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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 29, 2010
Thornton, CO
Thought I would start a thread for those of us who missed the late April deadline. I placed my order April 23rd, order number 69799###. Apple has charged my credit card, but my order still says "not yet shipped." suppose to get mine tomorrow but changed my order to a 64 another week of wait is fine by me...:rolleyes:
I pre-ordered mine yesterday. I received the ships May 7th notice as well. Oh well should of pre ordered it sooner.

I rather wait a week though, then to keep calling my closest apple store everyday to see if they have ipads in stock.
Either that or gone to a retail store to make the purchase.

I could wait another week. Rather do that because the closest best buy that sells ipads and the apple store are in staten island. They told me they get shipments everyday, but sell out quickly. Plus 10 dollars to drive over the bridge and the 8% sales tax.
I also have the "ships by May 7" on my 3G that I ordered. I'm contemplating going to Best Buy tomorrow (for the RZ points), but only if I'm in that direction. Otherwise I'll just wait for this one to be delivered.
I ordered 4/19 and have not been charged nor has my status changed to "Prepared for shipment." I was hoping to slide into the initial shipment. I can't see how one day's order difference is a week difference on shipping.

I've thought about going to The Woodlands tomorrow and giving it a shot, but the mrs. frowned when I made mention of it. I am getting an iPad, so I best not push my luck.
My shipping status changed overnight to "prepared for shipping." maybe it will send me a confirmation today and I'll get it early next week.
I had hope that my unit would be delivered or shipped by april 30, even tho I was late to the party and my ship date was listed as May 7... because when I ordered, it was still considered a "pre-order" by apple and their press releases were stating that "all pre-orders" would be delivered on April 30.

Alas, no. But I still have hope that it will arrive before next Friday.
I ordered mine April 13th, with an educational discount and a business credit card (tax exempt.) Still says "late April." Never flipped to "May 7th," hasn't gone to "preparing for shipment."

WTF, Apple?
Ordered mid-day on 4/20 order 6971xxxx.
2x 64GB w/ 3G

No movement yet, still "Not yet shipped" w/ a date of May 7th.

They did ship my camera kit a couple days ago (was scheduled to ship May 11th) so at least I'll have that as soon as the iPads arrive.

I did get my confirmation email today with a tracking number. It's coming UPS from China. It has a deliver date of Monday, May 3. I guess they are ramping up production.
well I'm in this boat now, just ordered after failing to get one in store:(
hope it ships early:eek:
I ordered on 23rd April. It says "Ships by May 7th"....what do you guys think? Is there any chance to get it be4 7th?

I ordered iPad 64GB WIFI+3G

I ordered on 23rd April. It says "Ships by May 7th"....what do you guys think? Is there any chance to get it be4 7th?

I ordered iPad 64GB WIFI+3G


I ordered on the 23rd as well and my order says prepared for shipment, so I think there is a good chance you will get it before the 7th.
Well i woke up to an email from apple saying it shipped.
i ordered on the 20th, but didnt get a acknowledgment until the 21st

It is coming from china, and what i thought odd is it is coming via UPS not FedEx

Rescheduled Delivery Date:
Shipped To:
Shipped/Billed On:

SHENZHEN, CN 05/01/2010 2:36 A.M. ORIGIN SCAN

Sorry for the crappy paste,, i am still on my first cup of coffee
Ordered mine on the 26th - says it ships by May 7th.

I'm wondering what kind of shipping they will use and how quickly it will get here. I ordered a spare power adapter and at the same time and Apple sent it on the 26th and it's in AK right now. If they use that same "slow boat" shipping method on the iPad and I have to watch it crawl over here from China... I'm not going to be to happy.
No change on my 32gb 3g order:

Order Number: W6966XXXX
Order Date: Apr 19, 2010 at 06:46 AM PDT

Still says Not yet shipped; Ships by: May 7th.

Going to try my luck at the local Apple Store this morning.
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