No. The post and quote I responded to was about Apple going after everyone. They aren't. This...
Of course pros "care" about what it looks like,
is a red herring. My reference " For the pros who... " is a subset of pros. This unqualified pros is a snare all pros while
many people lauded the previous Mac Pro design as having a beautiful case.
is again a subset.
However people generally NEED storage beyond an SSD boot drive.
There is nothing about this new Mac Pro that prohibits past a single boot drive. Even in the pictures availabe can see an outline for a SSD drive connector on the second card.
If Apple only offers this in all configurations as one and only one drive that would be weird even for Apple. The 2012 Mac mini and iMac both have two drives. It would not be hard to put it then into equivalence on drive count with the others in a BTO config ( just like the others go to 2 drives primarily in a BTO configs).
If just one very high priced , higher capacity SSD drive is the only internal capacity expansion option then yes this is likely a troubled product offering.
Having a boot SSD and a workings space SSD isn't all that weird though.
So you are spending more to hook up an expensive box via Thunderbolt
There is nothing in the 2012 design that necessitates that the bulk storage has to be Thunderbolt. Or that a Thunderbolt device is the storage device.
, and now your supposedly great looking desktop becomes a spaghetti mess of cabling.
Implicit presumption that the storage is actually on the desktop. It doesn't have to be.
What IS Apple's objective? It's almost like they don't have one aside from making the most different looking thing they can, function be damned.
If function is being a NAS box then yes not 100% aligned with function. Don't need two GPUs for a NAS box? Not hardly.
but the two workstation class GPUs is a huge clue as to what the objective is. It is leveraging those is a highly effective way.
Seriously, what was the goal? It's a completely weird machine. They could have made it much smaller still and included the ability to put in drives.
Weird ( relative to machines from 10-15 years ago ) doesn't mean it doesn't have a goal. It is far more likely the goal is optimized general target market realization 2-5 years from now rather than the general target market 10 years in the past.
Actually not much smaller if going to keep computational performance constant. The height of the three daughter cards and the RAM DIMMs pretty much drive that height. The fan drives the diameter. Hence cylinder. It is functional.
That is quite different from making standard SATA drive containers part of the requirements. If they were in then that would contribute. So obviously they are out so not a driver of the shape. If the intent is only is only the fastest storage internal then there any strong requirement driver for standard HDD containers.
Any kind of SATA 2.5" (let alone 3.5" ) storage would make it bigger not smaller. You could chuck computation chops for massively increased storage capacity, but what you would have is upper end NAS box. If anything this design presumes you already have something from the broad class that kind of device belongs to.
The design here approaches internal storage very much like a L3 cache on in a CPU design. There is no general purpose RAM in a CPU package either.