I think the constant bantering is just a difference in philosophies. With iPhone fans, it is all about experience and ecosystems. That's generally what I hear.
With Android, it is about specs. But the Android "experience" is sorta like life itself. Your Android experience IS WHAT YOU MAKE OUT OF IT. Like life, it will never be perfect. You will have struggle and imperfect days. But you can have more control on what you make of it. There are obstacles, but once you reach a point where your comfort level on Android is higher than iOS, everything becomes second nature.
I think people who love iOS, NO PROBLEM! Get what you prefer and enjoy more. If you like getting controlled and spoonfed by Apple to get that constant, consistent experience, hope you have a bib with that.
There is nothing really wrong with either platforms. Just preferences like Mac vs PC, sports vs sports, etc.
I personally think iPhones are great devices overall. Even the more unattractive 6/6 Plus. But I'm just not in love with ecosystems and iOS anymore now that Android has improved in alot areas.