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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 18, 2018
I having been using my XR for some time, and came from using iphone 7 (work) and 5s (personal). below are my experience about a few things that i think nobody talked about. i know the points are mostly negative, but this isnt a full review, so i dont mean to say that XR is a bad phone.

1) the phone feels clunky even when compared to other phablets like note 8. my brother has a note 8, which has almost the same weight and is technically thicker (8.6mm note 8 vs 8.3mm XR, but XR body is actually even thinner if we exclude the protruding camera). the note feels much better in my hands, probably because of the smaller width and the tapered infinity edge

2) the bezel is huge (not the notch, i didnt notice that at all even when i just got the phone, mainly because the content in most apps start below the notch, so your focus is below the notch) most reviews say the bezel is fine unless you come from iphone XS, but i disagree. i have no problems with the top and bottom bezels. it's the size bezels. i placed it side by side with my iphone 5s and it's significant bigger. i understand the desire to have an uniform bezel all around, but i think it isnt such a great idea when your bezels are as thick as XR's. idk if it's technologically possible, but it will be great if apple could reduce side bezel, which will also reduces the width (see point 1)

3) i got a black XR, and the paint on aluminium sides chipped on the first day. idk how easily they chip or if it's just the black, recall the iphone 7 jet black, but if you are worried, then get black, because i covered up the chip easily with a black marker. i thinking white with its silver sides is a good choice too. however, with a black XR, you can see the fine strands of dust very clearly

4) faceid generally works well, but i do have a problem when i using my phone right after waking up. i usually grab my phone before my spectacles, so i have to bring the phone rather close to my face to see clearly. As faceid dont work with the screen too close to my face, it's a weird experience because i cant see if faceid has unlocked my phone, so i just have to trust that it worked, but there are times when faceid failed
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Phone Junky

macrumors 68020
Oct 29, 2011
2) the bezel is huge (not the notch, i didnt notice that at all even when i just got the phone, mainly because the content in most apps start below the notch, so your focus is below the notch) most reviews say the bezel is fine unless you come from iphone XS, but i disagree. i have no problems with the top and bottom bezels. it's the size bezels. i placed it side by side with my iphone 5s and it's significant bigger. i understand the desire to have an uniform bezel all around, but i think it isnt such a great idea when your bezels are as thick as XR's. idk if it's technologically possible, but it will be great if apple could reduce side bezel, which will also reduces the width
You're honestly gonna complain about the side bezels being "significantly" bigger than a 5s? How about the fact that the screen is "significantly bigger"? :D


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
1) and 2) are down to personal preference. We can sit here all day to discuss whether the bezels are huge or not and whether it feels clunky or not.

3) yeah the paint will chip. Has been getting better since the 5 but it does chip. So does the Apple Watch. I’ve had two iPhone 7s, both chipped, the back of my Apple Watch is a mess.

4) This is sort of a “you” problem? I think you’ll do just fine if you grab your glasses before looking at your phone. When I was younger, we had a ROTARY PHONE at home. We had to ROTATE the DIAL 12 times to call people. We lived! I think you will, too.


macrumors 6502
Oct 8, 2010
4) faceid generally works well, but i do have a problem when i using my phone right after waking up. i usually grab my phone before my spectacles, so i have to bring the phone rather close to my face to see clearly. As faceid dont work with the screen too close to my face, it's a weird experience because i cant see if faceid has unlocked my phone, so i just have to trust that it worked, but there are times when faceid failed

Re: this item - maybe set up a second face, sans spectacles, and closer to you. Basically, recreate the conditions where FaceID has been struggling. Put yourself in whatever position you're typically in the first time you attempt to unlock the phone in the AM.


macrumors 603
Jul 7, 2010
Bay Area


macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
I always laugh about bezel size complaints when we all were using a phone with huge chins and foreheads just a few years ago. The bezels on the XR are significantly less compared to what we were using a few short years ago. I guess its a matter of how we see the glass...half empty or half full?


