Thank you for contacting SquareTrade.
I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
Please note that in case of pre-order we start our coverage as per the date written on your item purchase receipt as order date.
Generally in case of pre-order seller or merchant charge you when they deliver the product if this is the case you can always give us a call or email us the correct date so that we can make required changes on your account.
Furthermore, for a retail-purchased item, we'll need a copy of your purchase receipt before we can approve any claim you might file with us. You can submit a copy of your receipt at any time after purchasing your Care Plan.
To submit your receipt after purchase, please follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Click sign in at the top of the page.
3. Log in using your email and password. If this is your first time registering or you've forgotten your password, click Create a Login and follow the directions.
4. Click on Manage My Warranties.
5. Under "Active Warranties", locate and select the warranty for which you need to submit the receipt.
6. Under "Quick Links" on the right, click Manage my receipt for specific instructions for faxing or emailing the receipt.
Once we receive your receipt we'll attach it to your warranty so it will be ready in the event you need to file a claim.
Hope that answers your question! If not, go here to view the contract summary. You can also reply to this email or call 1-877-WARRANTY (1-877-927-7268) US & Canada only, 24/7.
Thank you,
SquareTrade Care Specialist