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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
With the poorest screen...
It is pretty insignificant to be honest. Having recently compared an XS Max and the XR side by side I was unable to tell which screen was better. I couldn’t even see a clear difference when comparing to my 8+ and I was shocked if I’m honest. This is one of those occasions where the spec sheet seems irrelevant in real world observation and use.
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Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
It is pretty insignificant to be honest. Having recently compared an XS Max and the XR side by side I was unable to tell which screen was better. I couldn’t even see a clear difference when comparing to my 8+ and I was shocked if I’m honest. This is one of those occasions where the spec sheet seems irrelevant in real world observation and use.

With Apple, yes. Now, if you want to compare a Samsung AMOLED screen to an older LCD from another phone maker, yeah, there's a noticeable difference. But Apple has pretty much perfected LCD calibration, so the differences are... meh...

If the prices were comparable, sure, go for the LCD... but when there are several hundred dollars between them... I don't see the point.
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macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
It is pretty insignificant to be honest. Having recently compared an XS Max and the XR side by side I was unable to tell which screen was better. I couldn’t even see a clear difference when comparing to my 8+ and I was shocked if I’m honest. This is one of those occasions where the spec sheet seems irrelevant in real world observation and use.

Love is blind I guess.
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Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Love is blind I guess.

No, it's probably more of a case where we looked at the phones, handled them, saw how they looked and made a decision... If I see a benefit, I pay more money. Doesn't matter if it is a house, a truck or motorcycle, guns, tools, or a phone...

Spec sheets are important, to a point... If you see the benefit, more power to you. I came from the world of AMOLED phones being the norm... I have enjoyed them for many years, while you guys got them 5 years late to the party...

I sat there in the Apple store yesterday playing with both, and the Xs is too small, and for what they want with the Max... Just not worth it to me... It's hundreds more than a Note 9 or a Pixel 3XL and it's not even as good. It has a faster CPU and that's about it...

The new iPhones don't even take as good of pictures as last year's Pixel 2 series does, let alone the new ones...


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
With Apple, yes. Now, if you want to compare a Samsung AMOLED screen to an older LCD from another phone maker, yeah, there's a noticeable difference. But Apple has pretty much perfected LCD calibration, so the differences are... meh...

If the prices were comparable, sure, go for the LCD... but when there are several hundred dollars between them... I don't see the point.
I’ve always felt the X and XS were overpriced and for me having compared the screens recently I’m even more convinced the benefits of Apples OLED are minimal. The LCD on the XR felt as good as any screen they currently offer as far as I am concerned.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I’ve always felt the X and XS were overpriced and for me having compared the screens recently I’m even more convinced the benefits of Apples OLED are minimal. The LCD on the XR felt as good as any screen they currently offer as far as I am concerned.

Agreed... You have to be really OCD and nit-picky to tell the difference in the real world... and if you have to be that anal about it to even notice it, then it's not worth a $400 premium to me....

At the end of the day, I keep a phone for 6-12 months max... I am not paying $1300 for something that disposable, when the differences are so minimal...


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2014
The Hague
It is pretty insignificant to be honest. Having recently compared an XS Max and the XR side by side I was unable to tell which screen was better. I couldn’t even see a clear difference when comparing to my 8+ and I was shocked if I’m honest. This is one of those occasions where the spec sheet seems irrelevant in real world observation and use.

Sorry don't agree. I returned my Xr because of the screen. Loved everthing else about that phone, but screen clarity with text just isn't on par with the Plus phones. To me that was pretty obvious and I don't have the best eyes. I got a mint second hand 8 plus and am much happier with that because reading text is what I do most on my phone.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Sorry don't agree. I returned my Xr because of the screen. Loved everthing else about that phone, but screen clarity with text just isn't on par with the Plus phones. To me that was pretty obvious and I don't have the best eyes. I got a mint second hand 8 plus and am much happier with that because reading text is what I do most on my phone.

How is the 8+ possibly better? It's the same LCD technology. The XR is simply a higher def, so the font is a little smaller. All you have to do is increase the font size, and it will look exactly how it does on the 8+. I had the 8+, and to me it looks the same once you adjust the font size slightly...
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Sorry don't agree. I returned my Xr because of the screen. Loved everthing else about that phone, but screen clarity with text just isn't on par with the Plus phones. To me that was pretty obvious and I don't have the best eyes. I got a mint second hand 8 plus and am much happier with that because reading text is what I do most on my phone.
That’s fair enough, I have an 8+ and glad I got it this time around but I couldn’t tell the difference personally. For those of you that can it’s best to get what you feel is best otherwise you won’t get the product satisfaction you need spending a lot of money on a device.