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
should went XS then. problem solved

also add a 2nd face in face id w/o ur glasses.
What he's describing has nothing to do with registering without glasses. He's breaking the minimum distance for the Face ID to detect the entire face. Why don't you bring your phone 2 inches from your face and find out.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2017
One more thing. The screen size is too big for “Zoomed View” and too small for “Standard View”


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
Re: this item - maybe set up a second face, sans spectacles, and closer to you. Basically, recreate the conditions where FaceID has been struggling. Put yourself in whatever position you're typically in the first time you attempt to unlock the phone in the AM.
Has anybody tried this? Unfortunately I’ve already used my ‘alternative appearance’ spot for logging in a second person.


Jul 12, 2016
2) the bezel is huge (not the notch, i didnt notice that at all even when i just got the phone, mainly because the content in most apps start below the notch, so your focus is below the notch) most reviews say the bezel is fine unless you come from iphone XS, but i disagree.

This makes no sense. How can the bezels be ‘huge’ coming from an iPhone 8 or lower, when the bezels are much more significant, and then Apple finally reduces the bezels to be less obtrusive, and now all of a sudden they are huge? It’s completely contradictory to say the bezels are huge, when in fact, they are _not_.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 12, 2016
"things nobody told you about the xr:

Well, 2 of them (the bezels and the size/weight) could have been ascertained by going into one of the thousands of phone shops and looking at it there.

Can't comment on the paint chipping.

For me, FaceID works very well so that one is either down to the user or a faulty phone.
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Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
The bezels are fine. I don't want a bezel right to the edge, because when you put a case on it, you will have trouble clicking on something on the edge, or moving an icon to the next panel over, etc...


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
I don’t even notice the bezels on my 8+ so the bezels on the XR are insignificant as far as I am concerned. Having played around with the XR I think it’s a great phone and personally I think it’s the best iPhone of the new bunch.

With the poorest screen...
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macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
Sure it is, on a spec sheet. In real life use? Nobody notices the difference.

You have been without AMOLED for over a decade. Apple finally got on the AMOLED bandwagon like 5 years after everyone else. You felt that LCD was fine all that time, now it isn't good enough? haha

I noticed the difference coming from a 7 plus. LCD was fine on the smaller iPhones but not on the XR.

So in short, no, it isn’t good enough. It’s a downgrade screen wise for me.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 13, 2016
Central Missouri
I have never had FaceID fail wlhether I have my glasses on or not. I set up without glasses, but it still work perfectly if I put my glasses on. The phone even unlocks if I leave it on the desk at tap it.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I noticed the difference coming from a 7 plus. LCD was fine on the smaller iPhones but not on the XR.

So in short, no, it isn’t good enough. It’s a downgrade screen wise for me.

I just came from a Galaxy S9+, which has a better screen than anything that Apple sells, and to be honest, the differences are so minimal that it's not worth worrying about. If you have them side by side, is there a difference? Yeah, maybe 5%... Is it worth $200-$400? Nope. That difference buys you a new Apple Watch 4. :)


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
I just came from a Galaxy S9+, which has a better screen than anything that Apple sells, and to be honest, the differences are so minimal that it's not worth worrying about. If you have them side by side, is there a difference? Yeah, maybe 5%... Is it worth $200-$400? Nope. That difference buys you a new Apple Watch 4. :)

5% difference?! Are you drunk?


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Also, games play smoother on the XR because the resolution is lower and so the fillrate requirements on the GPU are less, so you get higher frame rates. On screens so small, the differences between 1080p and 1440p are so minimal.... It makes a bigger difference on tablets and laptops and a huge difference on TV's, but on pocket size panels, the real life differences are negligible.

I mean, the larger Samsungs all ship with the settings at 1080p and most people don't know that they can even go in and bump it up to qHD and they are regarded as the best looking panels you can buy...

If it bothers you, spend the extra money on the XS/Max... I looked at them and can afford whatever I want, but in the end I just couldn't justify the additional cost for so little improvement...
5% difference?! Are you drunk?

As someone who has enjoyed AMOLED panels for many years before Apple even considered jumping on board, the differences are minimal at best. Certainly not worth the price difference, the hit on performance and battery life, etc...
[doublepost=1542727506][/doublepost]I will say that AMOLED panels vs other company's LCD panels, the difference is noticeable. But Apple does such a good job calibrating their LCD panels that the differences just aren't that huge... certainly not worth the $$ unless you are OCD or just like bragging rights based on a spec sheet...
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