It ABSOLUTELY will affect your future rating. You don't know much about insurance do you? It looks like you weren't paying attention. We're talking about a person with a renter's policy with State Farm and what would happen if he made a claim. This isn't a warranty claim. It's an insurance claim.
We did some insurance shopping a few years ago to see how other companies would do on rates. We sat down at an independent agent who represented 9 companies. We told him who we were interested in as an insurer. He ran our information and said because we had placed a $900 claim from wind damage two years earlier he couldn't write any new policy on us with the companies we were interested in. They all required that more than three years had passed since a claim. We had told him nothing prior to us going in and sitting down and he was able to tell us exactly what our claim was.
Yes, filing an insurance claim will indeed affect your ability to obtain insurance and the associated rates. Some premiere insurers will not allow any claim within five years to write a policy.
Car insurance has at fault, no fault and exempted claims depending on what state you're in. For instance, in my state, if you hit a deer it doesn't count against you. There are also levels of fault, costs involved and threshholds before bad things start happening. Try switching insurance companies and they'll take a hard look at what claims you've had.