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Which colour iPhone should I get?

  • Black

    Votes: 71 44.9%
  • White

    Votes: 87 55.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Opinion from a Star Wars perspective...

White - storm trooper
Black - Darth Vader.

Black = badass.


(please note the sheer idiocy of my argument; meant to imply that your opinion is the only thing that should matter to you, lest you risk taking advice based on some anonymous nerd's POV...)

White - storm trooper
Black - Darth Vader.

Black = badass.


(please note the sheer idiocy of my argument; meant to imply that your opinion is the only thing that should matter to you, lest you risk taking advice based on some anonymous nerd's POV...)


The voice of reason. Succinct and to the point. :D
if the color of your phone is so important in determining your manhood, you've got bigger things to worry about than buying an iPhone...
if the color of your phone is so important in determining your manhood, you've got bigger things to worry about than buying an iPhone...

Exactly, I didn't give a flying **** about wether it was "girly" or not, I went with white for my own desires and wants. Its all about nostalgia, since my first Apple device was an old 4th gen iPod in white, and now its full circle. Steve obviously loved the aesthetics of the glossy white devices, and this one's for Steve in my eyes. That and I just think it looks more sleek and modern; when everything under the sun is some shade or tint of black, its the exact opposite, it looks friendly and inviting.
White - storm trooper
Black - Darth Vader.

Black = badass.


(please note the sheer idiocy of my argument; meant to imply that your opinion is the only thing that should matter to you, lest you risk taking advice based on some anonymous nerd's POV...)


white - george bush
black - obama

i think black still wins decisively
This is THE single most important thread on MacRumors. Glad I stumbled here. White! No. Black? No. Either? No. Who cares? Yup.
Aren't you going to put a case on it anyways? :rolleyes:
Both are sweet but i went with black cause it looks better with the screen off. The white is like a white car with black bumpers, it looks nice but if it were all the same color it would look a lot better. But of course you cant have a white screen....
Both are sweet but i went with black cause it looks better with the screen off. The white is like a white car with black bumpers, it looks nice but if it were all the same color it would look a lot better. But of course you cant have a white screen....

Reminds me more of a white car with dark-tinted windows (think limo dark tint). Looks good to me!
I chose black.

You don't see the proximity sensors, etc on the black one as easily.

Another of my concern was all the white fading or yellowing over time. I'm not sure if has or will be an issue, but it was something that just I quickly thought and didn't think to research.
My wife and I gave our iPhone 3G phones to my parents. They wondered why I got the white one and my wife got the black one. "That was the color we wanted." My parents, of course, chose the gender-specific colors: Mom got white, dad got black.

This from parents who wouldn't allow me to wear black shirts as a kid, because black is the devil's color. :eek:

Yikes, tells me that I spend too much time on here, but I am sure I have read this post at least half a dozen times. Still doesn't lose its impact though
I've had both a white 3gs and black iPhone 4. It's not really feminine, I liked it just because it was different. I now have a black iPhone 4 that I got off the marketplace here for a good deal so I didn't really care about color. I would just say choose whichever one you like best, I don't think people are going to think that the white iPhone is feminine. Besides, you'll probably end up having some sort of case on it anyways.
I chose the white one because, when taking a photo, the large white back face of the phone faces your subject. Like a bounce card in a photography studio, the white phone will add fill light and produce a better image. For a portrait, the white rectangle will reflect in your subject's eyes, creating a pleasing catch-light sparkle effect. A black phone, on the other hand, will act like a flag, reducing bounce light and making exposure contrast less manageable and possibly leading to a noisier image.

^ lol

better late than never, party crashers...
white is "apple",
but black looks MUCH better...
white is 'cheap' looking
(like a white vehicle versus a black one)
Till we have a screen that totally gives 100% coverage, then, whilst I like the idea of white, Black is the sensible colour as it distracts less from what it on the screen.

You don't go to watch a movie and have a bright white strip around the edge of the screen, it's black, so your eye's are 100% focussed on the screen and not the surround.

You wish to draw your eye towards something, you use a bright colour.

As I say I like white, but know Black is the most logical and practical option.
For reading websites, however, white is the most logical and practical option. ;) should try reading the screen, not the case, but ok...
I miss the old iMac Life Savers styles.
A see-through iPad with a light-up Apple logo on the back would be cool beans;

...or a glow-in-the-dark case...
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