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Thank you, I am aware what it means.

To prove libel you need a false statement, proof that it caused harm, and that the statement(s) was negligent in its publication.

I'm not a Verge fan but I don't think their reporting would fall into that above category. Furthermore, I think it would be an example of where the "opinion" defense would be valid.

I do agree that the Perfection video was probably unnecessary but it was an example of irony. And lot of blogs like to point that sort of stuff out, Apple or not.
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I don't read the Verge because it's biased. I don't read the Verge because it's crap. They stuff way too many snobby remarks, jokes, and puns into every article. We get it. You guys are badasses of the tech world. :rolleyes:

Engadget is probably my favorite tech site.

This guy is 100% right. I couldn't write this article better myself. I say, we stop visiting the verge...It's not worth it anymore..

Nowadays it's cool for news corporations to bash Apple. It's the sad truth. I saw video reviews from NBC and CNN and both brought so-called 'experts' to explain why they don't like iOS 7. The reasons they used made me wince several times because it was apparently based on assumptions rather than facts. Only ABC did a somewhat unbiased review.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw this pop up in The Verge:

Watch this: Apple's imperfect video about perfection

I mean, I love The Verge and all, but this is just unnecessary. Really an entire article to moan about an alleged spelling error? Nevermind Vlad's own grammatical errors on this article :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind it if it really was just a joke. Butting wasn't. It was the Verge being d*cks. When I saw this video and the TV commercial with the line "does it deserve to exist" I knew it would whip the collective tech media in a frenzy. And that's why I loved both of them. I used to think Apple should court sites like the Verge more but now I think they should just tell all of them to f-off. I think this video was doing exactly that.

EDIT: Here's one comment that illustrates beautifully how WWDC and those videos struck a nerve with the techie crowd:

For what it is worth at this point, I think this commentary has a place on the verge, and that there are only so many ways to go about responsibly telling the story of how far apple’s head appeared to be up their own ass yesterday. Between all the talk of perfection and the manufactured ‘designed in california’ fellatio, and Tim’s more-than-slightly disingenuous closing comments… The conference – for me- was a work of incredible arrogance, far exceeding the sum of its arrogant parts. Dude, Tim! Phil! Craig! You’re not reinventing the wheel here. You’re pleasantly retreading already retreaded scandinavian midcentury design motifs, shamelessly swaggerjocking surf culture, and built a coffeemaker/refuse bin with an admittedly awesome “thermal core”. These are all vanity projects, with little in the way of real usability enhancement.

But that’s my opinion, and the verge doesn’t just report on vague feelings of hoodwinkery they got from the keynote, they attempt to cover all details that stood out as ironic or overspun so that we the reader can form our own feeling of distaste for apple, should we be so equipped with critical thinking ability.

Blind brand loyalty is scary.

Jun 11, 2013 | 8:53 AM Reply Recommend (2) Flag

What's ironic is those complaining about blind brand loyalty are usually slavishly wedded to Google/Android/Samsung.
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Disagree, generally Verge likes to kiss Apple's butt. At least that's what I've found in earlier reviews.

But It's no surprise guys, people have legitimate concerns. A lot of what's done with iOS7 has been rather controversial as far as the design aspect goes. Since a lot of Apple customers are designers such as myself there has been quite an uproar over at Dribbble for example about the design decisions made especially with regards to the icon design.

As far as the Mac Pro goes, I don't hate it completely but it looks like a trash can, and having a trash can for a system isn't the most thrilling thing, whats more is the system doesn't look very upgradable (internally), and for a system that's aimed at professionals this is a big issue.

And I've never been into fanboyism, just because I love Apple doesn't mean I have to agree & praise every product they make, and act as If they can do no wrong. I honestly hate people like that =P
Which news site ISN'T biased against Apple? Or even overly pro-Apple? The same can be said with Google and Microsoft.

The Verge is the only tech related news site worth going on. Mostly because they actually give a **** about what is being posted on their comments and forum areas. Engadget, TechCrunch, and everyone else don't give a damn and it makes for a horrible experience. Hence why they're growing and growing while the others are falling flat. No one wants to be at a site that isn't properly being taken care of. Sure, there are still some issues with posters, but it could be worse, and I have seen some really nasty stuff posted there that was removed within minutes. They get rid of recurring troublemakers pretty quickly.