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2014
The Hague
How is the 8+ possibly better? It's the same LCD technology. The XR is simply a higher def, so the font is a little smaller. All you have to do is increase the font size, and it will look exactly how it does on the 8+. I had the 8+, and to me it looks the same once you adjust the font size slightly...

I used zoomed display on the Xr but that doesn't negate the ppi difference. Text on the 8 plus to me is clearly crisper. I spend a lot of time comparing my wife's 7 plus screen to my Xr screen and there was no denying. 7 plus to me was much more pleasant for reading. So I returned the Xr and got a 8 plus. Much happier now and saved some serious cash in the process.
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Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
That’s fair enough, I have an 8+ and glad I got it this time around but I couldn’t tell the difference personally. For those of you that can it’s best to get what you feel is best otherwise you won’t get the product satisfaction you need spending a lot of money on a device.

My only issue with the 8+ was that it is massive, for such a small screen.
I used zoomed display on the Xr but that doesn't negate the ppi difference. Text on the 8 plus to me is clearly crisper. I spend a lot of time comparing my wife's 7 plus screen to my Xr screen and there was no denying. 7 plus to me was much pleasant for reading. So I returned the Xr and got a 8 plus. Much happier now and saved some serious cash in the process.

Not zoom... Going into the font settings and increasing the font size itself. Makes a huge difference.

The 7 and 8 are a lower resolution, so a given font size, say 10, is going to be larger and easier to read on the 7 and 8 than it is on an XR, because it will look smaller on the XR. But if you bump it up to a 12 or whatever, it will look the same.

Works the same as a computer monitory. When you are on a 1080p screen and used to how your fonts look on that, and then step up to a 1440p or 4k screen and don't adjust the font size, you need a magnifying glass to read it. haha


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2014
The Hague
My only issue with the 8+ was that it is massive, for such a small screen.

Not zoom... Going into the font settings and increasing the font size itself. Makes a huge difference.

The 7 and 8 are a lower resolution, so a given font size, say 10, is going to be larger and easier to read on the 7 and 8 than it is on an XR, because it will look smaller on the XR. But if you bump it up to a 12 or whatever, it will look the same.

Works the same as a computer monitory. When you are on a 1080p screen and used to how your fonts look on that, and then step up to a 1440p or 4k screen and don't adjust the font size, you need a magnifying glass to read it. haha

Didn't try that and it's too late now. The size of the plus was indeed the main reason why the choice was so hard, I loved the Xr size, but the dice is thrown and I'm sticking with the 8 plus.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Didn't try that and it's too late now. The size of the plus was indeed the main reason why the choice was so hard, I loved the Xr size, but the dice is thrown and I'm sticking with the 8 plus.

Just letting you know... It's something that I noticed right away, how small the font was... so when I went in to the settings, there is a slider to increase font size up and down, as well as making it bold.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
How is the 8+ possibly better? It's the same LCD technology. The XR is simply a higher def, so the font is a little smaller. All you have to do is increase the font size, and it will look exactly how it does on the 8+. I had the 8+, and to me it looks the same once you adjust the font size slightly...

Different PPI.


macrumors 68000
Aug 4, 2010
I having been using my XR for some time, and came from using iphone 7 (work) and 5s (personal). below are my experience about a few things that i think nobody talked about. i know the points are mostly negative, but this isnt a full review, so i dont mean to say that XR is a bad phone.

1) the phone feels clunky even when compared to other phablets like note 8. my brother has a note 8, which has almost the same weight and is technically thicker (8.6mm note 8 vs 8.3mm XR, but XR body is actually even thinner if we exclude the protruding camera). the note feels much better in my hands, probably because of the smaller width and the tapered infinity edge

2) the bezel is huge (not the notch, i didnt notice that at all even when i just got the phone, mainly because the content in most apps start below the notch, so your focus is below the notch) most reviews say the bezel is fine unless you come from iphone XS, but i disagree. i have no problems with the top and bottom bezels. it's the size bezels. i placed it side by side with my iphone 5s and it's significant bigger. i understand the desire to have an uniform bezel all around, but i think it isnt such a great idea when your bezels are as thick as XR's. idk if it's technologically possible, but it will be great if apple could reduce side bezel, which will also reduces the width (see point 1)

3) i got a black XR, and the paint on aluminium sides chipped on the first day. idk how easily they chip or if it's just the black, recall the iphone 7 jet black, but if you are worried, then get black, because i covered up the chip easily with a black marker. i thinking white with its silver sides is a good choice too. however, with a black XR, you can see the fine strands of dust very clearly

4) faceid generally works well, but i do have a problem when i using my phone right after waking up. i usually grab my phone before my spectacles, so i have to bring the phone rather close to my face to see clearly. As faceid dont work with the screen too close to my face, it's a weird experience because i cant see if faceid has unlocked my phone, so i just have to trust that it worked, but there are times when faceid failed

1) It’s personal preference. If you prefer the note. Buy the note. Why buy a phone you find clunky?

