really do - I guess I'm just bored of it, and a touch concerned about how grubby white might end up looking too.
I know you're going to get this from a lot of people, but I honestly mean this when I say it. I don't think either color looks more feminine or more masculine than the other. I've seen the some guys with white iPhones and girls with black iPhones ... and vice versa. Whichever they pick though, fits their persona nicely and doesn't make them more feminine/masculine/what have you.

I'm still deciding what I want. If I buy it in store, I might take a second look at the white one, but if I order it online, I'll get black to be safe.
I prefer black phones myself (I am male).

My brother in law however prefers the white iPhones, but he's a bit of a "fashionista" :p
Not to be rude, but you must be a bit insecure if you think a white phone will make you less "manly". I suppose you think owning a white automobile is also feminine. Get the color you think looks best.
I would have got a White 4 if they'd shipped at launch - absolutely no question. And to me the most appealing thing about the 4s is the White option - seriously, not that bothered about the other ups, and pretty sure I would not use Siri, but the whiteness? Absolutely.
The white iPhone 4 and 4S remind me of the original iPod with that transparent glassy layer over the white colour.

It looks gorgeous with a little bit of a nostalgic twist to it.

The black looks simpler, cleaner, draws complete attention to the screen.

I like them both. Currently have a black iPhone 4 because that's the only colour that was available. Next time around I'll see what's on offer.
I would refrain from getting a white version only for fear of dirt (or potentially blotches) being more apparent over time, so I always buy black versions of Apple products. I don't see the white one being more "feminine" looking at all.
My cars white...iPhones black.

I did toy with the white iPhone 4 idea though ended up choosing black (though in the end was irrelevant as they only did black on launch).

I would say out the two the white is probably more girly (hence me choosing black)... though I did think there was kind of too much white on the iPhone if that makes sense? Just seemed a bit too much in your face?
black looks cooler, but wait
maybe, just maybe if you get a white iPhone, ladies will start flocking around you!!
then again it could work against you, but if you bored with el blacko go with la whitey. im sure you can return it

and if white is really too Femme for you, just get a case or take a sharpie and or some paint and just make it whatever color you want [don't do this, pleaseeeeee] :D
of course white :)

black is the ideal trap for fingerprints , black is such a boring unfriendly color and only should be present on things you dont want anybody to see ,unless you a member of some group involved in a form of organized crime in general :p

In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt, ignorance, and uncertainty.

In English heraldry, white or silver signified brightness, purity, virtue, and innocence
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To me, the white is iconic with a click-wheel device (specifically the classic). I wish they were still made with that finish. Otherwise I think black is the cleanest and classiest looking for full-touch screen devices.
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