Plus, they have some other stuff that I really, really like.

This guy is 100% right. I couldn't write this article better myself. I say, we stop visiting the verge...It's not worth it anymore..

Wow...why do you feel the need to 'stick up for Apple?' Who cares what others think?

No offense, but I see these type of 'I don't like anti-Apple comments' are annoying as ****. From time to time you see in the Feedback section here people whining that they don't like hearing bad things about Apple. Get over it. Apple isn't perfect. Google isn't perfect. Microsoft isn't perfect.

I swear companies like Apple have their own volunteer 'military' on the web. That's why forums get annoying. People think these big corporations are their family or something. They don't give a flying whatever about you. As long as they get your money, they're happy! :)

People that feel the need to band together to stand up for a corporation really need to get a life. :rolleyes: (seriously)

It seems like those types of folks want to live in a place called AppleLand where everyone has an iPhone and sings songs all about Apple and how awesome they are. The sky is full of clouds in the shape of app icons and all the animals start with "i" (iRabbit, iBird, iFish, etc.). And if anyone comes into their land and speaks something negative about them (even if it's true), they're called a troll and quickly expelled from the land and everyone can go back being happy and dancing with their iPhones or whatever.

That's how fanboys (for any company) come across. It's scary!!! :eek:
Wow...why do you feel the need to 'stick up for Apple?' Who cares what others think?

No offense, but I see these type of 'I don't like anti-Apple comments' are annoying as ****. From time to time you see in the Feedback section here people whining that they don't like hearing bad things about Apple. Get over it. Apple isn't perfect. Google isn't perfect. Microsoft isn't perfect.

I swear companies like Apple have their own volunteer 'military' on the web. That's why forums get annoying. People think these big corporations are their family or something. They don't give a flying whatever about you. As long as they get your money, they're happy! :)

People that feel the need to band together to stand up for a corporation really need to get a life. :rolleyes: (seriously)

It seems like those types of folks want to live in a place called AppleLand where everyone has an iPhone and sings songs all about Apple and how awesome they are. The sky is full of clouds in the shape of app icons and all the animals start with "i" (iRabbit, iBird, iFish, etc.). And if anyone comes into their land and speaks something negative about them (even if it's true), they're called a troll and quickly expelled from the land and everyone can go back being happy and dancing with their iPhones or whatever.

That's how fanboys (for any company) come across. It's scary!!! :eek:

It was really entertaining what you wrote. I am an Apple fan, but no fanboy. But I don't need to prove that to you...Just look at my articles on my blog site..
Of course Apple isn't perfect. There are humans, and we are far from being perfect. I just love the philosophy of the company and when I saw the way The Verge writes against Apple, I was furious...The reason? The Verge is a big tech site and can influence lots of people. They should try to be more objective. I accept criticism when it's well founded. Writing an article about how bad iOS 7 is because of its icons, is not exactly professional. Or commenting on Apple's Designed in California video...It clearly shows that these people over there, have serious issues against Apple. The problem is, there are no other sites, so well designed like The Verge.
A news site should tell the news. Editors should express their opinions, but only in a mature, professional way. This is not the case with the Verge anymore..
Nilay Patel said in the last podcast that Jony Ive's iOS 7 video was ridiculous. He didn't even explain why. He just said it like that. I find them insulting and I am disgusted by them.
It was really entertaining what you wrote. I am an Apple fan, but no fanboy. But I don't need to prove that to you...Just look at my articles on my blog site..
Of course Apple isn't perfect. There are humans, and we are far from being perfect. I just love the philosophy of the company and when I saw the way The Verge writes against Apple, I was furious...The reason? The Verge is a big tech site and can influence lots of people. They should try to be more objective. I accept criticism when it's well founded. Writing an article about how bad iOS 7 is because of its icons, is not exactly professional. Or commenting on Apple's Designed in California video...It clearly shows that these people over there, have serious issues against Apple. The problem is, there are no other sites, so well designed like The Verge.
A news site should tell the news. Editors should express their opinions, but only in a mature, professional way. This is not the case with the Verge anymore..
Nilay Patel said in the last podcast that Jony Ive's iOS 7 video was ridiculous. He didn't even explain why. He just said it like that. I find them insulting and I am disgusted by them.
The Verge is in bed with Google right now and Apple doesn't give them the time of day. I used to like the site but its just getting worse. Headlines and articles are much more of the click bait variety. And the writers there really think they're something special. I don't think the design of their site is all that. It's quite busy and often times they recycle articles trying to pass them off as new (or ones they think will get the most clicks) by moving them to the top of the page and increasing the font size.