2) No. it’s not.

3) Blue Xr here. Bought day after launch. Still perfect. If you’re unhappy take it back and tell them you’re not happy.

4) FaceID works fine for me with or without glasses.

Why not just return it and buy a phone you like and enjoy having?


macrumors regular
Oct 15, 2018
I having been using my XR for some time, and came from using iphone 7 (work) and 5s (personal). below are my experience about a few things that i think nobody talked about. i know the points are mostly negative, but this isnt a full review, so i dont mean to say that XR is a bad phone.
2) the bezel is huge (not the notch, i didnt notice that at all even when i just got the phone, mainly because the content in most apps start below the notch, so your focus is below the notch) most reviews say the bezel is fine unless you come from iphone XS, but i disagree. i have no problems with the top and bottom bezels. it's the size bezels. i placed it side by side with my iphone 5s and it's significant bigger. i understand the desire to have an uniform bezel all around, but i think it isnt such a great idea when your bezels are as thick as XR's. idk if it's technologically possible, but it will be great if apple could reduce side bezel, which will also reduces the width (see point 1)
You're honestly gonna complain about the side bezels being "significantly" bigger than a 5s? How about the fact that the screen is "significantly bigger"? :D
View attachment 805235
Caspavio has a point about the bezels... it has been hard to get used to the side bezels being thicker, than my iPhone 6 and iPhone SE, while in landscape mode and watching a full screen video. In this orientation, the side bezels are actually on top and bottom and I keep thinking that I'm not fully zoomed in because the bezels look like letterbox black bars. But generally speaking, I agree the bezels are not a big of a deal. That said, if I had a say in the design process, I'd have suggested they make the side bezels as thin as the iPhone 6/SE and forgo the symmetry of the bezels all around so the overall phone width is a little less.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Different PPI.

The DPI is almost the same... 326 vs 324. Imperceptible to the human eye, no matter who you are.

The difference is the XR has much higher resolution, so the default font size and icons are smaller, making text and emails potentially harder to read. But as I pointed out, there is a slider to adjust that, under Settings>Display and Brightness>Text Size
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macrumors member
Apr 8, 2008
The DPI is almost the same... 326 vs 324. Imperceptible to the human eye, no matter who you are.

The difference is the XR has much higher resolution, so the default font size and icons are smaller, making text and emails potentially harder to read. But as I pointed out, there is a slider to adjust that, under Settings>Display and Brightness>Text Size

401 PPI on my 7 plus. The XR is a screen downgrade for me and something I noticed immediately.


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
401 PPI on my 7 plus. The XR is a screen downgrade for me and something I noticed immediately.

Well from that perspective, if screen DPI is so important to you, why aren't you with Android? They have had 400+ DPI phones for what, 5 or so years? Maybe 6.

I think part of my confusion is that things that as an Android fan, I used to argue with iPhone fans all the time... When I pointed out the higher DPI screens and AMOLED to them, they all told me that it was just specs, that it didn't really make a difference... When I talked about smaller bezels and larger screens, they laughed and said I was crazy to be concerned with "features that nobody wants or cares about"...

Until the moment Apple finally copies them, and then suddenly these are life and death critical features. Have to have larger screens, the highest DPI is a must, any bezel over 1mm is satan's work, etc... haha

My how things have changed... All the features and attributes that the other side has had for at least a half decade, that the Apple faithful claimed wasn't a big deal, is now the ONLY deal to them... ;-)

Anyway, I am enjoying the XR so far. I especially like some of the iOS enhancements, where you can now use other apps as default apps, you can use Google Maps with CarPlay, etc...

The settings menus are still an absolute mess. It's horrible, and looks like it is lifted straight out of 2007 and the original iPhone. While iOS is very polished, Android is still light years ahead with ease of use...

But overall, I like the phone. Coming off of a larger, qHD Super AMOLED screen with a 529 DPI rating, I find the XR more than adequate, and frankly I would need them side by side to really notice a difference. The AMOLED might pop the colors a tad more, but other than that... meh... Additionally, the Samsungs let you adjust the DPI to your liking, a cool option...
[doublepost=1542806245][/doublepost]Straight from Phil Schiller, Apple SVP:

[Engadget]It is true that most new Android phones, even low-end ones, feature 1920×1080 panels. Whilst the XR is technically inferior on that particular bullet point, nobody complained that the iPhone 8 was too low resolution last year, and of course there are many different factors that determine the quality of a smartphone screen. Customers who value higher-PPI panels can consider the iPhone 8 Plus, or the XS series.

Engadget quizzed Schiller for his opinion, and naturally he mostly dismissed the concerns. Given the iPhone XR still has a greater than 300 PPI display, the human eye is still unable to resolve individual pixels at normal viewing angles.

