The problem is, your basis for disagreement is, for lack of a better term, stupid. Your whole stance is a GPS can do that which it cannot. You still never did provide me the model of this GPS of the future that can let you know about delays ahead of time before you even input your data, and let's you know that you need to leave early if there's a delay. I'm still waiting on you to give me that gps model...
I believe he said "Navigon", which is an app I also own -- in the present, and for some time now. Like many other GPS's, it can provide an ETA based on _current_ traffic data.
I believe his point, is that he is a big boy, and is capable, and in the good habit of, checking this for himself for appointments. Who knows ... he might actually wipe his butt all by himself too ...
Not saying this isn't a "neat" feature, but I think you missed his point of some poeples sense of it's importance in the overall scheme of things.
PS - I think people here are putting a bit too much weight on just how accurate traffic data can be "predicted". There are many ways that for that to go wrong.