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Mitthrawnuruodo said:

But I see you don't have Next II Nothing's punk version... ;)

I have not, BUT I WILL FIND IT!!!!!!!

"Cause I would do an-ny-thing for love" ~ Meat Loaf


Meat Loaf and Bonnie 'go together like a Horse and Carriage'*

*Frank Sinatra
Crab Madness

Every now and then at MR there's a "theme" for avatars... funny hair, pirates, and now...crabs? I guess I missed the memo...:confused: Oh well, I guess I'll play along :D :rolleyes: :p


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LimeiBook86 said:
Every now and then at MR there's a "theme" for avatars... funny hair, pirates, and now...crabs? I guess I missed the memo...:confused: Oh well, I guess I'll play along :D :rolleyes: :p

Apparently shaving solves the crabs problem ;)
LimeiBook86 said:
Every now and then at MR there's a "theme" for avatars... funny hair, pirates, and now...crabs? I guess I missed the memo...:confused: Oh well, I guess I'll play along :D :rolleyes: :p
He doesn't look especially happy about it. But it'll do in a "pinch".
I just reached the magic plateau this week, and my first one is pretty nerdy, I have to say. It's an eye diagram from a 40Gb/s fiber optic transmitter made at UCSB, where I just finished my PhD. Crazy geeky.

gauchogolfer said:
I just reached the magic plateau this week, and my first one is pretty nerdy, I have to say. It's an eye diagram from a 40Gb/s fiber optic transmitter made at UCSB, where I just finished my PhD. Crazy geeky.
Oh, pretty... :) Nice job, Although I have no idea what it really is it sure looks cool :D
LimeiBook86 said:
Oh, pretty... :) Nice job, Although I have no idea what it really is it sure looks cool :D

The scary thing is, being an Electronics Systems Engineer, I know eye diagrams far too well... ;) :D

Nice one gauchogolfer! :cool:
~Shard~ said:
The scary thing is, being an Electronics Systems Engineer, I know eye diagrams far too well... ;) :D

Nice one gauchogolfer! :cool:

Hey, thanks. It's good to know I'm not instantly an outcast just because I've left grad school :eek:. There are people 'like me' on MR too :D .

LimeiBook, an eye diagram is read in the following way: the bottom line is 0, the top line 1 (for digital data transmission). As you turn the laser on/off faster and faster, the time the light takes to turn on and off becomes significant. By powering the laser at 10 GHz or so, you can see the rise and fall of light. It's important to keep the 1's and 0's distinct to avoid errors. Typically a mask is applied to the middle of the diagram to evaluate the quality of a transmitter. That looks like this:


A "bad" eye diagram is much less "open", and looks like this at high frequency:


OK, that's enough optoelectronics for one day :)
~Shard~ said:
Damn, and I was already to get into Snell's Law, Goos-Hanchen shift, optical tunneling and attentuation coefficients... ;) :D :cool:

I'm actually a semiconductor laser guy, so we talk about spatial hole-burning, chirp, modulator efficiency, Auger recombination..... :D

OK, really, I'll stop now. :cool:
gauchogolfer said:
I'm actually a semiconductor laser guy, so we talk about spatial hole-burning, chirp, modulator efficiency, Auger recombination..... :D

Ah yes, chirping, that's the change in frequency over the pulse, is it not? Maybe not, it's been a while... :eek: ;)

gauchogolfer said:
OK, really, I'll stop now. :cool:

Alright, me too... :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Ah yes, chirping, that's the change in frequency over the pulse, is it not? Maybe not, it's been a while... :eek: ;)

Alright, me too... :cool:

I'll leave it Amnon Yariv to explain it, since he knows what he's talking about:

Chirp is a change in frequency modulation caused by intensity modulation. Basically when you directly modulate (inject carriers into the active region at a high frequency), it causes funky stuff to happen. OK, enough. :)
Lacero said:
edit: Before I forget, save your avatar as an inline attachment.

You people are killing me.

Post your avatar as an attachment to your post. Otherwise we won't know what it was once you've changed it! :eek:

It's like we're creating an archive of ... empty ... things.
hows my new one?

i thought maggie was getting a touch old, so i have moved forward a generation to ..... John Major!


only got hague, ids, howard to go till i can get onto cameron, or should i say dave the chameleon? :)
I don't normally post all the permutations I've gone through (w/ the themes and whatnot), but I really wanted to thank vniow for creating this awesome 'tar for me! Whatch it! The crab scuttles!!! :D

P.S. You've got to be quick about it-- it only animates once, when the page is loading.


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I'm not sure what is going on but I've had a bit of a forum day today, so I thought I'd be in this one too. I only got to the magic number last week.

My first av was phil spector and his 'whitefro' it was only meant to be temporary. Then I noticed a big picture of arnie on the gf's rotating picture folder desktop so I nicked it and spontaneously cut it out. Then, wanting something quick I just made a very quick background.

It also was meant to be temporary but I like the feel of it and it is distinctive so I'll probably keep it until I die, or until next week, whichever comes later. It started out as static but since I hate just about everyone and I identify with Steven, I added my favourite cartoon character as a quick animation.

In the future I might add slightly different bit's for the animation. Maybe Brock or Woodrow, or Mr Owl PhD. or Bikini Bear, or Fifi Doodle or Beauchamp de Rochembeau, Bunny, Cactus, or Lavender Sachet

devilot said:
P.S. You've got to be quick about it-- it only animates once, when the page is loading.

Sorry I don't have time for faffing about so I'll just open it in ImageReady :D


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mad jew said:
My unhygienic licking 'tar, thanks to gekko513. :cool:

My tongue is clean dammit!

devilot said:
I don't normally post all the permutations I've gone through (w/ the themes and whatnot), but I really wanted to thank vniow for creating this awesome 'tar for me! Whatch it! The crab scuttles!!! :D


Its my masterpiece. :D

Eh, I migh as well upload my new 'tar for use after the crab game. Those who know me (er, online knowing I guess) will get it.

View attachment 46179
vniow said:
My tongue is clean dammit!
I'd hazard a guess that Mad Jew isn't, though... ;)

Looking back over the thread, I've realised that I've not actually recorded my new 'tar here for posterity. Previously, I used a pic of a Subbuteo player that I quickly grabbed off a website and cropped to fit when I reached 500 posts, but I'd always wanted something a little more personal and unique to me. So, a while back I finally got around to knocking up a version of my own in Illustrator.

He's gone through a few kit changes, too – as well as his normal strip there's an away version (for when I was away on holiday), an England 1966 version for Saint George's Day, plus my Crabatar™ from the recent game.

So, I can change the colours easily for special occasions but hopefully people should still be able to recognise it's me! :)


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Jaffa Cake said:
as well as his normal strip there's an away version (for when I was away on holiday), an England 1966 version for Saint George's Day, plus my Crabatar™ from the recent game.

So, I can change the colours easily for special occasions but hopefully people should still be able to recognise it's me! :)

Now *that's* what I call branding.
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