"At least with respect to the first point, Schiller believes this is a case of what’s on paper not doing justice to reality. “I think the only way to judge a display is to look at it,” he told me, adding that Apple calls these screens “retina displays” because your eye can’t discern individual pixels unless you press your face up right against the glass. “If you can’t see the pixels, at some point the numbers don’t mean anything. They’re fairly arbitrary.”"
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2018
This is the smartest thing Apple has done and probably what kept me in the fold... being able to use Google Maps and Waze on carPlay.

And the bezels... sigh, they really aren't a problem for me. Yes, it would be nice to have a wider screen to have more screen area... but the bezels themselves are not a problem.

Anyway, I am enjoying the XR so far. I especially like some of the iOS enhancements, where you can now use other apps as default apps, you can use Google Maps with CarPlay, etc...


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
This is the smartest thing Apple has done and probably what kept me in the fold... being able to use Google Maps and Waze on carPlay.

And the bezels... sigh, they really aren't a problem for me. Yes, it would be nice to have a wider screen to have more screen area... but the bezels themselves are not a problem.

I actually prefer a little bit of bezel, so that when you slap a case on it but need to be able to touch the edge of the screen, you can. It also helps prevent it from getting unwanted screen input when you are holding the phone.

The anti-bezel movement is yet another example of Apple putting form over function, a hallmark of theirs... For like 6 or 7 years, they have lagged behind the competition in regards to screen size and type, storage options, features, ease of use, customization, etc... Apple, if given a choice, almost always sacrifices functionality and features for some sort of aesthetic...

In their race to have face ID, so that they could get rid of the home button/finger scanner to eliminate the chin and go edge to edge, they had to create a huge notch that I think really takes away from the screen... I mean, while you might have to look at a bezel or chin, the screen is the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF A SMARTPHONE. Taking a bite out of it, seems silly to me. It throws off your movies and browsing, etc...

Can I live with it? Obviously, but I can still think it was a dumb move. LOL


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
This makes no sense. How can the bezels be ‘huge’ coming from an iPhone 8 or lower, when the bezels are much more significant, and then Apple finally reduces the bezels to be less obtrusive, and now all of a sudden they are huge? It’s completely contradictory to say the bezels are huge, when in fact, they are _not_.
And yet the forehead and chin on his brother's Note 8 are just fine. ;)


Dec 5, 2008
Atlanta, GA
And yet the forehead and chin on his brother's Note 8 are just fine. ;)

I will probably annoy some people when I say this... but I am just gonna say it...

Apple fans tend to give Apple a pass on just about anything. When Apple decides to not adopt industry standard features for 2, 3 and even 4 years, Apple fans say it's ok, that those things don't matter. And then Apple finally joins the party, and these same fans immediately shout about how innovative Apple is and how this is the best new thing ever... While Samsung fans who had those things 3 or 4 years ago, chuckle...

I think that same mentality is at work here... I don't think that anybody LIKES the notch. Some are bothered by it, others are simply resigned to it... But I think that some are using the bezel thing as justification for the notch, without just saying it...

To me, if it is an aesthetic, then saying that the phone "looks much better to the eye" with tiny bezels, isn't being honest if they have no problem with the notch. The screen doesn't look better with a part of it missing.

While most of us would love an edge to edge LED TV sitting on our wall, with clean elegant lines... would any of us buy one if there was a 2 inch by 16 inch(proportional to a smartphone screen) notch taken out of the top, cutting out part of the movie that we are watching?

Nope. Nobody would buy that TV. We would pick another brand with a small(but larger) bezel, but that gives us the entire screen to watch TV on.

"But Dave, what if that notch had lots of sensors for turning on your TV with gestures and things"...

Nope, dumb idea, still. If the purpose of the device is the screen, as that is what we consume, then taking away from that, for some feature that we don't really need, and that isn't really much of a benefit to us, takes away from the primary intent of that device.

The notch is form over function, even if it was done to accommodate a certain feature, like face id.
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macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
Nobody told me the battery is THIS INSANELY GOOD. I cant kill the thing in a day even if I tried(which I have). Still have a little juice left by midnight. Under my usual moderate usage I can easily get 1.5-2 days out of it. Surprised more people aren't talking about REAL WORLD use instead of silly specs. I came from a 6S and guess what people?!?!!? The screen looks every bit as good and better, battery is insane, face ID works good and the camera is jaw dropping compared to phones from a few years ago.

Apple didn't make the new iPhones for people coming from an 8 or an X. They made them for the millions of people like me who had an iPhone from 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago. Apple is now encouraging people keeping phones longer anyway. Get over it and move on. Im sorry Apple didn't give you all enough of a reason to upgrade from the iPhone X which is still an amazing phone too in 2018.
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