You live in a beautiful part of the world. A very nice photo. Living where you are, I can understand why you would want to take landscape photos.
I will try and track down a One in Montreal tomorrow as playing again with a demo model today I was smitten once more. I decided to go *once again* to the Apple Store minutes walk away and apart from the speed, the 5 really did not do it for me. I *really* wanted to find something in it that rekindled the original excitement I felt for the 4 but I can't.
However, I know that my carrier here, Rogers, is not nearly as liberal when it comes to what I may deem a defect as some people posting here. I am not that picky when it comes to the "gap" but I believe, from a couple of other reports, that I may well be able to get only one return for defects. I will then have to go the HTC swap route.