As far as Ive's video being ridiculous....yeah it was so ridiculous it got a standing O from some of the developers in the audience. I figured all the videos Apple ran at WWDC would touch a nerve with the tech press. Which I don't mind at all. :D


Disagree, generally Verge likes to kiss Apple's butt. At least that's what I've found in earlier reviews.

They usually do give Apple's products high marks in reviews. But other than that their general Apple reporting is pretty crap as of late. But Google shows them the love and Apple doesn't give them the time of day so I guess it's not surprising who gets the more favorable coverage.
It was really entertaining what you wrote. I am an Apple fan, but no fanboy. But I don't need to prove that to you...Just look at my articles on my blog site..
Of course Apple isn't perfect. There are humans, and we are far from being perfect. I just love the philosophy of the company and when I saw the way The Verge writes against Apple, I was furious...The reason? The Verge is a big tech site and can influence lots of people. They should try to be more objective. I accept criticism when it's well founded. Writing an article about how bad iOS 7 is because of its icons, is not exactly professional. Or commenting on Apple's Designed in California video...It clearly shows that these people over there, have serious issues against Apple. The problem is, there are no other sites, so well designed like The Verge.
A news site should tell the news. Editors should express their opinions, but only in a mature, professional way. This is not the case with the Verge anymore..
Nilay Patel said in the last podcast that Jony Ive's iOS 7 video was ridiculous. He didn't even explain why. He just said it like that. I find them insulting and I am disgusted by them.
I don't get it... if you don't like it, then don't read it. Not sure what the point of complaining about it online is. And especially reacting as if someone insulted your family or religion or politics or whatever.

I also think you're giving The Verge too much credit here. The general public probably doesn't read the Verge... it's a techie's website. And techies will already have had some opinion regarding Apple and their products. I doubt readers are going to be like "oh no... the Verge ripped up iOS7. I guess I shouldn't buy an iPhone 5S (or 6) or upgrade to iOS7."

And if you think they're biased... they also gave the new MBA a positive review and a 9.2 / 10 rating. :rolleyes:
Yes, I have seen their review. Their reviews were always positive, but all editorials very negative. Go figure..
Now that I read through the comments section of the MBA review I see that the Verge's "simply confusing" article about iOS 7 went up right after WWDC meaning they had zero time to write a thoughtful piece based on actual use of the software. But the piece got 1500 replies so I guess it did the job it was intended to do.
Now that I read through the comments section of the MBA review I see that the Verge's "simply confusing" article about iOS 7 went up right after WWDC meaning they had zero time to write a thoughtful piece based on actual use of the software. But the piece got 1500 replies so I guess it did the job it was intended to do.

Yes, but they still haven't written anything about it and something tells me they won't...
The Verge's recent review of the new 13" MBA is very pro Apple, i just think Apple fan boys cant cop criticism even when it is warranted. I like many Apple products, i have a new iMac, a 2011 MBA, an iPhone 4 and an iPad2. However i can see where Apple products fall short, Apples biggest downfall is the iPhone and iOS, Android has not only caught up but imo has passed Apple in this respect. This is why i own a Nexus 4 as my phone and use Apple products for my Laptops and desktops computers.
I say, we stop visiting the verge...It's not worth it anymore..

Do you need people to hold your hand? Just don't go to the site. I stopped posting because their mods are crap, but their news and stories are still good. Go where you like, but why do you need others to follow you and justify your reaction?

Anyway, they aren't writing to be the most detached and fair news source in tech, they write to give you their opinion and get clicks. That's why their moderating shouldn't surprise anyone and why their articles can have strong opinions and personal preferences. If they feel Apple is behind, they say it. More often than not, Apple stuff gets their highest review scores anyway.
I respect criticism, but this time they went over the top. Just read all of their articles and listen to their podcasts this week. This is not objective criticism, it is libel.
Apple is not perfect. Other websites have also pointed out the inconsistencies of the new design, but their tone was a different one. They didn't bury the OS because of three icons...Even Engadget was much more positive! If you don't see it then what can I say..

