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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 22, 2015
The thickness and weight of these phones is insane. So what did Apple do? Made them thicker and heavier!

I used to think the picture below was a joke. Now I know it's just a leaked image of the iPhone 14 in its case.



macrumors 6502
Nov 1, 2019
Totally agree. Apple has gotten crazy. I don't understand the people who need so much battery that they hold a brick 100% of the time in their hands. I would rather take a small battery with me or a charger than holding a brick in my hands all day. I can get used to holding the normal 12/13 but never the 12/13 Pro.

To me as a Mini user size is important but weight so much more. I would rather buy the 14 Max Non Pro next year than the 14 Pro Non Max. Just because of weight alone. Over 200g for the 13 Pro, the big XS Max was only a few grams more. And now 236g with the Max. My new iPad mini 6, well in a week, weights 296g with cellular connectivity. An 8.3inch device with 10h of battery life. Sorry, no, thx. But to each his own. Everyone can buy what he or she wants.

Next year it seems they do give us a choice. Weight or material/features. To the cost of my beloved Mini.

From a happy 12 Mini user.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
iPhone over the years got thinner and thinner and thinner to the point it was insanity. Now they're getting thicker and thicker and thicker. Then in the future they'll get thinner and thinner and thinner, then they'll get thicker and thicker and thicker ... etc forever


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Thickness still seems ok (11 series were getting a bit fat, especially the base 11, but these are thinner again). Weight on the other hand, I hope won't continue going up. More battery is great, but there's a balance to be kept to and I think Apple risks tipping too far the other way if they keep increasing.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2008
It absolutely is worth it.

People have always complained about Apple's continuous efforts to make things thinner and lighter and the expense of functionality. They've finally done what should be done and it make it thicker and heavier for better performance.

Totally agree with this statement. I will take thicker with longer battery life over thinner and charging after dinner any day.
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