Not with security. I'll agree there have been improvements. But iOS is still the most secure of the two. You can argue the importance of that, but it's extremely important to me. Also, hardware battery life can be an issue with Android devices. Not by my opinion but a guy I worked with who kept going back and forth as he was our guy responsible for testing new technology. It wasn't until maybe the S9 that battery life stopped being an issue and he kept it longer than any other Droid device before switching back with the X.
The larger platform, will always be the primary target for hackers. If you want to deliver your digital payload where it will do the most damage, will you go after the platform that has 86% of the market, or the one with 14% of the market?
This argument has been around for decades... Claiming that Macs don't get hacked like PC's did. Yeah, well, when everyone has a PC, that's where you are gonna focus your efforts on... Macs didn't get as much virii for the same reasons that ugly people got a lot less STD's, because nobody wants to bang them... haha
Apple does have great battery life. No argument. Some Androids do, some don't.
Apple has great cameras... Not the best, but better than most of us will ever need.
But the OS is still clunky and there are a lot of things that have been "industry standard" that Apple still hasn't caught up to yet... And it's not because Apple can't... They have the engineering might to do whatever they want, but they time and time again focus on form over function. Why give you what you want, when they can wait two years till people are clamoring for what their Android friends have, and then give it to you via forcing you to upgrade to a new device?
People think I am hating on Apple. I am not though. Right now my tablet, phone and watch, are all Apple, as is the case with my wife... I prefer Android for several valid reasons, but I go back and forth on the platforms over the years... But I can objectively list what I like and dislike about each platform. I can be plenty negative on Android, and have...
But it seems that the "my team" mentality is firmly in place here, and anything negative towards Apple is attacked or dismissed. Why? If we don't voice our concerns or issues, who will? How will things get better?