Some time people and companies need to kicked off their high horse in order listen and understand. It takes a bit of mean spiritedness to do that.

I. They even compared the new Mac Pro with a coffee machine...

You should probably go hang out in the Mac Pro section and see what users are saying about it. Comparing it to a coffee make is nice.


I just love the philosophy of the company and when I saw the way The Verge writes against Apple, I was furious...

You mean the philosophy of manufacturing you products with virtual slave labor where suicide is enough of a problem that they have to install nets. They do this in order to yield the largest profit margins in the industry. They save face by telling you how green something is, but shorten it's usable lifespan by not making is serviceable. What do they do with all the wealth they have amassed do they do any blue sky research to perhaps better society like MS? Do they offer free computers to impoverished nations like MS? No they keep it overseas so the needn't pay any taxes on it so they can in essence pirate services proved by the USG. But you know as long as the twangy time or the tragically hip Steve or Jony tell you it's OK it must be

Yes sir this is a company philosophy I'd like to see duplicated. :rolleyes:
I've not been reading the Verge for long, maybe a couple of months at most. Still they seem reasonable. They call out Apple when necessary but give praise where it's due.

They practically rave about this years MacBook Air:

Its not the reviews but the rest of their reporting that sucks lately. Had they used iOS 7 beta for a week and then ran a story on it (good or bad) it might have has more credibility. But it seems these days all they care about are page views. Oh and sucking Google's tit.


You should probably go hang out in the Mac Pro section and see what users are saying about it. Comparing it to a coffee make is nice.

Wouldn't be Apple if people didn't complain. :). Check out the thread here when the unibody macs were announced. People complained quite loudly about the price, about the glossy screens, that the black chicklet keyboard was ugly among other things. Honestly I can't remember the last time Apple released something where people didn't complain.
The Verge isn't biased. Their reaction to WWDC has been admittedly been strangely negative, but I still find them to be quite fair in their criticisms.

I understood their highly critical articles. But they recently wrote that Apple need to make a game changer, and it's been too long since there was a previous one.

This takes the cake. That was complete unprofessionalism. Either the Verge reporters had completely lost their minds, or had a bias, or were maybe even paid to write such articles.

I'm saying that they may have lost their minds because it took 6 years between the iPhone and the iPod. How the hell is a gap of 3 years too long? And why are other companies given a free pass? Only Apple have to worry if a new game changer isn't released after a short time, but other companies are perfectly fine with building upon Apple's idea.

They also wrote an article on a small grammar error. Yeah, if Apple makes a grammar error, it's front page worthy. But if Google did it, nobody bats an eyelid. That also made me think about it.
I understood their highly critical articles. But they recently wrote that Apple need to make a game changer, and it's been too long since there was a previous one.

This takes the cake. That was complete unprofessionalism. Either the Verge reporters had completely lost their minds, or had a bias, or were maybe even paid to write such articles.

I'm saying that they may have lost their minds because it took 6 years between the iPhone and the iPod. How the hell is a gap of 3 years too long? And why are other companies given a free pass? Only Apple have to worry if a new game changer isn't released after a short time, but other companies are perfectly fine with building upon Apple's idea.

They also wrote an article on a small grammar error. Yeah, if Apple makes a grammar error, it's front page worthy. But if Google did it, nobody bats an eyelid. That also made me think about it.

People say that stuff about Apple and give everyone else a pass because everything with apple is "revolutionary" "insanely great" "magical" and it's said publicly. If you like to toot your own horn expect some criticism of the melody.
Its not the reviews but the rest of their reporting that sucks lately. Had they used iOS 7 beta for a week and then ran a story on it (good or bad) it might have has more credibility. But it seems these days all they care about are page views. Oh and sucking Google's tit.

A week is more than enough time for a first opinion. It wasn't their final review and they will update as the betas roll out and improve.

Also, how are they sucking Googles tit when Apple stuff is rated higher? Maybe Google is just more cooperative and willing to give them content?
People say that stuff about Apple and give everyone else a pass because everything with apple is "revolutionary" "insanely great" "magical" and it's said publicly. If you like to toot your own horn expect some criticism of the melody.

Yes, but somehow they have ignored the simple fact that game-changing products don't always come every 2-3 years. How did they not notice it?
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