Yes. I was editing my RAWs in LR last night and even after about 30 minutes int he Develop Module, the fans would kick in as I moved around quickly from photo to photo. The RPMs would go from 1800 to 2400 depending on how quickly I was going from pic to pic. That really surprised me as Photos would not do that once it generated previews from the same RAWs. That definitely confirmed the the i7 heats up quickly and is not the kind of experience I'm after.
In the develop module, Lightroom displays the preview initially but then reprocesses the RAW file to give the most accurate display of the image. So the previews don't reduce the computation load and LR is likely doing more processing than Photos (unless photos also reprocesses the image).
I've been working in LR with my i7 and I've only heard the fans kick in once or twice over about two days of usage. Once was when I switched to a folder I hadn't viewed in a long time (i.e. no previews) and I assume LR started generating them in the background. This is was a little strange to me because the fans haven't kicked in on other imports I've done. I think the reason is that my existing folder had a bunch of large PS files (with multiple layers) that LR needed to render.
I think the fans also kicked in when I was doing a large export. But it doesn't always kick in on export. The first test I did when I got my iMac was to export ~120 large raw files and I didn't hear the fan at all.
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