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That falls under the accidental damage protection on the ST policy. I think ST has a damage deductible of $50.

I think from my reading of the ST policy for ipad at least, there is NO deductible for anything including ADH.
What's the deductible?

$0. State Farm.

your renters deductible is most likely 5X the price of this, AND many policy holders are holding it against home owners/renters now if they trigger a policy request - in the form of higher rates after 1 yr.

YMMV but the reason to get a policy like this, for 79$ IMHO is cheap since it totally replaces the device if it breaks, gets broken, etc.

You are right, however, that covers my Mac Pro, 30" ACD, (2) 20" Dell displays, a Macbook, a Macbook Air, Mac Mini, Drobo Pro, and a whole lot more. It isn't as if I am paying 5x the price to have an iPad covered.

Not to mention these things are covered for theft as well. Does ST cover that?

State Farm is also pretty good about not raising rates. YMMV.
there is a thread over on SD that has a lot of details from people who have triggered their ST insurance on OTHER items, nobody with ipads yet at least.

BTW, here's your new coupon code for today, doesn't seem to be JUST today


p.s. I don't work for ST or anyone like them, just passing on info and codes here.

Yeah, I got that code in an e-mail because I entered accessory give-away. I'm guessing I didn't win so they sent me the code to see if I would buy it anyway.
For those interested, I received an email back from my question yesterday.

He said that you have 90 days on a product purchased from a retailer (non-Ebay) to buy the warranty. The warranty takes effect from time of payment. He also said that they typically have coupon deals on Tuesdays.
I'm as skeptical as you are. Plus any claims go into the uniform insurance database that all companies use and affect your future rates or ability to change policies. Is not spending $80 on an iPad extended warranty worth potentially screwing up future attempts to get homeowner's insurance at a reasonable rate?

Do you really think that claiming warranty on a $700 item (in the unlikely event you have to) will screw up your insurance rates for homeowners insurance?

I mean I've had to claim insurance on cars a couple times and never had it affect my rates at all.
Any new promotions today? I think we should watch Tuesday closely according to the email I got from Square Trade in response to my questions.
I wasn't aware of this warranty when I pre-ordered the 3G iPad. I ordered the Applecare one instead. Obviously I don't have the 3G yet or the Applecare. Can I go into my order and cancel the Applecare portion. I'm afraid of cancelling the entire order.

Any new promotions today? I think we should watch Tuesday closely according to the email I got from Square Trade in response to my questions.

I got a mailing from SquareTrade after I got the warranty on the iPad. The mailing is directly related to the iPad warranty purchase and has a card offering 50% off a warranty. Yeah, thanks, now that I bought the first warranty. I suppose the 35% off I already used was worthwhile.
Do you really think that claiming warranty on a $700 item (in the unlikely event you have to) will screw up your insurance rates for homeowners insurance?

I mean I've had to claim insurance on cars a couple times and never had it affect my rates at all.

It ABSOLUTELY will affect your future rating. You don't know much about insurance do you? It looks like you weren't paying attention. We're talking about a person with a renter's policy with State Farm and what would happen if he made a claim. This isn't a warranty claim. It's an insurance claim.

We did some insurance shopping a few years ago to see how other companies would do on rates. We sat down at an independent agent who represented 9 companies. We told him who we were interested in as an insurer. He ran our information and said because we had placed a $900 claim from wind damage two years earlier he couldn't write any new policy on us with the companies we were interested in. They all required that more than three years had passed since a claim. We had told him nothing prior to us going in and sitting down and he was able to tell us exactly what our claim was.

Yes, filing an insurance claim will indeed affect your ability to obtain insurance and the associated rates. Some premiere insurers will not allow any claim within five years to write a policy.

Car insurance has at fault, no fault and exempted claims depending on what state you're in. For instance, in my state, if you hit a deer it doesn't count against you. There are also levels of fault, costs involved and threshholds before bad things start happening. Try switching insurance companies and they'll take a hard look at what claims you've had.
I got a mailing from SquareTrade after I got the warranty on the iPad. The mailing is directly related to the iPad warranty purchase and has a card offering 50% off a warranty. Yeah, thanks, now that I bought the first warranty. I suppose the 35% off I already used was worthwhile.

The maximum discount is $30 though with that card. The $80 deal is better that you got.
Nevermind. I called Apple directly and cancelled the Applecare.

So what's the best coupon code for SquareTrade?


It ABSOLUTELY will affect your future rating. You don't know much about insurance do you? It looks like you weren't paying attention. We're talking about a person with a renter's policy with State Farm and what would happen if he made a claim. This isn't a warranty claim. It's an insurance claim.

We did some insurance shopping a few years ago to see how other companies would do on rates. We sat down at an independent agent who represented 9 companies. We told him who we were interested in as an insurer. He ran our information and said because we had placed a $900 claim from wind damage two years earlier he couldn't write any new policy on us with the companies we were interested in. They all required that more than three years had passed since a claim. We had told him nothing prior to us going in and sitting down and he was able to tell us exactly what our claim was.

Yes, filing an insurance claim will indeed affect your ability to obtain insurance and the associated rates. Some premiere insurers will not allow any claim within five years to write a policy.

Duh. I missed the part where this was about claiming items against your homeowners insurance. My bad. I thought we were talking about claiming against the aftermarket or item purchased warranties.
Nevermind. I called Apple directly and cancelled the Applecare.

So what's the best coupon code for SquareTrade?



Right now it's the 25% one mentioned earlier in this thread. However they seem to come out with one each week.
Nevermind. I called Apple directly and cancelled the Applecare.

So what's the best coupon code for SquareTrade?



Hang in here and keep an eye out for codes. There's nothing special running right now as they came off a 35% off last week. These cycle up fairly frequently. Most often you'll see 25 and 30% off. You have up to 90 days after purchase to buy one. Wait for a good special to come along.
Call them and ask if they will give you 35% off. Sometimes that has been know to work if they don't currently have a coupon out there.
Ok so any new coupons this week? If I can get a 35% deal, I will probably go ahead and buy based on the amount that I'm carrying my iPad around with me.

I guess we have already determined that Squaretrade is reliable and hassle free when you actually have an accidental break and need to use the warranty?
This thread is great. I've heard of SquareTrade and have a friend who swears by them, yet I hadn't even thought of it when I bought my iPad. I was planning on AppleCare, but this is way better...

-Less nervous when my 5 year old handles the iPad!
-I can go naked (caseless) without as much worry
-Travel with it outside the home without as much concern
-Pass around to friends and family when they are over the house

Question though... If you do drop it and crack the screen and get a replacement, does the SquareTrade continue for the remainder or does it only cover one incident?

It is important to note that Applecare DOES give you 2 years of phone support. While I don't need it, if my mother had one, the AppleCare is better for her.
Purchased. My warranty takes effect May 20th so I just have to keep from dropping it until then. :p
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