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Which colour iPhone should I get?

  • Black

    Votes: 71 44.9%
  • White

    Votes: 87 55.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
of course white :)

black is the ideal trap for fingerprints , black is such a boring unfriendly color and only should be present on things you dont want anybody to see ,unless you a member of some group involved in a form of organized crime in general :p

In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt, ignorance, and uncertainty.

In English heraldry, white or silver signified brightness, purity, virtue, and innocence

And in some Asian cultures, white is the color of funeral attire.

A sad and terrible irony.
of course white :)

In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt, ignorance, and uncertainty.

Are you sure? That sounds wrong to me, and a google search turned up various interpretations, none negative. (, for example)

And in some Asian cultures, white is the color of funeral attire.

A sad and terrible irony.

Oddly, white was also often used for mourning in the west too through the middle ages. (And brides wore black for a long time, wikipedia says until the 1840s).
I am finally going to upgrade my iPhone, from Day 1 to 4S! 7 years, I can't complain. I too, am torn on the color. I really like the black, I have a BlackBook, but the white is so iconic, ie original iPod. I am going to the Apple store and look at both today and buy the 4S when it comes out.
As a side note, i am also looking at switching to Sprint, they have the only unlimited data plan left on the market and I use a ton of data according to AT&T. :eek:
It sounds like you prefer the white, so I voted white. Get what you want, not what you think "society" expects from your gender.
And in some Asian cultures, white is the color of funeral attire.

A sad and terrible irony.

true R.I.P Steve Jobs

but generally

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection.

White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity.

In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products. White is an appropriate color for charitable organizations; angels are usually imagined wearing white clothes. White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and sterility, so you can use white to suggest safety when promoting medical products. White is often associated with low weight, low-fat food, and dairy products.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.

Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief.

Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. A black suit or dress can make you look thinner. When designing for a gallery of art or photography, you can use a black or gray background to make the other colors stand out. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors – black gives a very aggressive color scheme.

but lets have Leonardo da Vinci have his say :
"The first of all single colors is white ... We shall set down white for the representative of light, without which no color can be seen; yellow for the earth; green for water; blue for air; red for fire; and black for total darkness." -- Leonardo Da Vinci
Wow...nearly neck and neck (35 to 33 as I look now) I was going to use this as a decider but given how close it is...think I'll look at my wife's 4 this weekend, that's Black, and decide how 'grubby' it looks. I think my main intention was white so we didn't grab each others phone, but I think now the only thing putting me off white is the look of the bumpers (which have saved her phone more than once!) which tend to look a touch tacky, I'm going to ebay to look for third party options to see what comes up.

Thanks for the spirited debate people - it's been fun following, I'm 90% sure on white now - but change, though fun, is scary ;)
When the 3G came out, the 8 gig model was only in black, and being a poor college kid, I went with it. 3GS came out and I promptly got the white one and, while I loved the back, the black front looked silly with it. Then the iPhone 4 came out and we were teased with the white one, and I told myself it would be mine. Then we got to release date and it was no where to be found, so I had to go with the black. While its sleek and dare I say sexy, its a fingerprint magnet, I can see natural oils from my face on the screen when I rarely use it as a phone, and every freaking phone out there now is black and silver. Not that it makes a big deal to me, but it does matter slightly. The biggest reason I'm going with white on the 4S is because I fondly remember my original touch-wheel iPod, my original G4 iBook, and especially with the recent events, Apple nostalgia is hitting me hard. So for me, the white is less about looks and more of a throw-back to the roots of the whole i* world. And yes, I'm a dude, dude.
I got white, I like it, black is cool, white was less common (still is around here), but get what YOU like. If you worry what people think so much to influence your decisions, then you better start posting asking what clothes to buy, what car to buy etc. Be YOU, get what you like and FTW otherwise.

Man too many people worry too much about what others think. Oh and I drive a white truck but ride a black motorcycle, so I guess I am just sexually confused!
Apple could come up with the fruit colors again so people would have more choice then just black and white

but who am i to ask ,i need a phone for doing phone calls , send the odd text and once in a while look up something on the internet or check emails , things my HTC wildfire does perfectly and for less then a quater of the price, and personally i find it better looking too
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I'm still deciding what I want. If I buy it in store, I might take a second look at the white one, but if I order it online, I'll get black to be safe.
Hey, Im glad you mentioned that. For those of us(or just me) who don't know, can you explain what you mean, to be safe preference wise with your decision or is it hard getting a quality white phone for some reason(i thought quality control issues with the white had been resolved). Anyone who knows the answer feel free to chime in as I've got 2 hrs. 20 minutes to pick a carrier and a color. Thanks to all.

Black shows fingerprints easier.
White shows dirt and crud easier.

Pick which one you think will look best most of the time :p
If you like the white iPhone then go for it. Owning a white iPhone has no effect on your masculinity.
of course white :)

black is the ideal trap for fingerprints , black is such a boring unfriendly color and only should be present on things you dont want anybody to see ,unless you a member of some group involved in a form of organized crime in general :p

In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt, ignorance, and uncertainty.

In English heraldry, white or silver signified brightness, purity, virtue, and innocence

White is for pimps :p
I have a white 3GS. I bought the white one because everyone and his dog had a black one and the whites were a little more unusual. I don't regret getting it, I personally think it looks better than the black ones.

Once my contract runs out, I'll be getting a 4S and I'm not sure whether to get a white one or not as my gf has a white 4. Still, a little while to go before then!
For those keeping track? I went black - decided as I wear black suits it looked tidier ;-) Vain? You bet!
I love the look of the white iPhone when it's on, but when it's just sitting there, that black box for the screen just makes it look bad.

In my opinion.

I got black.
I had the iPhone 3G in white because only the back was white and the front trim was black. I have the iPhone 4 in black because I don't like how the white looks around the screen.
Went white for the 4S this time since my 4 is black. Wanted something at least a little bit aesthetically different, ya' know? My iPad 2 (before I sold it) was black (edit- okay, I guess it's still black despite me not owning it) and I liked the look a lot better than my mom's white iPad 2, but meh.

I'm just really excited for the power boost and Siri. Can't wait 'til Friday!
My .02 on why I'm going white

All of my iPhones have been black as well as an iPad. I can't imagine going white on the iPad, to much "reflected" light while trying to focus on the screen. Fortunately, the iPhone bezel is MUCH smaller than iPad, thus less distracting.

I've also had my black iPhone 4 outside laying on the table face down in the sunlight on my back porch. Ultimately, if the day is too hot....the phone heats up and gives me the "heat" error message. I'm hoping to prevent/reduce this occurrence if at all possible.

It also looks pretty cool.
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